πŸ“Œ Boolz Guide - OneClick > QuickInfo

Hello there! and Welcome! :slight_smile: :wave:

This is my personal guide (please see footnotes)

1. for daily `chests`
2. for longwaited `quests`

1* Strength|4* Serenity|7* Decimation|10* Justice|
|2* Fortitude|5* Survival|8* Nature|Dates 2019~jpg|
|3* Mysticism|6* Piety|9* Shadows||

| Rare | Quest Calendar~xls|
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
|1* Mount Umber|4/7* Farholme Pass T/D|
|2* Shrikewood|5* Shiloh Desert|
|3* Frostmarch|6* Morlovia|

3. topics for `rewards` and brag
4. for my `bookmarks`

|Crew Family~recruit topic| Missions| Heroes|
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
|The E&P Bible~xls OutDated| S2 avatars~post| HOTMs~post|
|Troops~post| S2 gems~post| Roster~topic|
| XP per level requirements~topic| |S2 Families~jpg|
| Formatting posts~topic||Heroes Xp value and leveling~topic||
|Helpful Infographics~topic||Status Effects - Buffs and Ailments~topic||
|Titans & Harpoons Calculator~xls|||||
|Hero Xp Tier Level Calculator~xls|||||

5. topics for `chillout`

The Ridiculous Complaints thread
The Ridiculous Bragging thread
The Feline Fans of E&P :heart_eyes_cat:
Puppy power! The Dog Devotees of E&P :dog:

Goal is to make it as easiest and quickest (one click) as possible to get the β€œall we know info but we dont load our memory with” basic infos. Also to bookmark this post and delete all other/too many bookmarks :smile:
:ballot_box_with_check: Suggestions and Inputs are most welcomed.
Flamming and offtopics will be asked to be moved. Many thx in advance to our Mods :wink:

Main Resource:
Thx Rook :+1:

Boolz :wink:

My Wall

P.S. : many thanks to @Rook @Mariamne @Mai @hotdamnmess @Rilf @Kamikaze_Assassin @Eries @Pois1 @madmarv @Redeye and I hope I didnt forget anyone :wink: (also I’m limited to 10)

Don’t wanna be rude, but: Complaining much? Game is unfair? This is the solution => LINK :wink: