🍻 [November 19, 2020] Tavern of Legends Event – FAQ & Team Discussion

Now Live: The Tavern of Legends Event

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2020-11-19T07:00:00Z 2020-11-23T07:00:00Z 4 Days

Note – In October 2020, the Tavern of Legends Event was changed to every 2nd month with the Ninja tower occupying the alternate month.


Newly Added Old HotM to Portal

:world_map: Guides to Tavern of Legends Quest

The Tavern of Legends Quest is special one, a bit different than any existing quests — it has a Special Rule:

Hero Roster Mastery
Each Hero can only be used once during this quest.

Heroes are considered used when you start a quest battle. The battles will get increasingly difficult, so plan your Teams carefully!

NOTE: This includes if you fail a Stage. So if you need to retry a Stage, you’ll have to select new Heroes for your Attack Team.

@cap’s Infographic Guide

This time it’s a repeat of the Greg, Drake, Khiona, Onatel, Zim & Evelyn version.

Hel, Athena, Musashi, Ares, Perseus & Thoth Version

Natalya, Gravemaker, Delilah, Alasie, Zeline & Aeron Version

Gregorion, Drake, Khiona, Onatel, Zimkitha & Evelyn Version

Seshat, Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret & Ranvir Version

Source: 🍻 Guide: Tavern of Legends Quest

:dizzy: Legends Coins


In-game tooltip:

Used for a free summon at the Legends Summon. You need 100 coins for one summon.

This item can be received as a reward from Legends Quests.

The appearance is a gold square coin with cut corners, and a gold star on its face.

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results for Tavern of Legends!

Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Which team did use for each Stage?

  • What Battle Items did you use, if any?

  • Which Stages did you defeat?

  • Would you do anything different next time?

  • Anything else interesting to share?

:woman_superhero: Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers :money_mouth_face:

For information and discussion on Tavern of Legends Summons & Offers, as well as sharing your Summon results, please see:

🍻 [November 2020] Portal Stats, Summon Results & Offers – Tavern of Legends

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Tavern of Legends Quest, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

Historical ToL Threads:

Beta & Announcements


:ballot_box: Polls

:question: How did you do last time on Tavern of Legends?

  • Last time I beat all 10 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 9 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 8 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 7 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 6 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 5 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 4 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 3 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first 2 Stages
  • Last time I beat just the first Stage
  • Last time I wasn’t playing yet, or was unable to beat any Stages
  • Last time…I’m not sure, they’re all a blur

0 voters

:question: How did you do this time on Tavern of Legends?

  • This time I beat all 10 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 9 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 8 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 7 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 6 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 5 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 4 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 3 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first 2 Stages
  • This time I beat just the first Stage
  • This time I couldn’t beat any of the Stages

0 voters

:question: Did you need to use a lot of items this time on Tavern of Legends?

  • Yeah, I nuked the bosses from space. Ripley would approve.
  • I used some items to finish off the bosses, but it wasn’t the full arsenal
  • I used support items like Mana, Banners, Healing, and maybe a Battle Item or two, but nothing too crazy
  • I just used some minor items, like Healing, Mana, or Antidotes
  • I didn’t use any items

0 voters

:question: Overall, how do you feel about Tavern of Legends?

  • I love all of the special Quests and Events equally :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • It’s definitely my FAVORITE of the monthly Quests/Events
  • I like it more than many of the monthly Quests/Events
  • It’s about average for me
  • I dislike it more than many of the monthly Quests/Events
  • It’s definitely my LEAST FAVORITE of the monthly Quests/Events
  • I hate Tavern of Legends, give me my Legends Coins and let me get back to farming :rage:

0 voters


Standard cross-post / headsup / FYI:

Public Service Announcement

An amazing tool for planning & assisting in organising your many heroes into teams for the Tavern of Legends is HeroPlan.io

It is a tool developped by @GDIBass which has MANY amazing uses & features, one of which is the ability to plan out 10x main & 5x spare teams for the Tavern of Legends.

Many Filter Options available to assist too:

Full forum thread with some tips, guidance & discussion:
HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile’s progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!


I’ll do what I did every time: no planning whatsoever then ending with plenty of powerful heroes that went unused. :smiley:


Wait so is this happening concurrently with the Ninja event? I haven’t looked at the Ninja threads yet…

Yes. The ninja event uses a different energy pool than world energy.

Adds even more to complete every day.

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We won’t get Tavern of Legends this month:

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Yes I repurposed this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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Given this is now a bi-monthly event, my gut feeling is that features heroes will be the four heroes that are 12 months, 24 months, 13 months and 25 months old.

My guesses are: Aegir, Kingston, Zimkitha, Neith.

Let’s see.

Thats the guesses I have got down in the “Portal Stats & Summon Results” thread.

Scheduled for publishing tomorrow.


As you should.

A great moderator’s job never ends. :yum:


My wallet body is ready! I just need Seshat… then I’ll be content lol.



Tks very much ! Is there a better quality image ?

Thanks, unhid the relevant one in the OP :slight_smile:

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:beers: Guide: Tavern of Legends Quest

So far I have done 1-8. No energy yet for 9 + 10, but here are the teams I used and will be using for the final 2:


Just to say, I have used no items and had no deaths so far in stages 1-8.
Fingers crossed i can keep it that way. Stage 9 will be a bit tougher since I have no mana controller, but I am hoping to have Gullinbursti special up a few times through the mob waves to help read for the bosses


I must say that I really, really like ToL quest. I wish, it was every month like before…
I manage to finish first 4 stages with 3* only and for 5th stage I will take:
C. Hawkmoon + 18
Nashgar +10
After this stage I will start using my 4* heroes. I am saving all coins for January, because probably Athena will be featured then. :slight_smile:

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It’s still boring, tol is the worst event, I’ll go through it like nothing and for 2 summonses also nothing … I’d rather cancel tol and leave the ninja tower every month. But at least I found out that heimdall will revive the hero once out of twenty mana charges … so it won’t even be promised 20%

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