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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the first Alliance Quest called Clash of Knights Heroes.
Don’t get too attached
Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.
It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.
So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.
New Event – Clash of Knights (Alliance Quest) !
Clash of Knights Heroes
There are a total of eight (8) new heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for a new Alliance Quest called “Clash of Knights”.
*The names of the new heroes are: Ludwig, Wolfgang, Esme, Quenell, Wren, Ferant, Aderyn and Betulf
Family Bonus
There will be 2 Families.
All 4 Legendary heroes are from Wolf Family.
Among 3 and 4 star heroes there will be 1-1 hero from each family.
Wolf family:
Families give bonuses for each unique Hero of the Same Family in Battle.
Bonus for 2/3 Heroes:
- 35% / 50% chance to make a cast buff undispellable
Raven family:
Families give bonuses for each unique Hero of the Same Family in Battle.
Bonus for 2/3 Heroes:
- 35% / 50% chance to make a cast ailment uncleansable
Event Hero Bonus:
The members of this family have additional perks in the Clash of Knights event.
– Legendary Heroes
- Ludwig
- Wolfgang
- Esme
- Quenell
Ludwig -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Ludwig – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 816
Attack: 723
Defense: 844
HP: 1442
Class: Paladin
Element: Dark (Purple)
Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: Fullmetal PeltDefensive Approach
- The caster gets taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the caster’s allies for 6 turns.
- The caster gets +84% defense against Special Skills for 6 turns.
- Nearby allies receive mana each turn for 6 turns. Received mana increases each turn until the last turn, when 100% mana is received.
Wolfgang -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Wolfgang – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 816
Attack: 768
Defense: 784
HP: 1450
Class: Fighter
Element: Holy (Yellow)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: Commander’s GauntletAction
- Deals 250% damage to all enemies.
- The caster reduces all received damage by -50% for 4 turns.
- After 4 turns, the caster boosts health of all allies by 600.
Esme-- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Esme – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 816
Attack: 762
Defense: 780
HP: 1477
Class: Sorcerer
Element: Ice (Blue)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: FiendslayerDestructive Jinx
- Destroys all Fiends from all allies.
- Recovers 40% health for all allies.
- If an ally had Fiends they will be immune to new Fiends for 4 turns.
Quenell -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Quenell – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 816
Attack: 795
Defense: 760
HP: 1433
Class: Ranger
Element: Nature (Green)
Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: Howling SwordBuffed Up Offense
- Deals 320% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
- The caster gets additional +40% power for the next Special Skill they cast. The additional power increases +40% each turn, up to +200% in total.
– Epic Heroes
- Wren
- Ferant
Wren -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Wren – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Epic/4*
Gender: Female
Power: 680
Attack: 675
Defense: 643
HP: 1281
Class: Rogue
Element: Nature (Green)
Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Raven
Special Skill: Squire’s SquirrelPerceptive Bash
- Deals 240% damage to the target.
- All hit targets get -34% attack for 3 turns.
- If the target has buffs and is hit, targets another enemy with buffs. If none of the other enemies have buffs, targets a random enemy. The damage is reduced on each consecutive hit. Each enemy can only hit once.
Ferant -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Ferant – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Epic/4*
Gender: Male
Power: 680
Attack: 635
Defense: 595
HP: 1474
Class: Druid
Element: Fire (Red)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: Powerful Parry Feral Revenge
- The caster and nearby allies counterattack with 135% of the received damage for 5 turns.
- The caster and nearby allies decrease -10% mana from the attacker on each counterattack for 5 turns. The effect gets diminished for consecutive activations during the same turn.
– Rare Heroes
- Aderyn
- Bertulf
Aderyn -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Aderyn – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Rare/3*
Gender: Female
Power: 480
Attack: 451
Defense: 497
HP: 844
Class: Sorcerer
Element: Dark (Purple)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Raven
Special Skill: Pain Management Apothecary Kit
- Recovers 32% health for all allies.
- All enemies gets -50% decrease for any healing for 4 turns.
Bertulf -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Bertulf – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Rare/3*
Gender: Male
Power: 480
Attack: 491
Defense: 460
HP: 820
Class: Monk
Element: Holy (Yellow)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Wolf
Special Skill: Magnificent Meal
- All allies get +100% normal attack for 4 turns. This effect can be active in addition to effects that alter attack in general. Normal attacks can have a total maximum of +160% increased power while this effect is active.
Beta Updates
- Sep 15, 2021 – added for first look testing.