Edit - Final update… One last summon before the gate closed forever… Hu Tao Thank you said Myst gleefully - but alas No Seshat. .
Congratulations to all who were more fortunate than I - super, super, super jelly. Don’t let the tears fool you, I’m really happy for you all .
I’ve decided in advance to make this my last pull for gems for a while, I have already too many 5*-s at 1/1 that I want to level. However I really wanted Seshat so I went for a 30-pull, it looked bad but then I got her on the 25th or so. Super happy right now.
Hu Tao ( fed to C. Bane, so disrespectful)
Nashgar (eww, food)
Namahage (I haven’t worked on the first, be food)
Wilbur (yasss! The fisherman that makes bad boards even worse)
I did a ten pull and got feeders, but also pulled Raffaele as bonus. Not bad. He’s my first 5* healer, not counting Telluria. Now saving gems for Guardians.
Guess that’s me done… Poseidon or Misandra would have been nice… Already have a couple Seshat & my green is backlogged enough without adding Greg to the list
I wasn’t that excited about Atlantis this time out as I already have Seshat (x2) and Misandra, so it would be Greg or Poseidon I was pulling for at pretty reduced odds.
12x pulls (2x coin, 1x 10 pull) gave a load of feeders and Rafa which was someone I was keen on as I don’t have a 5* healer in blue. At 9/10 for the ascension chest so may do a coin pull but otherwise I’m done, probably until Valhalla starts up again with gem pulls (have Falcon, Panther and Jackal already from Guardians)