🍻 [September 17, 2020] Tavern of Legends Event – FAQ & Team Discussion

Now Live: The Tavern of Legends Event

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2020-09-17T07:00:00Z 2020-09-21T07:00:00Z 4 Days


Newly Added Old HotM to Portal

:world_map: Guides to Tavern of Legends Quest

The Tavern of Legends Quest is special one, a bit different than any existing quests — it has a Special Rule:

Hero Roster Mastery
Each Hero can only be used once during this quest.

Heroes are considered used when you start a quest battle. The battles will get increasingly difficult, so plan your Teams carefully!

NOTE: This includes if you fail a Stage. So if you need to retry a Stage, you’ll have to select new Heroes for your Attack Team.

@cap’s Infographic Guide

This time it’s a repeat of the Natalya, Gravemaker, Delilah, Alasie, Zeline & Aeron Version.

Hel, Athena, Musashi, Ares, Perseus & Thoth Version


Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir Version

Gregorion, Drake, Khiona, Onatel, Zimkitha & Evelyn Version

Natalya, Gravemaker, Delilah, Alasie, Zeline & Aeron Version

Source: 🍻 Guide: Tavern of Legends Quest

:dizzy: Legends Coins


In-game tooltip:

Used for a free summon at the Legends Summon. You need 100 coins for one summon.

This item can be received as a reward from Legends Quests.

The appearance is a gold square coin with cut corners, and a gold star on its face.

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results for Tavern of Legends!

Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Which team did use for each Stage?

  • What Battle Items did you use, if any?

  • Which Stages did you defeat?

  • Would you do anything different next time?

  • Anything else interesting to share?

:woman_superhero: Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers :money_mouth_face:

For information and discussion on Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers, as well as sharing your Summon results, please see:

🍻 [September 2020] Portal Stats, Summon Results & Offers – Tavern of Legends

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Tavern of Legends Quest, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

Historical ToL Threads:

Beta & Announcements


:ballot_box: Polls

:question: How did you do last time on Tavern of Legends?

  • Last time I beat all 10 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 9 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 8 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 7 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 6 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 5 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 4 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 3 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 2 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first Stage
  • Last time I wasn’t playing yet, or was unable to beat any Stages
  • Last time…I’m not sure, they’re all a blur

0 voters

:question: How did you do this time on Tavern of Legends?

  • This time I beat all 10 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 9 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 8 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 7 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 6 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 5 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 4 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 3 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 2 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first Stage
  • This time I couldn’t beat any of the Stages

0 voters

:question: Did you need to use a lot of items this time on Tavern of Legends?

  • Yeah, I nuked the bosses from space. Ripley would approve.
  • I used some items to finish off the bosses, but it wasn’t the full arsenal
  • I used support items like Mana, Banners, Healing, and maybe a Battle Item or two, but nothing too crazy
  • I just used some minor items, like Healing, Mana, or Antidotes
  • I didn’t use any items

0 voters

:question: Overall, how do you feel about Tavern of Legends?

  • I love all of the special Quests and Events equally :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • It’s definitely my FAVORITE of the monthly Quests/Events
  • I like it more than many of the monthly Quests/Events
  • It’s about average for me
  • I dislike it more than many of the monthly Quests/Events
  • It’s definitely my LEAST FAVORITE of the monthly Quests/Events
  • I hate Tavern of Legends, give me my Legends Coins and let me get back to farming :rage:

0 voters

Standard cross-post / headsup / FYI:

Public Service Announcement

An amazing tool for planning & assisting in organising your many heroes into teams for the Tavern of Legends is HeroPlan.io

It is a tool developped by @GDIBass which has MANY amazing uses & features, one of which is the ability to plan out 10x main & 5x spare teams for the Tavern of Legends.

Many Filter Options available to assist too:

Full forum thread with some tips, guidance & discussion:
HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile’s progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!


So looking back, there is a pattern OF SORTS emerging in the bosses used in that they are cycling thru the Old HotM in the order they were released, skipping the October HotM (for whatever reason…)

So showing it out:
June 2017 → December 2017 (skip Alberich in October) – August 2020 ToL Bosses

  • Hel = June 2017
  • Perseus = December 2017

Jan 2018 → June 2018 – May 2020 ToL Bosses

  • Natalya = January 2018
  • Gravemaker = June 2018

July 2018 → Jan 2019 (skip Aegir in October) – June 2020 ToL Bosses

  • Gregorion = July 2018
  • Onatel = January 2020

Feb 2019 → July 2019 – July 2020 ToL Bosses

  • Evelyn = February 2019
  • Seshat = July 2019

So what I would predict is (MOST LIKELY) that we will continue down the HotM list ever onwards…

So this month I expect we will see a repeat of the May 2020 ToL version which had the bosses Natalya, Zeline, Delilah, Aeron, Alasie & Gravemaker.


Here’s a reminder about the #forumchallengeevent.

Forum Challenge Event II


A question @Guvnor, when an HotM get added to ToL portal, does it also get added to HA pool?


I believe so, yes. Not sure on the exact timing but it’s the same month.

So for example, last month Miki got added to the ToL pool. I’m not sure if he was added to the HA pool on the SAME date or if he was added at the start of the month… or at the end of the month…

Give me a sec & I’ll check in Beta what’s the go if Grazul is added to the list now or not.

Rushed thru some of the stuff in Beta & checked the HA10 pool (it shows it in a tool tip) and currently it has all old HotM up to & including Miki.

I’ll keep an eye on the pool at the time that ToL goes live to check if grazul is added then or not.

As a FYI to anyone reading this, you can check the pool at any time when you’ve built & researched HA10 as there is a little “info” button which shows the pool & odds of HA10 retraining.


Hi guv,
this will only work if you don’t have already two trainings running… :wink:


Correct, made that note on the actual HA thread.

it is the May chart, as expected… identically up to stage 3


Yup confirmed :slight_smile:


Bosses are correct only colors that flank them are not correct

Wait, so the bosses for 4+ are different, or some are at least?
Anyone has them to share?

Give them time, they’ve got to play the levels first!

Well I have just done 1-4, and all 4 are the exact same bosses for me…
No differences so far

1 Like

no, it is the May chart, except for the mobs next to the bosses in stage 1 are yellow not blue

played it through and everything else is correct, including HP of mob and boss


Assuming that is the only difference from the info-graphic then here is my in-game text version.


Expand to copy into game

Tavern of Legends
[#ff2508]N = Natalya
GM = Gravemaker
[#f4d03f]D = Delilah
[#a569bd]A = Aeron
[#4396ff]A = Alasie
[#10ff18]Z = Zeline

#waves / Wave element(s) / Boss stage in order
1: 3 / :elementholy::elementice: / :elementholy:[#ff2508] N:elementholy:
[#ffffff]2: 3 / :elementholy::elementfire: / :elementfire:[#ff2508] GM:elementfire:
[#ffffff]3: 3 / :elementice::elementfire: / [#f4d03f]D [#4396ff]A

4: 3 / :elementholy::elementfire: / [#10ff18]Z [#ff2508]N
[#ffffff]5: 4 / :elementholy: / [#ff2508]GM N [#a569bd]A
[#ffffff]6: 4 / :elementholy::elementice: / [#f4d03f]D [#ff2508]GM [#4396ff]A
[#ffffff]7: 4 / :elementholy::elementfire: / [#a569bd]A [#f4d03f]D [#ff2508]N
[#ffffff]8: 5 / :elementice::elementfire: / [#10ff18]Z [#ff2508]GM [#4396ff]A
[#ffffff]9: 5 / :elementholy::elementfire: / [#4396ff]A [#10ff18]Z [#a569bd]A
[#ffffff]10: 5 / :elementholy::elementice: / [#a569bd]A [#f4d03f]D [#10ff18]Z


Yes, I finished the 1st stage boss is correct but flanks are holy.

18 pull: Miki and my second Bai…not bad.
I needed a Titan booster.

Used censures method, pulled a 3* troop right off the bat, then a 2*… Have grazul leveled and maxed already, my first bai yeong. D@nm you gravemaker, always sliping through my fingers.