The Knights of Avalon Challenge Event!
Start Time | End Time | Duration |
2020-12-10T07:00:00Z | 2020-10-14T07:00:00Z | 4.0 days |
Note: Start & End times of the Challenge Event have changed. The event now begins 1 hour earlier (0700 UTC not 0800 UTC) & ends 13 hours earlier (0700 UTC not 2000 UTC).
Per Announcement: Event Schedule Changes (Version 30 Onwards)
Reflected Color |
Ice/Blue |
@Mariamne & @cap’s Original Stage Guide
Rewards Summary
Credit: @Mariamne
Source: 🌟 Memento Challenge Events - #2 by Mariamne
NOTE: Completion Rewards will be given even if the final stage is completed after the event ended, as long as it’s started before the event ends.
Alternative Guides
Transcript Guide to “Copy Paste” into In-Game Chat
Credit: @FighterJack
Source: 👑 [Jul 2020] Knights of Avalon Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #274 by FighterJack
Expand to copy into game chat
Knights of Avalon
Reflected: :elementice:
[#4396ff]KA = King Arthur
[#ff2508]BK = Black Knight
[#f4d03f]G = Guinevere
[#10ff18]LotL = Lady of the Lake
MLF = Morgan Le Fay
[#ff2508]SL = Sir Lancelot
[#a569bd]M = Merlin
[#ff2508]B = Bauchan
Element(s) for waves 1 & 2 / Boss stage in order
1: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementdark: [#ff2508]B :elementdark:
[#ffffff]2: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#ff2508]SL :elementice:
[#ffffff]3: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#a569bd]M :elementnature:
[#ffffff]4: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#f4d03f]G :elementice:
[#ffffff]5: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#10ff18]MLF :elementnature:
6: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementice: [#ff2508]BK :elementice:
[#ffffff]7: :elementice::elementdark: / :elementdark: [#10ff18]LotL :elementdark:
[#ffffff]8: :elementice::elementnature: / :elementice: [#4396ff]KA :elementice:
[#ffffff]9: :elementice::elementnature: / [#ff2508]B SL [#a569bd]M
[#ffffff]10: :elementice::elementnature: / [#10ff18]LotL [#a569bd]M
11: :elementice::elementnature: / [#ff2508]SL BK
[#ffffff]12: :elementice: / [#f4d03f]G [#10ff18]MLF
[#ffffff]13: :elementdark::elementnature: / [#ff2508]B [#4396ff]KA [#a569bd]M
[#ffffff]14: :elementice: / [#ff2508]SL BK [#10ff18]MLF
[#ffffff]15: :elementdark::elementnature: / [#10ff18]LotL [#4396ff]KA [#f4d03f]G
Overall Event Summary by @VeryQuietly
Credit: @VeryQuietly
Source: Quick Reference Sheet and Graphics for Events, HOTM, hero types, summon portals, cost comparison
Guide by @Zartanis
Credit: @Zartanis
Source: {Master - Zartanis' Guides} Building, Crafting, Event, Talent Grid Guides, etc
Guide by @ColdHands
Credit: @ColdHands
Source: Challenge Events by CH
Heroes & Bosses
Black Knight – 5* – Fire
Guinevere – 5* – Holy
King Arthur – 5* – Ice
Lady of the Lake – 5* – Nature
Morgan Le Fay – 5* – Nature
Merlin – 4* – Dark
Sir Lancelot – 4* – Fire
Bauchan – 3* – Fire
Summons Costs
Like all other Event Summon Portals, the Portal Cost is per below:
Single Summon
- 10 Challenge Coins
OR - 300 Gems
10x Summon
- 2600 Gems
Summoning Appearance Rates
Please note that Challenge Event Heroes are amongst the lowest odds of any Hero in the game. Even with a large number of Summons, you are very likely not to get Challenge Event Heroes, particularly 5*.
I highly recommend setting and sticking to a budget for Summoning to avoid overspending and frustration.
Rare Classic Hero: 63.1%
Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
Legendary Classic Hero: 1.5%
Rare Event Hero: 7.9%
Epic Event Hero: 5.7%
Legendary Event Hero 1.0%
Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%
Analysis of Summon Appearance Rates
This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x). Based on 10,000 gems costing 99.99 USD, I have also added an approximate $ cost too.
Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
| Get at Least 1 Avalon Hero (3*-5*) | 14.6% | 79.4% | 99.1% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 of Any 5* Avalon Hero | 1.0% | 9.6% | 26.0% | 63.4% | 99.3% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 Particular 5* Avalon Hero | 0.2% | 2.0% | 5.8% | 18.1% | 63.2% | 95.0% |
| Get at Least 1 of Any 4* Avalon Hero | 5.7% | 44.4% | 82.8% | 99.7% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 Particular 4* Avalon Hero | 2.85% | 25.1% | 58.0% | 94.5% | 100% | 100% |
| Get at Least 1 3* Avalon Hero | 7.9% | 56.1% | 91.5% | 99.9% | 100% | 100% |
Putting That In Perspective
If 1 million players each spent
US$26.00to do 10 Summons, 206,000 of those players would NOT get ANY Avalon Heroes -
If 1 million players each spent
US$259.97to do 100 Summons, 366,000 of those players would NOT get ANY Avalon 5* Heroes -
If 1 million players each spent
US$1,299.87to do 500 Summons, 368,000 of those players would NOT get a particular Avalon 5* Hero
Summary Graphic of Portal Odds
See below amazing summary graphic by @Dorkus showing what odds you can really expect from the various summons portals in the game:
Related Threads
Related Info:
Hero Threads:
- ℹ Black Knight – 5* Fire/Red from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Guinevere – 5* Holy/Yellow from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ King Arthur – 5* Ice/Blue from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Lady of the Lake – 5* Nature/Green from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Morgan Le Fay – 5* Nature/Green from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Merlin – 4* Dark/Purple from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Sir Lancelot – 4* Fire/Red from Knights of Avalon
- ℹ Bauchan – 3* Fire/Red from Knights of Avalon
Previous Threads: