As with the first time around in this Trial, I had a pretty easy time killing Boril and Horghall, but just couldn’t take out Vivica with my merry band of Clerics and Druids who aren’t really into hitting things.
I killed Boril first, with mostly tile damage, and some shots from Gadeirus.
Melendor makes it easy to clear his Riposte, and with Rigard and Vivica along, there’s no rush to use his special just for healing, so he can stay charged up for an appropriate moment.
Horghall was also easy to kill on my Boril’s Riposte. I just tossed some tiles to set him off each time Boril was charged and fired, and he died unceremoniosly after a few rounds of that. Rigard made clearing the attack debuff easy.
I managed, through a fair bit of effort, to get Vivica about halfway dead. But the mix of my growing impatience and inevitability of the board dumping stray tiles into her and charging her too fast undid my work.
In retrospect, I should have just nuked her then and saved a few items.
The only way I managed to get as far as I did was careful use of ghosting, and Melendor to clear her defense buff.
But with only Rigard as “strong” attack (sure he’s purple, but his attack stat is lacking), a 3-60 Gadeirus in the mix, and Boril (who also doesn’t have much for attack), it’s just not very feasible to consistently do damage faster than she heals.
In the end, I tossed 5 Dragon Attacks, 4 Bombs, and 2 Axes at her and called it a day.

After last time around I thought about bringing Brienne instead of Gadeirus for this time. That might still be the right choice to try.
I certainly had little trouble keeping everyone alive with so much healing — and I’ve been leveling Vivica up, so by the next time this Trial rolls around, healing will be even less of a concern.
I will say, it’s fun to see Melendor sprout a Thorn Minion from time to time. And the emblems from Stage 2 unlocked his second Talent percentage upgrade, so now they have a paltry 6% chance instead of a measly 3% chance.