πŸ”΅ Trials of Justice Guide – Classes, Bosses, Items & Links

Trials of Justice Guide

:beginner: Overview

Classes Bosses Monsters
Paladins & Monks Richard, Friar Tuck, Joon, Justice :fire: :new_moon_with_face:
Red/Fire & Purple/Dark

:spiral_calendar: Dates & Associated Threads

Next: [Dec 13, 2020] Trials of Justice

Last: [Nov 08, 2020] Trials of Justice

Click for History of Dates & Threads
Date Thread
2020-12-13T07:00:00Z [Dec 13, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-11-08T07:00:00Z [Nov 08, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-10-04T07:00:00Z [Oct 04, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-08-30T07:00:00Z [Aug 30, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-07-26T07:00:00Z [Jul 26, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-06-21T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Jun 21, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-05-17T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [May 17, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-04-12T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Apr 12, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-03-08T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Mar 8, 2020] Trials of Justice
2020-02-01T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Feb 2, 2020] Trials of Justice
2019-12-29T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Dec 29, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-11-24T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Nov 24, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-10-20T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Oct 20, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-09-15T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Sep 15, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-08-11T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [Aug 11, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-07-07T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [July 7, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-06-02T07:00:00Z :large_blue_circle: [June 2, 2019] Trials of Justice
2019-04-28T07:00:00Z [Apr 28, 2019] :large_blue_circle: Trials of Justice
2019-03-24T07:00:00Z [Mar 24, 2019] :large_blue_circle: Trials of Justice
2019-02-17T07:00:00Z [Feb 17, 2019] :large_blue_circle: Trials of Justice

:recycle: Class Trials Cycle Order

Trials of Justice is Tenth of the Ten Class Trials

Click for Class Trials Cycle Order
Trials Order
Strength 1
Fortitude 2
Mysticism 3
Serenity 4
Survival 5
Piety 6
Decimation 7
Nature 8
Shadows 9
Justice 10

:heart: Final Boss HP

Each Boss in Stage 3 has 4051 HP

:sweat: History: Increased Difficulty of the Final Stage

Click for Archive of Version 19 vs. Version 20+ Final Stage Difficulty

According to the Version 20 Release Notes, the Final Stage of Class Trials was made harder:

We’ve now been through a full cycle of the Trials since then, so we’ve seen those changes in action, particularly in Final Boss HP, where it’s most directly observable.

It’s also possible, however, that other adjustments were made to Defense or Attack, or to the monsters prior to the bosses.

Trials v19 HP v20 HP Increase
Strength 3907 4080 173
Fortitude 4195 4195 0
Mysticism 4051 4396 345
Serenity 3907 3907 0
Survival 3619 3907 288
Piety 4195 4195 0
Decimation 4051 4339 288
Nature 3763 4051 288
Shadows 3763 3907 144
Justice 3763 4051 288

:dart: Carpet Bombing/Item Nuking

For many players who can get through the monsters to the Final Bosses, but struggle to beat the Final Bosses, carpet bombing/item nuking the Bosses is a viable strategy.

Click for Guide to Carpet Bombing/Item Nuking for Trials of Justice

If you plan on carpet bombing/item nuking, focus on surviving until the Bosses, and don’t worry too much about counteracting them, particularly if you’re going for a full nuke them from orbit approach.
Use your item slots for your attack items, and any remaining slots for health.

Battle Item Damage Reference

Battle Item Forge Level Direct Damage Max DoT Max Total
:dragon_face: Dragon Attack 16 400 132 (requires playing 6 turns between each attack) 532
:bomb: Bomb 12 300 0 300
:hammer_and_pick: Axe 8 200 0 200
:bow_and_arrow: Arrow 4 100 0 100

Carpet Bombing/Item Nuking Strategies

Strategy Direct Damage Additional Damage Required for Stage 3 Bosses
:dragon_face: 5x + :bomb: 5x + :hammer_and_pick: 3x 4100 0
:dragon_face: 5x + :bomb: 5x + :bow_and_arrow: 5x 4000 51
:dragon_face: 5x + :bomb: 5x 3500 551
:dragon_face: 5x + :hammer_and_pick: 5x 3000 1051
:dragon_face: 5x + :bow_and_arrow: 2500 1551
:dragon_face: 5x 2000 2051
:bomb: 5x + :hammer_and_pick: 5x + :bow_and_arrow: 5x 3000 1051
:bomb: 5x + :hammer_and_pick: 5x 2500 1551
:bomb: 5x + :bow_and_arrow: 5x 2000 2051
:bomb: 5x 1500 2551
:hammer_and_pick: 5x + :bow_and_arrow: 5x 1500 2551
:hammer_and_pick: 5x 1000 3051
:bow_and_arrow: 5x 500 3551

:school_satchel: Recommended Items for Trials of Justice

Stage(s) Item Explanation
All Antidotes Richard in Stages 1 and 3 casts an attack debuff, Joon in Stages 2 and 3 casts Blind, and Justice in Stage 3 casts Blind β€” all of which can make Antidotes useful, particularly if you don’t have Monk Aeron to remove or prevent them.
All Health Pots The Monk and Paladin Classes are relatively light on traditional healers, which can make healing pots particularly smart to bring along.
All Time Stops Time Stops can be an effective, albeit resource-expensive, way of preventing Bosses from firing, and providing you more opportunities to manage the board to charge specials and do damage.

Be mindful that Dragon Bone can be difficult to come by to make this a sustainable approach.
All Banners Banners are always a good option for increasing defense and/or attack.
All Revive or Miracle Scrolls Revive or Miracle Scrolls can be an effective option if your team is on the weaker side, and the little extra boost will get your through.

Be mindful that Midnight Root, Orichalcum Nugget, and Meteor Fragments can be difficult to come by to make this a sustainable approach.

A helpful reminder from @Gryphonknight:

:world_map: Additional Guides

:cookie: @Mariamne’s excellent overview of the Trials of Justice

If you need it, @Mariamne’s full guide to the Trials and Hero Classes is here.

@madmarv’s Video Tutorial Using Classic 4* Heroes If Possible

Click for madmarv's Video Tutorial

@madmarv has been doing a video tutorial series for each Trial, attempting to use only classic 4* heroes if possible.

Hero Class Quest Tutorials using minimal items and ONLY 4-star Classic Heroes from Training Camps - #39 by madmarv


A post was merged into an existing topic: :large_blue_circle: [Aug 11, 2019] Trials of Justice Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!