[History, quotes] Boldtusk the Ex Demigod or nerfing defense teams or complicated hero interactions


[History, quotes] Boldtusk the Ex Demigod or nerfing defense teams or complicated hero interactions

Demigod like Boldtusk’s fall from god hood, appears to be a combination of nerfs, stealth nerfs, defense stat changes, new DOT, introduction of sturdier limited time red 5* heroes, introduction of limited time blue 5* heroes, and introduction of blue 4* troops that could be leveled.

For attacking hero, see

([History, quotes] Athena the god tier hero or nerfing the damage curve or complicated hero interactions)

Run away

Pre color stacking?

Pre color stacking or pre Defense stat rebalance?

Multiple nerfs?

4* ascension items

Healing nerf

Boldtusk : max healing of Special Skill decreased from 32% to 27%

Stealth nerf?

Status Effect Attack+ : max power decreased from to 52% to 47%. Duration changed from 6 to 4 turns.

Further reductions to opponent mana gain from combos made by the player.

Slow mana speed heroes

Devs also made slow mana speed heroes, like blue 5* Isarnia, require less tiles to charge. So Boldtusk could heal less between each slow special skill attack. Many Classic 5* heroes are slow.

Weak DOT, long duration

DOT bypasses defense stat.

Devs introduced more heroes with shorter duration DOT, or stronger DOT, than Classic 5* heroes.

Blue Heroes and Blue Troops

Demigod like Boldtusk happened before blue HotM, blue Challenge event 5* heroes, blue Seasonal 5* heroes, and before blue 4* troops could be leveled, allowing players to significantly increase tile/ matching damage against red heroes.

Blue Classic 5* heroes had 2x Splash damage and 1x Attack all enemy.

Red 5* heroes

Red 5* heroes used to be more squishy before red 5* HotM, Seasonal red 5* heroes and Challenge red 5* heroes ( rumor- it’s only a flesh wound).


Have not read it all yet cause my attention span sucks

But from what i did read, good stuff as usual @Gryphonknight

Thanks for that


For attacking hero, see

([History, quotes] Athena the god tier hero or nerfing the damage curve or complicated hero interactions)