My current defense team is built from the following (maxxed) heroes: Boldtusk, Buddy, Grimm, Proteus, Chao. I’d love some advice on who should tank. I currently have BT tanking, since I have 6 talent levels on him, and I find the chance of him coming back from the dead and healing to be hilarious. However, I’m conflicted and wonder if Buddy isn’t the better option for tank. Advice/opinions/suggestions?
Buddy is very well built defensively, but nature is a tough element to tank with since there’s many powerful Fire hitters.
Boldtusk is a great tank though, and Buddy complements him in both skill synergy and element synergy. I’d flank Boldtusk with Buddy myself.
Grimm Buddy Boldie Chao Proto
Good point @DaveCozy, thanks.
In my Boldtusk scenario I had this same setup except Proteus flank and Chao wing, as I thought it gave better chance for Proteus to go off. I know he’s squishy, but he’s also slow. I figured if he goes off too late, then the gig is already up. Faulty thinking?
Doesn’t matter imo, since he either dies or casts on both positions. Have even seen him on tank position with emblems (Def&LP-path). My first is +9 and will survive a non buffed hit by a maxed Lianna now.