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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Mysticism
Ulmer and Skittleskull both debuff your whole team, for defense and attack, respectively. How did you deal with that? Some possible options are using Proteus to prevent them firing, using antidotes to remove the debuffs, or using Kiril to overwrite the debuffs with buffs. Did you use any of those approaches, or perhaps others?
Unlike some class combinations, Wizards and Sorcerers offer some healers to choose from. Do you have any available, and did you bring any on your team?
Proteus truly shines on Quests in general. Do you have him, and if so, did you bring him along for these Trials?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Mysticism occurred:
My team was Kiril+2, Guinevere+2,Sabina+8,Proteus4/35, and Rasselkopp+7 (don"t recall the English name). Used some dragon storm and 1 role of wonders when the bosses killed Proteus with normal hits. Proteus was the match winner together with Guinevere’s mana deduction. The constant healing of 3 healers helped to slowly demoralise the bosses. Dragon Storm killed Ulmer and Balthasar wit DoT, just before they were about to fire, with nothing from my side to set against. Emblems will be stocked for Quintus, go to Kiril, who also makes a great appearance in the Morlovia trials. The 3* trainer either to Proteus or Seshat.
Switched out Skittles 3/60 for Anzogh 4/22, I think that was a good decision, as Skittles is not maxed and too squishy. Anzogh added some good damage to the waves, on the bosses he was more mediocre, I think their defense is too high. But I guess Skittles wouldn’t have added more damage than he has.
Same team as last time, only a few more talents: Kiril - Sartana+9 - Sabina+20 - Quintus 3.70 - Skittleskull
I still don’t have a full maxed team, which makes this one of the hardest trials for me. So now I finally gave in and ascendded Quintus. Sill got enough tabard is any other purple shows up. 4* trainer from the halloween quest will come in handy.
Anyway. Emblems go to Sartana and Jahangir. Trainer goes to Quintus
Pretty easy trials for me because of three healers and Proteus. Used some mana pots to fire Proteus. Emblems will go to Cheshire Cat and Proteus once I have enough for their next nodes. Trainer hero and reset emblem hoarded.
My team last time was: Balthazar (maxed) - Sabina (3/54) - Jahangir (1/22) - Kashrek (3/22) - Ulmer (2/21)
Since then I was lucky to pull Quintus and Ameonna, though I hardly level them up at all.
So my team this time was:
Balthazar (maxed) - Sabina (3/60) - Quintus (1/8) - Kashrek (3/29) - Ameonna (1/9)
I beat the first stage but was slaughtered in the second. I didn’t feel like using items because I’m not really excited about giving items to any of these heroes.
I recently pulled a Kiril who I’m more excited about but he’s still 1/1.
After gathering dust for a long time, I decided to put Kashhrek in for unmaxed Skittles skulls, since she dies so quickly from slash damage., I was amazed at Kash performance.
Although, the bosses were mana stasis, yet repeated slash attacks clipped off Hel first and then Sabina , didn’t bother to waste healing potions on them since the bosses were also dying of tile damage.
My team was sonya,mitsuko,guin,ladylocke, and onatel.
Was always at least three opponents so lead out with onatel to slow mana and lady locke to start dot. focused on ulmer till close to charge and used mitsuko to reflect his special then used guin to control mana. Was pretty easy only used one health pot. Double yellow helped with gem damage from the other 2 and lady Locke special just kept ticking
I only did the first stage atm, but I plan on doing the second stage once my WE replenishes.
Did the second stage on my main and got enough emblems to ascend Proteus to +7. Which puts my main team at the 3600 mark which I am very happy about.
Alright, did the second stage on my alt. Had to use all my items and spend 75 gems but I made it through. Didn’t have enough hitters to be able to do anything though.
No issues getting to the bosses with everyone full on mana, with three diamonds to boot. Same strategy as last time, lock down Balt and Quint and let Ulmer suicide on Mitsuko’s reflect. I used bombs for the debuff, to help keep Proteus alive.
Even with the diamonds, I felt like I was running out of tiles most of this match. Balthazar dropped first, which broke my strategy, since Proteus and Onatel can’t help but affect them both.
I was so psyched to pull Quintus from TC20 because my Sorcerer depth suuuucked and he’s the only TC20 hero in this group. Screw the reviews about him, I power leveled him hard and threw him right into the fire…and the fire burned him right up lol. Do I regret using tabards on him? Nope. Do I use him a bunch? Yup. But did he make my Trials team notably better? Questionable.
So close but I was left with all yellow and green tiles on the board. Fire a couple off the sides and hope I get better tiles and don’t trigger another Quintus special? Or just use the bomb? I used the bomb lol. Still pretty happy here.
Ran with Sabina, Mitsuko, Kash, Kiril, Hel.
Considered using proteus in place of Sabina but it turns out she care in more handy.
Trainer is bunking down in the dungeon for now. Emblems are waiting.
Kash surprised me too @Oliz. He held himself and his flanks up quite well.
As you probably can tell this team worked out immensely better than the last. I was really happy to get another color in there. The 4 purples vs purples really had me struggling the last time. I used arrows and axes plus healing and mana pots. Proteus will get the trainer, he’s so close to max. I’m going to get Ameonna to +20. I’m determined. Haven’t assigned wizard emblems. Did get a reset emblem!