🔱 [January 2021] Atlantis Summon Results

This thread is for posting your Summon Results from the Season 2 Atlantis Portal in January 2021.

:clock1: Schedule

Atlantis Rises & the Atlantis Portal run from 2021-01-07T07:00:00Z until 2021-01-09T19:00:00Z

Official Announcement RE Schedule Changes: Event Schedule Changes (Version 30 Onwards)

NEXT Atlantis Rises & the Atlantis portal will run from 2021-02-04T07:00:00Z until 2021-02-06T19:00:00Z

:dizzy: Featured Heroes

:spiral_calendar: Current HOTM

:gem: Summon Expectations

Good summary by @Dorkus of what you can expect from various summons portals:

:link: Related Threads

Click for previous Summons & Discussion Threads

I really wanted kunchen or Ursena so i tried censures pulling method and did an x10. Well… Got kunchen and the HOTM too, so i am very pleased.


First pull, already have one maxed😊


I did 4 pulls using coins and I got Hawkmoon, Friar Tuck, Grimm and Gadeirus. I’m glad I got Gadeirus, I didn’t have him. In February I will do 10x pulls and I’m hoping to get Melia and Sumitomo, then I will have all rare and epic Atlantis heroes. :slightly_smiling_face:


As for now, one pull with saved coins and got Brienne :frowning:

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I’ve got Proteus. At last!!! :muscle:


I was pulling for Ursena, and got this fabulous musketeer in 30 pulls. I didn’t have him, so he is welcome in my roster.


Have Kunchen (even two), have JF (couple of him actually), have Inari (only one but had to check!). Only Ursena + whatever else could appear solely from this portal could be of any value to me… which isn’t plenty… maybe Kageburado or Poseidon, maybe Tarlak for mythic titans backup, but that’s all. Not even HotM is good. % chance to not be disappointed - around 0.5%. Do I take it? Nope. Skip. And looking at the next months, I’ll probably skip couple months here… With HotMs last year being so worthless, there’s little point to look at Atlantis this year, unless for hunting any of 2019s which were still good (sadly the good ones I got, except Seshat).


I’ve used 8x52 WE so far (including 6 WE flasks and leveling up) and finally scraped the 43 coins together that I needed for a free pull.

I got Hawkmoon. :partying_face:


First pull Azar, like really?

But second pull pleased me :slight_smile:

So pulling is over for me, I’ll give it a try next month


I got Chochin this time around. Good luck to everyone :four_leaf_clover:

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Why oh why do I still waste money on these?
Bought all of the offers today and did 2x coins pulls + 4 gem pulls. All 3*

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Well after 10 months not getting anything Atlantis portal has been kind 3 months in a row:


Continuing the discussion from Greetings!:

I’m about to delete the game. The reason for this is that I took 40x valhalla and atlantis, always gave 4 stars and 3 stars heroes, apparently there is prejudice against us. I’ve invited a bunch of friends of mine to recommend them to delete the game, and recommend people not to play on my YouTube channel.

Could you please answer 1 question: What were you expecting to get from those pulls exactly?

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60 5* heroes, maybe.

But yes, I agree. 40x and not a single 5* it’s really bad.

Logic of people that do not understand RNG:

Scenario 1) They get want they want, they’re happy

Scenario 2) They don’t get want they want, the entire world is out to get them.

It’s like yelling at a casino for taking your money when you lose and calling it theft, because casinos force people to come in and play. (Sarcasm obviously)


I honestly think you have better chances of winning on some casino games than winning a 5* non-featured on Atlantis (0.3% chance)

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Doing the math roughly (please someone correct me), in 40 pulls you have around 63% probability of getting a 5*.

In the same 40 pulls you have around 40% probability of getting a hotm 5*.

Good chance but very far from what your expectations seem to be.