[Mar 20, 2019] 🔵 Trials of Shadows Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

It’s time for Trials of Shadows!

NOTE: The Trial officially starts at 07:00 GMT. This post is scheduled to go live earlier at 06:45 GMT.

If you do not see the Class Trial in Quests as of the start time, force quitting and reopening the app or restarting your device will usually work.

Increased Difficulty of the Final Stage

According to the Version 20 Release Notes, the Final Stage is now harder:

The big question is:

How much harder?

Did you notice any change in difficulty for the Final Stage?

  • I have Version 20, and YES! It was much harder
  • I have Version 20, and yes, it was a little harder
  • I have Version 20, and yes…I think…maybe it was a little harder? Didn’t really seem any different.
  • I have Version 20, and no, I don’t think I noticed a difference
  • I don’t have Version 20 yet, but I think it seemed harder
  • No, I don’t have Version 20 yet
0 voters

This thread is for sharing and discussing your teams and results. :slight_smile:

You may also be interested in this older thread from the first time Trials of Shadows occurred:


  • Trials of Shadows allows Rogues and Sorcerers

  • The bosses are Scarlett, Quintus, Skittleskull, and Domitia

  • Monsters are red/fire and purple/dark

Final Boss HP

Each boss in Stage 3 has 3763 HP

NOTE: It’s possible this may have changed in V20. Please take a screenshot of the Boss HP in the Final Stage and post it below!

PRESUMING THE BOSS HP HASN’T CHANGED… this is one of the lower-HP sets of bosses, which makes carpet bombing/item nuking very practical if needed, particularly without a healer amongst them.


If you need it, @Mariamne’s full guide to the Trials and Hero Classes is here .

@madmarv has also created a video tutorial series for each Trial.

NOTE: @madmarv is planning to create new video guides for the updated Class Trial difficulty as of the V20 release.


How did you do last time on Trials of Shadows?

  • Last time I beat all 3 stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 2 stages
  • Last time I beat just the first stage
  • Last time I wasn’t playing yet, or was unable to beat any stages
  • Last time…I’m not sure, they’re all a blur
0 voters

How did you do this time on Trials of Shadows?

  • This time I beat all 3 stages
  • This time I beat just the first 2 stages
  • This time I beat just the first stage
  • This time I couldn’t beat any of the stages
0 voters

Did you need to use a lot of items this time on Trials of Shadows?

(hat tip to @JAWS_3D for this question)

  • Yeah, I nuked the bosses from space. Ripley would approve.
  • I used some items to finish off the bosses, but it wasn’t the full arsenal
  • I used support items like mana, banners, healing, and maybe a battle item or two, but nothing too crazy
  • I just used some healing and/or mana pots
  • I didn’t use any items
0 voters

Share Your Team & Results!

Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Presuming you have Version 20, did you notice any change in difficulty from last time?

  • Did your team change notably since last time?

  • What items did you use, if any?

  • Sabina is the only true healer available for this Trial, since Rumpelstiltskin only heals by chance. Do you have Sabina? Did you bring her along?

  • What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?

  • Anything else interesting to share?

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If I have not yet upgrade my app, will I play the old version of this trials?

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I assume so, just like the rebalanced heroes don’t change until you upgrade — but I’m not 100% positive, so I’m asking people with Version 19 to keep an eye out too, just in case. :slight_smile:

I personally am still on Version 19. The iOS upgrades tend to come later than the Android ones.

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Last time I have 2 Scarlett at 1^01 and skittle at 2^01 I think.

It was too hard last time, now I see good chance. I also pull Sabina but she is at 1^01 now soo I prefer Ameonna.
I really need this emblems for Marjana


Oops, I forgot that I’m still on v19 so there’s no increase in difficulty when I started the last level of the quest. I don’t know when I’ll get v20 so I decided to finish it rather than flee and waste 20 WE flags.

I’ll record the Saturday quest and see if the difficulty is that much higher.


My team last time

My team this time

I had the same debate and thought process as last time, and decided to go the same route again:

My team for this one is considerably less changed than some of the previous Trials, where I’ve had complete swaps of a hero in some cases.

For this team, the biggest differences are Thoth-Amun’s considerable progress from 3-6 (yes, 6, not 60) to 4-65, and Scarlett going from +3 to +6.

I’ve also made some investments in my troops since last time around, including my 3* fire and holy troops, since I still lack 4* ones after nearly 9 months of playing.

The Battle

This one was pretty easy, on the whole.

I used no items at all for the first two stages, and only antidotes and minor healing on the last stage.

Antidotes are hugely useful for removing the attack debuff from Scarlett and Skittles — I definitely recommend them.

I also had to use my minor healing to make it through a fairly long drag of the boss fight where I seemed to be getting endless yellow tiles, and couldn’t charge Sabina for a bit.

For next time, I think I’ll bring the attack items again just in case the difficulty increase is big, but if I don’t need them again, I’d like to swap in minor mana and perhaps arrows as better options for managing a slow board than just popping healing pots.

Shiny new emblems

Scarlett goes to +7, bringing her Evade up to 12% — which is notably high enough that I expect it to make more difference in usage now.

For the Sorcerer Emblems, they join the pile awaiting Thoth-Amun hitting max.




GMT-5, still no V20…

Double reds helped me smoke Skittleskull real fast, then between Mitsuko’s mana reduction and Peters’ silencing skill, it was fairly easy to keep Domitia and Scarlett locked down. I lost Jackal in the end and very nearly lost Scarlett, but I made it through without using any items! :slightly_smiling_face:


Changes to last time: Replaced my fully trained Gill-Ra with Scarlett. Certainly a good decision since red is the better colour here and atk debuff helped a lot.
Also had to adjust items, since I didn’t have a cleanser anymore. So I kicked out the small mana& heath pots and used normal mana and bear banners.
Probs should have brought antidotes as well, since I ran out of banners half way through.
I’m saving my rouge emblems for Scarlett. Danza freezed to often, so he doesn’t deserve any.
I don’t have the new version yet, but hopefully I can train my team enough for next time.

Next trial is paladin-monk? I have Aegir, so if the new version comes out, my team will be a lot stronger than last time and have a decent healer. I hope that’s enough to beat the harder difficulty


Version 19 - No change observed

Sadly… zero improvement… I still use 2* Sharkoot for his attack buff. I have other 3* but the element of the mobs (fire/dark) deter me from using nature/purple 3*

Used items: 8 healing potions, 4 axes, 4 bombs, 4 dragon attacks.

She is my only 4* in these classes, I need her healing so I bring her even if half of the mobs’s element are dark.

I will try to max Sabina within 5 weeks and put the emblems on her in preparation for the next trials which will be harder.


It is indeed (Trials of Justice), and good point about Aegir!

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Done by many items
Marjana is now on 2 stage :grin:


Last time Majana was 3/70
Musashi has replaced Dawa
Sabina only had 2 tokens


Congrats on maxing her!

Quite the replacement. :wink:


So, this time, I have Sabina +4; Greymane 3/50 (special 7/8); Carver 3/41; Marjana 2/19; Kelile 3/10.

Marjana and Kelile are new (last time, I had Dawa 1/1 and Gill-Ra 1/9 or so). I did the first two levels with the team named, but the second was very “nail-bitey” — several heals, a couple of mana potions, one or two axes to get through. 3-star blue trainer received.

If I do the third stage, I should probably replace Carver with Gill-Ra (who is now 3/50). Carver’s mana control realistically only slows the attack by one turn, and a long-term defense down would likely be more useful.

Version 20 hasn’t yet appeared in my Google Play.

I couldn’t imagine doing this one without Sabina — charging her gives a heal all, better than any that I could get from potions.

Once my world energy builds up again, I’ll need to steel myself to go in with the carpet-bombs. This could be the last time that that’s a viable strategy, if it really gets a lot more difficult…

UPDATE: I updated to version 20 before doing the final trial. The bosses have 3907 hitpoints, which means that 5 dragons and 5 bombs had them to 200 and change, and not bad to take out. Forgot to switch Gill-Ra for Carver, still succeeded. Used 5 full-mana potions to get to stage five, charging Sabina whenever Carver or Kelile (and once herself) was about to die.

Team last time. Apparently i read the previous post about the trials, but i never posted my own. Which i find odd?

Team this time

I had saved greymane to have a blue for these things, but leveling him has not happened. I got Alice instead so I’m not upset. I’ll have to peek around at the next sorcerer trial to see if he will be useful for that one. I think he will make a tasty snack for Magni…i suppose he could have a use in this weekly raid thing though?

I did it. :slight_smile:

Not on version 20 yet! I really do think your troops have a lot to do with passing these levels. When you have stronger troops it’s easier to do.

Edit, i guess i didn’t realize that the second complete cycle was almost done!
The first pairing of sorcerer is with wizards. Meaning I’ll hold into greymane until version 20 rolls out completely and see if he is going to be any use to hold onto for that. Otherwise, I see no point in leveling him still as i have plenty of other hungry ice heroes and see no use for him still in my deck.


I used this team and didnt need battle items. Everyone was close to full health at the end. I got the 3* trainer which was great but I didnt think it was difficult.


? 3* trainer? As a reward?

3* trainer, which mean you play on v20 already, did you manage to get a glimpse of how much harder it is compared to the last version? Did the bosses have more hp?


Oh! That’s pretty awesome!