This is the Tenth of the Trials in the 17th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Justice
Monks and Paladins have a lot of healer options… but only amongst HOTM, Season 2 and Season 3 Legendary heroes, and Boldtusk’s Costume (other than Friar Tuck). Do you have any of those ultra-rare heroes or Boldtusk’s Costume for Trials of Justice? If not, did you find these Trials harder without healer options?
Monk Wilbur can really shine on Quests and Class Trials, where his combination of buffing and debuffing can help both survival and damage output. Do you have Wilbur, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Monk Wu Kong can turn even non-hitters into serious killers with heavy tile damage. Do you have Wu Kong, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Paladin Cyprian’s Perfect Riposte can be an effective strategy to killing multi-hitter and AoE Bosses like Richard and Justice. Do you have Cyprian, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Justice occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Justice Discussions
WOW. I was VERY lucky at the end for the bosses
I had 4 diamonds, I fired all my specials, and one of the diamonds was purple the other was red. It gave me lots of cascades and lots more purples, which killed Joon. Then I shot another diamond off and it finished the other 2.
No reset token.
I used 1 turtle banner, I always do on the very first wave when i have no tiles otherwise they soon quickly kill you without you realising lol
This trial is one of the easiest (of not the easiest for me). Prepared a few diamonds for the boss fight, activated Wilbur + Boldtusk + Wu Kong and the bosses where gone with only Richard doing the special.
Same team as last time. Heimdall+1, Richard+8, Wilbur+16, Sonya+20+c, Li Xiu+20+c.
Loaded Heimdall 2 times with 100% Mana just to kickstart LP. When the bosses showed up, all specials fired. Good board, no more items needed. Monk went down first, Richard second. Team is still pretty well in shape, when Justice leaves the field. Good they don’t bring a healer with them. Emblems will go to Telluria, once maxed and Joon and so does the trainer - Joon is now 4/41.
Went very well. I did end up dropping a couple of antidotes, healing, and even one or two mana potions (these are the single most valuable item for me at the moment, as I am seriously lacking in bones and midnight roots — even running AL2b constantly to try to make up for it, but just getting a lot of bear banners…).
Telluria gets paladin emblems, Joon gets the monks, Joon2 gets the trainer.
Could also have used sonya, but nothing to dispell… Wilbur and wu made it easy. Used 1 antidote and 1 bearbanner to clear debuffs and speed it up a bit.
Trainer to li xiu, emblems in store for when vip runs out and I have iron again
Last time, nearly everything went right, so I should have known this was coming. Got through the mobs OK; entered the boss wave with everyone charged. Fired all specials. Board was nothing special either way. The exact turn that Wilbur’s special wore off, Joon blasts Thorne, who isn’t covered by riposte. Figures. Then Justice hits Thorne with an attack. Well, gonna need some potions now. Nope, Richard hits Thorne and kills him all on the same turn! Well, a big middle finger to you, too, RNG. Already low on hitters, and I lose my best one early.
Went on through, using a bomb, a dragon, and a ton of healing potions. Finally got riposte up in time to get Justice on her third special. Not sure how I didn’t need more battle items. I guess finally getting some red tiles helped. Unless Joon shows up out of my TC 20, soon Leonidas gets the darts from next Shiloh, and we’ll see how much he can help here.
Enough monk emblems to get two talents for Wu. Not enough paladin emblems for Thorne. Trainer hero goes to Justice, because hey, it’s gotta go somewhere.
Boss Richard died early…hit hard on reposte, then Boss Joon chose Cyprian with reposte on, departed swiftly, then Cyprian became weak and before I could heal him, Justice slashed him off.
I just love trials with Paladin and Monk.
Wu Kong +6, Joon +4, Telluria +10, Wilbur +5, Santa +5.
First fired Santa, Tell and Joon for some direct damage (and minion wall), then went with Wilbur + Wu. Finished without items pretty easily (even though today Wu is missing more than ever. Not too much of a problem here, but suffered painfully in the war -.-")
Emblems in store for Telluria and Joon/Santa (it’ll be hard to choose). Trainer to Domitia.