Level 8 & 10 requires 125 emblems each for 5* heroes.
(that’s a 75 emblem jump)
I think it would be better to stop at Level 7 and use the emblems on another hero.
Level 8 & 10 requires 125 emblems each for 5* heroes.
(that’s a 75 emblem jump)
I think it would be better to stop at Level 7 and use the emblems on another hero.
I personally decided it wasn’t worth using Emblems on 5* at all until I have multiple 4* heroes to +18, and possibly some 3* too.
So I support the idea of stopping on 5* before the node costs go up to use Emblems elsewhere.
For the few 5* I gave Emblems to before deciding to stop indefinitely, I stopped at +4.
T6 is your best checkpoint but Fighter/Druid/Rogue is good if you want to continue to T7
mostly i did 2 Atk , 1 Health , 1 Defense which about 36 Atk , 18 Def , 36 Health , well those not really give huge impact in game , thats why for some case give emblem to *4 is better idea
my composition :
My heroes with talents
I will probably take Aegir, Gravemaker & Khiona to Level 7
Next ones will probably be
Wizard - Zeline
Ranger - Triton
Paladin - Sonya
You will want to max the 5*s you use on your defense. As for the other 5 classes, stopping at 6 or 7 makes sense.
So the cost for getting a 5 star to 8 emblems is a fairly big jump. Clearly some people are continuing to emblem those heroes now, its less clear if others are switching to get a deeper bench of emblemed heroes. Or is it different for each hero, based on that hero and your roster?
What are you doing, or planning on doing?
I’m thinking of switching to other 5 star and maybe even some of the best 4 star heroes…but would like to hear other thoughts.
Do you know what the overall count needed for a full grid for a five star is? I know four stars need 505 emblems for a full grid.
@Gryphonknight WOW! That is a lot of emblems for a 5 star. I had an inkling that it skyrocketed with 5 stars but dang! Three times as much as a 4 star!
Sorcerers add a crit bonus at level 8, Rangersand Rogues a mana bonus.
They are 100% worth the upgrade.