This is the Tenth of the Trials in the 16th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Justice
Monks and Paladins have a lot of healer options… but only amongst HOTM, Season 2 and Season 3 Legendary heroes, and Boldtusk’s Costume (other than Friar Tuck). Do you have any of those ultra-rare heroes or Boldtusk’s Costume for Trials of Justice? If not, did you find these Trials harder without healer options?
Monk Wilbur can really shine on Quests and Class Trials, where his combination of buffing and debuffing can help both survival and damage output. Do you have Wilbur, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Monk Wu Kong can turn even non-hitters into serious killers with heavy tile damage. Do you have Wu Kong, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Paladin Cyprian’s Perfect Riposte can be an effective strategy to killing multi-hitter and AoE Bosses like Richard and Justice. Do you have Cyprian, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Justice occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Justice Discussions
The final battle I faced a really bad board (which was getting better as I was finishing the bosses) and Wu Kong caused a lot of misses. Anyway, it’s done.
Repeat of the last time:
Wilbur/telluria/tibertus (c)/cyprian/wu kong
Used one antidote and one bear banner to cleanse the blind and richards attack down. Telluria kept everyone at full health. One of the easier challenges for me, with wu and Wilbur ensuring massive damage.
It was a cakewalk. No 5 stars needed honestly. Just make sure you have some purple, Wu Kong ready and kill Joon with tiles. Then Cyprian on riposte and then Justice and Richard suicide. And I brought 2 costume Boldtusk to have some heals to work with riposte.
I only now realized how often I use my Monks as their other selves… had to equip a ton of costumes here…
Monk Boldtusk for the heal (I prefer the greater attack boost from normal Boldy as my Reds are mainly all about attack)
Paladin Tibs to soften the enemy up, (I usually run Purple mono with Seshat and Sartana sniping, so his normal form’s more targeted damage is generally more useful for me)
Monk Joon to hit really hard (I prefer the Fighter talent generally esp. as Joon is on my defense)
Monk Li Xiu (recently switched her to Rogue and liked it, so there)
Cyprian to soften the enemy up with riposte
only other choice was dispelling Sonya, and as there is nothing to dispel…
Benched: Aegir, Aeron, Valeria, Rana. Thankfully, monk Boldy is here to provide healing! And arguably the better choice over Aegir, as Aegir’s defense boost reduces effectiveness of Cyprian’s riposte
used a couple mana potions for emergency BT heals (and to activate Cyp’s riposte before Justice hit)! Joon impaled himself on the riposte and Justice and Richard hurt herself themselves pretty bad too! Antidotes to cure Justice’s blind and Richard’s attack debuff to make my tiles hit true…
Over without too much trouble. I gotta admit, recent showing from Cyprian and Elena have made me appreciate riposte heroes a lot more.
Monk emblems in the bank for Joon to go to +6; not sure what to do with the Paladin ones but probably for Aegir to go to +8 (one Sonya’s already +20, while Cyprian works fine at +3…) Yellow trainer to Kvasir
Used 3 small mana and an antidote and went with a diamond powered board into the boss wave. Mist #2 ate the trainer, the emblems were stocked. No reset token.
Took this not the ideal team with a dispel and riposte and Wilbur but all i got. Used items all health 1 dragon 2 bomb. No purple tiles was coming which I kinda needed but scraped though it.