🍻 [Jan 21, 2021] Tavern of Legends Event – FAQ & Team Discussion

Coming Soon: The Tavern of Legends Event

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2021-01-21T07:00:00Z 2021-01-25T07:00:00Z 4 Days

Note – In October 2020, the Tavern of Legends Event was changed to every 2nd month with the Ninja tower occupying the alternate month.


Newly Added Old HotM to Portal

:world_map: Guides to Tavern of Legends Quest

The Tavern of Legends Quest is special one, a bit different than any existing quests — it has a Special Rule:

Hero Roster Mastery
Each Hero can only be used once during this quest.

Heroes are considered used when you start a quest battle. The battles will get increasingly difficult, so plan your Teams carefully!

NOTE: This includes if you fail a Stage. So if you need to retry a Stage, you’ll have to select new Heroes for your Attack Team.

@cap’s Infographic Guide

This time it’s a repeat of the Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir version

Hel, Athena, Musashi, Ares, Perseus & Thoth Version

Natalya, Gravemaker, Delilah, Alasie, Zeline & Aeron Version

Gregorion, Drake, Khiona, Onatel, Zimkitha & Evelyn Version

Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir Version

Source: 🍻 Guide: Tavern of Legends Quest

:dizzy: Legends Coins


In-game tooltip:

Used for a free summon at the Legends Summon. You need 100 coins for one summon.

This item can be received as a reward from Legends Quests.

The appearance is a gold square coin with cut corners, and a gold star on its face.

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results for Tavern of Legends!

Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Which team did use for each Stage?

  • What Battle Items did you use, if any?

  • Which Stages did you defeat?

  • Would you do anything different next time?

  • Anything else interesting to share?

:woman_superhero: Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers :money_mouth_face:

For information and discussion on Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers, as well as sharing your Summon results, please see:

🍻 [January 2021] Portal Stats, Summon Results & Offers – Tavern of Legends

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Tavern of Legends Quest, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

Historical ToL Threads:

Beta & Announcements


Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir Version


20 versions of this!!!111


I’m going with the “No Skillz” approach this time.

Using my heroes from #50#1 as they appear in my roster.


I strongly believe the legends portal is crap, since the odds of getting anything except a 3* or 4* S1 hero are insignificant. And even if you get a previous HOTM, most of them look bad. Not wasting any gems on this. Also the quest rewards are ridiculously small. Look at the costume chamber for example. Four relatively easy first battles and you have 5 keys for a summon. Here not only you need a deeper roster, but you need to win much harder six battles for an arguably way crappier 1 of free summon since in the costumes chamber even most of the 3* costumed heroes are gladly welcomed, whereas here they come naked. This event is not worth it IMO.

Edit: I see them making it less crappy if there were “legendary” 3 and 4* heroes added to the portal.



Guys, don‘t do pulls with gems in the ToL. First of all we know how bad the odds are and you mostly end up with s1 3* besides that they will release costumes for each old HOTM.
So you spend gems now to end up with an soon to be outdated version of a hero. The first round has been tested in Beta and I know some may say it’s not happening, yes it is, the artwork is done, they will only apply minor changes to their specials and then it’s just a question of when it will go live and how they will split them up. I assume over multiple releases (round 1, 2, 3 etc. always adding 1 or 2 new 5* costumes to the Atlantis, ToL etc.) to keep each portal over the whole year “exciting” and maximize their profit.

So be smart and hold onto to your gems if you absolutely want to spend cash.


I started on 3* and went in blind, failed on level 5 as took green and purple only to find purple and red bosses. Will move on to 4* now until I fail again, todays aim to to use as few 5* as possible

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I used 1/1 4* and 5* for the first two levels just for the lulz, worked out better than I expected.

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Used rainbow 3* trainer for level 1 and rainbow 4* trainer for level 2. It is a breeze with no items used at all.

Will get more serious from level 3 onwards…

I have done 1-7 so far, and I a waiting for energy for the final 3.
Here is what I have used and what I plan to use


I took this team for the final stage:

It was pretty easy. Ariel and especially Gullinbursti kept the team alive and Proteus is a saviour. Besides, these bosses don’t have their innate abilites, so Seshat was vulnerable against Leonidas. No need to use any object.


Is their a chart for the monsters and bosses for the Tavern

See the very first post

■■■■ even, every time i use my coin and gem never get special hero, alwaysssss standar hero*3 or hero standar *4. So many hero i have the same. Sometime boring with thise game

I switched my reds in my final stage team out to blue: Wilbur + vanda out for Jott + Miki.
It went super easy. No boss fired their special

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Penultimate stage team:

Just love their synergy :rofl: I love how C. Vivi, Mist and Jackal can turn Drake into a hit-3 sniper. Joon is there for the tile damage because I dislike him. It went pretty funny.

Last stage:

Love my blue gals team. (Not sure about Miki’s gender but who cares nowadays. It’s a legendary ice spirit from a titan hunter, it can be anything it wants).

Used some minor mana potions because well… :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

randomness at it’s finest…

Saved the coins for getting food when I work on 5☆. I still have some leftover 4☆ to max, even Ive got some exciting legendaries to work on i like taking one step at time. Honestly this portal should be called restaurant of legends since the portal only drops food with these odds but I like the stages and 1x use heroes madness.

I miss seeing this event more. Ninja tower isn’t even half enjoyable.

4 featured heroes, 3 of them I wanted. I did 34 coin pulls so far and I got Aeron, the one that I don’t want. And for some reason I keep getting Rigards and Hu Taos, like there aren’t any other 4* heroes :crazy_face:

And I know there’s a lot of people that haven’t pulled any 5*, so I should feel lucky. But I feel like I spent my luck on…well Aeron.

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