🍻 [MASTER] Tavern of Legends - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

The Tavern of Legends Event

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
Thursday 0700 UTC Monday 0700 UTC 4 Days

For specific start / end dates, check out the calendar for the month. Or the digital_calendar for a longer forecast.

:star2: Featured Heroes

As of October 2021, the “Featured” heroes in the portal no longer are on a fixed age rotation, instead are featuring the latest Heores w/ costumes added to the ToL Portal.

Additionally, the featured HotM have been reduced from 4 → 3

For list of the Forum Information/ Discussion threads on all old HotM please see here: List of HOTM (Hero of the Month)

There is also a very small chance at summoning the Secret Mystery Featured Hero: Myztero and Enigmo

Historical Tracking of Featured Heroes

@jinbatsu has been recording the previous featured heroes in this spreadsheet: EP Calendar Quest, Atlantis, Event Logs & Guess - Google Sheets

:world_map: Guides to Tavern of Legends Quest

The Tavern of Legends Quest is special one, a bit different than any existing quests — it has a Special Rule:

Hero Roster Mastery
Each Hero can only be used once during this quest.

Heroes are considered used when you start a quest battle. The battles will get increasingly difficult, so plan your Teams carefully!

NOTE: This includes if you fail a Stage. So if you need to retry a Stage, you’ll have to select new Heroes for your Attack Team.

@cap’s Infographic Guide

See below for the Infographic’s for the different versions of the ToL we have seen.

Rotation seems to be: Hel → Natalya → Gregorion → Seshat (loop)

Hel, Athena, Musashi, Ares, Perseus & Thoth Version

Natalya, Gravemaker, Delilah, Alasie, Zeline & Aeron Version

Gregorion, Drake, Khiona, Onatel, Zimkitha & Evelyn Version

Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir Version

Source: 🍻 Guide: Tavern of Legends Quest

:woman_superhero: Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers :money_mouth_face:

:clipboard: Past HotM

Reference this thread: List of HOTM (Hero of the Month)

All HotM who are >12 months old are available in the ToL portal.

:game_die: Portal Odds

Click for Portal Stats & Odds

The Tavern of Legends has a second updated to the portal odds, specifically moving 0.6% from the Season 1 5 hero over to the Non-Featured past HotM.*

In 2024 January the chance for Path Hero of the Month went from 1.5% to 2.5%.
Since 2023 December there are is 1 fix Featured hero, and two other Featured heroes are selectable.

Selectable heroes on December 19th, 2023
Hel C Zeline C Musashi C Athena C
Natalya C Silvaria Yang Mai Zulag
Glenda Kara Margaret Jean-François
Viscaro Vela Onatel Telluria
Tahir Malicna Miki Devana
Selectable heroes on January 11th, 2024
Thoth-Amun C Evelyn C Drake Fong C Alasie C
Zimkitha C Balbar Russell Clarissa
Raffaele Bai Yeong Kingston Roughian & Nurgib
Grimble Frida Hanitra Zocc
Anzogh Kunchen Frosth Neith


Season 1 (Classic) Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 71.0%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 26.5%

Total= 97.5%

Past HotM

  • Featured Past Hero of the Month: 1.0%
  • Non-Featured Past Hero of the Month:: 1.5%
    • Costume included if available.

Total = 2.5%

Bonus Draw Chances

  • Current HotM: 1.3%
  • Secret Legendary Hero Myztero or Enigmo: 0.1%

:money_mouth_face: Summons Costs

click for summons cost information

  • Single: 300 Gems or 100 Legends Coins
  • 10x: 2600 Gems
  • 30x: 7500 Gems

:moneybag: Offers

Click for ToL Offers

prices in USD before tax

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:
Or: How many summons are needed to get an old HotM?
Below Maths is current as of October 2020 portal.
Subject to change as additional heroes are added to the Portal.

It’s important to remember that the Tavern of Legends Portal has the lowest odds for a specific hero of ANY portal… No amount of summoning will guarantee a desired Hero.

This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x, 2500x, 5000x & 10000x). Based on 10,000 gems costing 99.99 USD, I have also added an approximate $ cost too.

Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

Some useful insights:

(Each 30x Summons costs 8,000 gems or ~$79.99 USD).

Any Past HotM 0.019 0.1746 0.4376 0.8531 0.9999 1 1 1 1
Any Featured Past HotM 0.01 0.0956 0.2603 0.6340 0.9934 0.9999 1 1 1
Any Non-Featured Past HotM 0.009 0.0864 0.2376 0.5951 0.9891 0.9999 1 1 1
SPECIFIC Featured Past HotM 0.0025 0.0247 0.0723 0.2214 0.7139 0.9766 0.9981 1.0000 1
SPECIFIC Non-Featured Past HotM 0.00036 0.0036 0.0107 0.0354 0.1648 0.4173 0.5935 0.8348 0.9727

You have a 0.25% chance of summoning a specific FEATURED Past HotM from the Tavern of Legends Portal. For a NON-FEATURED Past HotM it is just 0.036% chance.

On average, in a 10-pull, you have a 2.83% chance of summoning a particular Past HotM (2.47% for a specific featured and 0.36% for a specific Non-Featured).

On Average, in a 10-pull you have a 17.46% chance of summoning ANY past HotM.

:framed_picture: Odds Explained via Picture

A good graphic showing the overall odds & what you can expect from the various summons portals made by @Dorkus:

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results for Tavern of Legends!

Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Which team did use for each Stage?

  • What Battle Items did you use, if any?

  • Which Stages did you defeat?

  • Would you do anything different next time?

  • Anything else interesting to share?

Also feel free to share your summons results; Please share your entire summons experiences, not just the highlights. This provides a realistic picture rather than a distorted summary of the portal outcomes.

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Tavern of Legends Quest, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

Beta & Announcements

Click for Historical ToL Threads

Since there is no new thread, we can use this as a Master for the moment.

For this iteration of ToL, the mobs are the Gregorion, Drake, etc Version


Im excited but not as excited as getting Onatel last time :grin:


This is the current version:


The mighty Dawa has come. + Scarlett & Li Xiu


Some luck today, not the best but very useful now


Congrats! You are now granted access to this thread :smiley:


Thank you :grin:


@Denys from your other thread - check out the first post in this thread for the boss/enemy colors. This version is the Gregorion version.


Congrats. He is a beast now. If i got him, i don’t mind lvl a 2nd Grimble.

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Thank you so much, I’m very happy with this guy, I have a cool dark team, Kunchen, Domitia, Khiona, Malicna, Clarissa, Zulag and now him, started to level him up right now, he’s my first hero that destroy minions

Oh yeah!!! Many congrats, she’s still a dream for me, who knows some day lol …

Thank you so much, finally a hero to destroy minions!!

Title says it all, I guess it changes every month, anyone has a list of bosses abs colours for this event

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🍻 [MASTER] Tavern of Legends - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

There are topics for every event, try searching first next time

Now we have this version:


I was also looking for the one you can post in chat on the game … time to wing it?

20 pulls and nothing. I regret wasting gems on this portal.

Why can’t they nerf the coin rewards and boost the odds? Seriously getting no old legendary from this makes the title of this event a big joke.


For a bit of fun check this out…


Some luck for me today! The only featured hero I really wanted. Did four pulls and RNG was gracious to me. :slight_smile:

But to be honest since the release of the limit breaks I’m not sure to chase for further heroes. The limit breaks are too mighty in my opinion. Today some guys in my alliance got some aether III as a war reward - some got nothing. But - we’ll see. :wink:


Got Carver and Dawa, the usual suspects. On the bright side, I get a whole three pulls next time - the extra 10 coins will finally carry over.

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