It’s time for Trials of Mysticism!
This is the 3rd of the Trials in the 3rd Cycle!
NOTE: The Trial officially starts at 07:00 GMT. This post is scheduled to go live earlier at 06:20 GMT.
If you do not see the Class Trial in Quests as of 07:00 GMT, force quitting and reopening the app or restarting your device will usually work.
Trials of Mysticism allows Wizards and Sorcerers
The bosses are Ulmer, Skittleskull, Balthazar, and Quintus
Monsters are red/fire and purple/dark
Increased Difficulty of the Final Stage
According to the Version 20 Release Notes, the Final Stage of Class Trials is now harder:
We definitely saw that in action in Trials of Justice, Shadows, and Strength — but it was not so apparent in Trials of Fortitude, where the HP of the Final Bosses remained the same.
It’s possible, however, that other adjustments were made to Defense or Attack, or to the monsters prior to the bosses.
If it is harder, the big question is: How much harder?
Trials of Mysticism previously had 4051 HP per Final Boss.
That originally put it at one of the higher HP Trials from the original set — and that’s now been increased to 4396, making it the highest Boss HP we’ve seen so far.
Did you notice any change in difficulty for the Final Stage?
- YES! It was much harder
- Yes, it was a little harder
- Yes…I think…maybe it was a little harder? Didn’t really seem any different.
- No, I don’t think I noticed a difference
Final Boss HP
Version 19: Each boss in Stage 3 had 4051 HP
Version 20: Each boss in Stage 3 has 4396 HP
Trials of Mysticism was originally one of the highest HP sets of bosses at 4051.
Despite the high HP, without a healer amongst the Bosses, both attacks without heavy items, and carpet bombing/item nuking worked effectively.
With a 345 HP increase, it’s also the largest HP increase we’ve seen so far.
For comparison, Trials of Strength bosses each increased by 173 HP, and Trials of Justice each increased by 288 HP.
Carpet bombing will still be viable, but may require some additional items or non-item damage, depending on what heroes you bring, and the damage you can do with special skills at the start of the final battle.
@Mariamne’s excellent overview of the Trials of Fortitude:
If you need it, @Mariamne’s full guide to the Trials and Hero Classes is here .
@madmarv has also been doing a video tutorial series for each Trial, attempting to use only classic 4* heroes if possible.
NOTE: @madmarv is planning to create new video guides for the updated Class Trial difficulty as of the V20 release.
How did you do last time on Trials of Mysticism?
- Last time I beat all 3 stages
- Last time I beat just the first 2 stages
- Last time I beat just the first stage
- Last time I wasn’t playing yet, or was unable to beat any stages
- Last time…I’m not sure, they’re all a blur
How did you do this time on Trials of Mysticism?
- This time I beat all 3 stages
- This time I beat just the first 2 stages
- This time I beat just the first stage
- This time I couldn’t beat any of the stages
Did you need to use a lot of items this time on Trials of Mysticism?
(hat tip to @JAWS_3D for this question)
- Yeah, I nuked the bosses from space. Ripley would approve.
- I used some items to finish off the bosses, but it wasn’t the full arsenal
- I used support items like mana, banners, healing, and maybe a battle item or two, but nothing too crazy
- I just used some minor items, like healing, mana, or antidotes
- I didn’t use any items
A helpful reminder from @Gryphonknight:
Questions & Strategy
Did you notice any change in difficulty from last time?
Did your team change notably since last time?
What items did you use, if any?
Ulmer and Skittleskull both debuff your whole team, for defense and attack, respectively. How did you deal with that? Some possible options are using Proteus to prevent them firing, using antidotes to remove the debuffs, or using Kiril to overwrite the debuffs with buffs. Did you use any of those approaches, or perhaps others?
Unlike some class combinations, Wizards and Sorcerers offer some healers to choose from. Do you have any available, and did you bring any on your team?
Proteus truly shines on Quests in general. Do you have him, and if so, did you bring him along for these Trials?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Mysticism occurred: