This is the Ninth of the Trials in the 11th Cycle!
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Shadows
Sabina, Lady of the Lake, Costumed Vivica, and Costumed Hawkmoon are the only true healers available for this Trial, since Rumpelstiltskin only heals by chance. Do you have Sabina or Lady of the Lake, or the Costumes for Vivica or Hawkmoon? Did you bring any of them along?
How did you deal with Boss Scarlett and Skittleskull’s attack debuffs? Some possible options include Antidotes, using Rogue Khiona to overwrite the debuffs, using Sorcerer Mitsuko for mana control, using Sorcerer Ameonna to shed to status effects on herself, using Rogues Inari or Margaret to dodge the specials, using Rogue Peters to silence, or using Rogue Costumed Tyrum to clear the ailments.
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Shadows occurred:
Skittles 3/60 or Ursena 2/11? That trial is a PITA for me. Last time I went with Skittles and Gill-Ra. Now I have Danza short before max, so he is set.
Team as last time, maybe slightly stronger. Domitia+7, Kelile+9, Sabina+18, Skittleskull+8, Marjana3/70.
Used 2 Dragon Storm and 2 times Titanshield to cover my healer in the middle, went fairly well, lost Marjana on the way, but decided not to revive her. Emblems went to Sabina now +19 and a real killer for a 4* healer with 749 attack. Kelile will get the rogue emblems as I like to make my 4* stronger - 5* far too expensive! The blue trainer was fed to Miki, now on 4/78.
This used to be my weakest Trial, because I couldn’t even field a full roster of maxed 4*s, but thanks to some fortuitous pulls and steady leveling, I fielded Sabina+19, Skittleskull (new), Guardian Jackal (new), Scarlett+19, and Kelile+5.
Skittles and Jackal replaced my 3/40 Marjana and 3/70 Domitia, giving me a much better color balance that made me less susceptible to the RNG. I was able to get through the boss battle with just 4 Super Mana Potions (all for Sabina) and didn’t have to nuke them from orbit, like I did last time.
I’ll probably emblem Skittles and Kelile. Blue 3* trainer hero will be fed to Vela, currently at 2/45.
Swapped out Danzaburo for costumed Li Xiu this time for more predictable behavior and the battle was much easier than previous. Payed more attention to using antidotes this time when needed, Sabina is now emblemed up too, so that played a factor. Last time battle strayed into the 10 minute range, this time closer to 4-5 minutes.
Ooooookay. Last time I didn’t upload a picture or anything, Christmas holidays but my team was something like this, maybe Kelile was finally maxed, but I don’t really remember
This is the last trial where I still had to rely on a 3* hero - Gill-Ra. Useful against Skittles and Scarlett, but very squishy.
As I posted above, my roster isn’t that good with maxed out Rogues and Sorcerers. Or Rogues at all Ursena will follow the path to max, but that will take a while. But I have Danza almost maxed and his color is a better addition than Skittles. So I decided to go 2-2-1 for some power in purple - I switched Ursena in and left Skittles on the bench.
Went good with Danza, but he freezed at the boss stage -.- so I decided to nuke them a bit again. 4 arrows, 1 dragon and 1 bomb left…Ursena is not the best choice, but stable enough to do some damage and to add to purple tile damage against the purple monsters…
Rogue emblems go to Danza/are stocked (282 in inventory)
Sorcerer emblems stocked for Sabina#2 (almost maxed, she’ll go to +4) and Ursena (419 in inventory)
Same team
Last time Maj was +7
I actually enjoyed this one, had to revive, bad timing coz after that the board was epic
Took out the Rouge Scarlet first
Autoplayed first couple of stages and the minions on the third stage. I used a few items facing the bosses as both Scarlett & Skittles got off a few specials, and some didn’t dodge fast enough. Inari was my MVP.
Jackal didn’t miss and I actually used mana pots to strategically time Inari’s special. Dom was the first to die as yellow tiles lined up nicely in the middle of the board.
Scarlett and Kelilie tag-teamed well to chip away at Skittles and with Jackal firing too, battle was over quickly.
Trainer will go to Vela. Emblems - well I need to build up my iron stores first, so into my inventory they go for now.
Jackal was finally class quest ready. And I decided to pair him with Danza. Danza was so happy to see him that he fired the swords twice and no snowflake. Costumed Hawkmoon is the best decision SGG had made on the 3 star costumes. The costume made Hawkmoon a 1000x better. I love pairing her with a regular healer from time to time as when the regular healer casts, I can cast Hawkmoon right after to clean up any residual health. The sorcerer emblems are being stored, and the rogue emblems are being saved for Kelile’s 18th node and after that, Jackal (who is going all the way to +20 I might add).
Well as I mentioned earlier, I did end up pairing costumed Hawkmoon with Sabina on this profile. Little lacking in the hitters but the attack boost helped greatly with tile damage from Scarlett and Hawkmoon combined. Apparently Danza on my 2nd alt was so happy for my Danza on my main he fired only one sword and one mana and defense boost. No snowflake at all. Sorcerer emblems are being stored for now, rogue emblems are going to Scarlett.
It feels weird and wrong to say this, but I can’t wait to get a Tony Danza levelled for this. Anyway, a good enough crew for now. Relatively minimal item usage, and boss rogues didn’t evade that much, so piece of cake for me.
I killed the yard trash too quickly, and wasn’t ready when I got to the bosses. Then, I had a big cascade without the benefit of Isarnia’s def down. Aces.
Scarlett went down on tiles, but not before she and Dom retired Sabina and Khiona. I used a bear banner to flip Skittles’s debuff. Tiles and Mitsuko finished the last two.
Trainer goes to Vela, emblems to Mitsuko and Khiona.
Though minor difference : last time Marjana was 4/76, now +5., not that this made much significant impact but then it helps to have one sturdy hero in the team that won’t get one shot by Boss lady Domitia.
This is one trial where, if I don’t use item, I will be sacrificing some team members like Danza due to his freezing skill,…Scarlett. G.jackal.
Initially, the battle went on smoothly until Dom and boss Scarlett started to proc dodges…
To keep the squishy bunch alive, I had to use minor mana pots on Sabina to help with healing in addition to the healing pots, since the board was not so good almost through the battle, and Danza froze when it matters most, proc only 1 sword. G.jackal 2 is coming up for his replacement.
Items used : 1 arrow set, 10 healing pots, 2 antidotes pots, and 10 minor mana pots; a far cry from the last time when no item was used though at the expense of 3 heroes.
Rogue emblems would go to Marjana eventually, sorcerers’ banked, trainer goes to Richard.
This was my team. Didn’t need any items. Lady Locke works a treat in cleansing the attack downs and providing a hefty dot. Emblems go to Sabina, and stored for Domitia