👑 [Dec 2020] Knights of Avalon Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

The Knights of Avalon Challenge Event!

Start Time End Time Duration
2020-12-10T07:00:00Z 2020-10-14T07:00:00Z 4.0 days

Note: Start & End times of the Challenge Event have changed. The event now begins 1 hour earlier (0700 UTC not 0800 UTC) & ends 13 hours earlier (0700 UTC not 2000 UTC).
Per Announcement: Event Schedule Changes (Version 30 Onwards)

Reflected Color
:snowflake: Ice/Blue

:world_map: @Mariamne & @cap’s Original Stage Guide

Rewards Summary

Credit: @Mariamne
Source: 🌟 Memento Challenge Events - #2 by Mariamne

Click for Rewards Summary by Mariamne

NOTE: Completion Rewards will be given even if the final stage is completed after the event ended, as long as it’s started before the event ends.

:world_map: Alternative Guides

Transcript Guide to “Copy Paste” into In-Game Chat

Credit: @FighterJack
Source: 👑 [Jul 2020] Knights of Avalon Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #274 by FighterJack

Expand to copy into game chat

Knights of Avalon
Reflected: :elementice:
[#4396ff]KA = King Arthur
[#ff2508]BK = Black Knight
[#f4d03f]G = Guinevere
[#10ff18]LotL = Lady of the Lake
MLF = Morgan Le Fay
[#ff2508]SL = Sir Lancelot
[#a569bd]M = Merlin
[#ff2508]B = Bauchan

Element(s) for waves 1 & 2 / Boss stage in order
1: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementdark: [#ff2508]B :elementdark:
[#ffffff]2: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#ff2508]SL :elementice:
[#ffffff]3: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#a569bd]M :elementnature:
[#ffffff]4: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#f4d03f]G :elementice:
[#ffffff]5: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#10ff18]MLF :elementnature:

6: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementice: [#ff2508]BK :elementice:
[#ffffff]7: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementdark: [#10ff18]LotL :elementdark:
[#ffffff]8: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#4396ff]KA :elementice:
[#ffffff]9: :elementice::elementnature: / [#ff2508]B SL [#a569bd]M
[#ffffff]10: :elementice::elementnature: / [#10ff18]LotL [#a569bd]M

11: :elementice::elementnature: / [#ff2508]SL BK
[#ffffff]12: :elementice: / [#f4d03f]G [#10ff18]MLF
[#ffffff]13: :elementdark::elementnature: / [#ff2508]B [#4396ff]KA [#a569bd]M
[#ffffff]14: :elementice: / [#ff2508]SL BK [#10ff18]MLF
[#ffffff]15: :elementdark::elementnature: / [#10ff18]LotL [#4396ff]KA [#f4d03f]G

Overall Event Summary by @VeryQuietly

Credit: @VeryQuietly
Source: Quick Reference Sheet and Graphics for Events, HOTM, hero types, summon portals, cost comparison

Click for Summary of All Events

Guide by @Zartanis

Credit: @Zartanis
Source: {Master - Zartanis' Guides} Building, Crafting, Event, Talent Grid Guides, etc

Click for Quick Guide

Click for Full Guide inc. Boss/ Mob HP's

Guide by @ColdHands

Credit: @ColdHands
Source: Challenge Events by CH

Click for guide (inc. Boss HP)

:woman_superhero: Heroes & Bosses

Black Knight – 5* – :fire: Fire

Guinevere – 5* – :sun_with_face: Holy

King Arthur – 5* – :snowflake: Ice

Lady of the Lake – 5* – :leaves: Nature

Morgan Le Fay – 5* – :leaves: Nature

Merlin – 4* – :new_moon_with_face: Dark

Sir Lancelot – 4* – :fire: Fire

Bauchan – 3* – :fire: Fire

:gem: Summons Costs

Like all other Event Summon Portals, the Portal Cost is per below:

Single Summon

  • 10 Challenge Coins
  • 300 Gems

10x Summon

  • 2600 Gems

:game_die: Summoning Appearance Rates

Please note that Challenge Event Heroes are amongst the lowest odds of any Hero in the game. Even with a large number of Summons, you are very likely not to get Challenge Event Heroes, particularly 5*.

I highly recommend setting and sticking to a budget for Summoning to avoid overspending and frustration.

Rare Classic Hero: 63.1%
Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
Legendary Classic Hero: 1.5%

Rare Event Hero: 7.9%
Epic Event Hero: 5.7%
Legendary Event Hero 1.0%

Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

:money_with_wings: Analysis of Summon Appearance Rates

This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x). Based on 10,000 gems costing 99.99 USD, I have also added an approximate $ cost too.

Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

| Get at Least 1 Avalon Hero (3*-5*) | 14.6% | 79.4% | 99.1% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 of Any 5* Avalon Hero | 1.0% | 9.6% | 26.0% | 63.4% | 99.3% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 Particular 5* Avalon Hero | 0.2% | 2.0% | 5.8% | 18.1% | 63.2% | 95.0% |
| Get at Least 1 of Any 4* Avalon Hero | 5.7% | 44.4% | 82.8% | 99.7% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 Particular 4* Avalon Hero | 2.85% | 25.1% | 58.0% | 94.5% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 3* Avalon Hero | 7.9% | 56.1% | 91.5% | 99.9% | 100% | 100% |

Putting That In Perspective

  • If 1 million players each spent US$26.00 to do 10 Summons, 206,000 of those players would NOT get ANY Avalon Heroes

  • If 1 million players each spent US$259.97 to do 100 Summons, 366,000 of those players would NOT get ANY Avalon 5* Heroes

  • If 1 million players each spent US$1,299.87 to do 500 Summons, 368,000 of those players would NOT get a particular Avalon 5* Hero

Summary Graphic of Portal Odds

See below amazing summary graphic by @Dorkus showing what odds you can really expect from the various summons portals in the game:

:link: Related Threads

Related Info:

Hero Threads:

Previous Threads:


Thread up in advance so people can utilise it for planning.

Also have done a bit of an update to how the OP looks & have included a couple more guides / infographics which may be of use.


Schedule time is July… :joy:

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I only have Sir Lancelot from this event. Hoping to get my first Bauchan (for raid tournaments). :sweat_smile:

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Me too! I don’t have any avalon heroes so gonna spend my few challenge coins and hoping for Bauchan :slightly_smiling_face: he’s the only one I’d actually be able to level in a reasonable amount of time anyhow :rofl:


For Many a Year Guin was the Only Hero I REALLY wanted… No more lol…

May I please have me 1 lil BK??

Thank you in advance :hugs:


I got 2. I’ll sell you one for the low price if tree fiddy.



Can I pay with 4*AM’s ?

I will even throw in a Couple o Backpacks :thinking:

Naw I need more dawas. You can never have too many of those bad boys.

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Poor King Arthur isn’t even relevant enough to be on the poster. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s Frida for you.


Tell me about it. I got Arthur last year and he’s just sat in my roster at 1.1 ever since. Whenever I feel like dusting him off another nice blue catches my eye instead. Anyway an armoured polar bear with a mace is miles cooler than a mere human king with a weird beard.

I also got the glorious Black Knight at the same time. Needless to say he went straight up to 4.80 as fast as ever I could level him, and he’s been a fixture in raid and war defence ever since, as well as guest appearances in some raids and events.

This is my equal best portal (with Teltoc), in fact, as it’s given me all of them except Guinevere (can survive without) and LotL (would love). Morgan has been parked at 3.70 more or less forever, and although I maxed Lancelot I kind of forget he exists when putting 4* teams together, but Merlin and Bauchan are great.


Bump because took me way too long to search the thread

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Just frustrating if you summon two 5* heroes at Avalon, but both are S1…


After a long drought in Valhalla Pull, I got King Arthur with 5 coin pulls. I don’t have Frida, so I plan to level him for the 12* Titan.


Pulls? What pulls? Oh you mean the crap S1 3* dupes I got from coins? Nah let’s not even talk about them. 10x gem pull did gave Bauchan, Merlin, and Lancelot all in one go tho, if I didn’t any better I’d have thunk this was some kind of SG conspiracy to force us to use gems! Oh wait… :thinking::crazy_face:

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Btw finished rare with this:
Avalon rare final team

Kvasir does two things here:

  • prevents LotL from spamming her damn sword minions
  • maximizes cBrienne’s debuff since each minion hit counts as a “hit” for debuff purposes

Went into boss round with everybody charged and 3 minions on each hero and a green diamond ready to be assembled. Let’s just say the results were nothing short of glorious. Yellow tiles did stupid amounts of damage, and when all was said and done, LotL was gone, Arthur was half dead, and Guin in critical health. Finished them off with an axe and that was that.


Great, another challenge with thrash rewards if you aren’t top 1%… And those summon odds, never seen numbers so low for special heroes :confused:

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Thanks for the info, I just finished cBrienne because of that def down. Didn’t think of using Kvasir to bring it down even further! Sounds look a great combo indeed but I haven’t started Kvasir yet. Looks like I’m gonna have to speed things up :smiley:


10 x Summon… 10 x 3* - 2 Of em Bauchan… No HOTM lol…

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20 coins left over from the last challenge events and various reward chests.

Got Friar Tuck and Oberon. :crazy_face: :poop:

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