The Best Heroes in Each Class guide

Talent effects

The genius of talents is the proc rate changes but the result stays the same.

Evade proccing has the same effect no matter the nodes activated.

I laughed out loud when my - then 4*+1 Rogue Scarlett - evaded Sartana’s Deathstrike which I then cleansed with my fully charged Rigard.


A Scarlett with zero emblems can not Evade.

But a Scarlett Rogue 4*+1 has a chance. Given how much time I play Empires, Scarlett will proc.

Would she proc more with more nodes, sure. Are some of the talents more powerful than others, yes. Do some talents buff some heroes more than others - see above plan.

But a non zero chance buffs many characters since Empires is a grindy game, not a crossword puzzle. Though a Crossword puzzle MMO would be another case altogether.