[Advice, Mega Post] Activating `Click for notes` transforming mega gryphon forum post OR you want to know all about Empires? This post will tell you all about it [Clip show, Greatest Hits, Some out of date- Now with more Math, Polls added]

Spend depth

Spend Depth is about Time more than Money

Spend depth is about Engagement, Limited availability, Artificial Time locks, Merciless RNG, Bundles, Behavioral science, Monetary Speed Ups and Monetary short cuts

Click for notes

Roster Management

([Guide, 5* Duplicates] How Academy, and Costumes v5.0, changed the 4* / 5* hero inventory or Gryphonknight's General rules for 4* / 5* inventory management [Empires v43])

HA10 5* retraining combined odds

(🧪 Early Information on Soul Exchange [Part of The Beta Beat V45] - #39 by Gryphonknight)

Soul Exchange Total Costs ( USD, Days, Food, Recruits )

(🧪 Early Information on Soul Exchange [Part of The Beta Beat V45] - #27 by Gryphonknight)

Choke points

(Will SG changing summon's ODDs, REALLy make any significant "QoL" difference ?! - #3 by Gryphonknight)

Freemium and Small teams

(No spend trap OR past 5* HotM, small team, alliances and Valor points OR why SGG ignores most suggestions)

Whale, Whale+, Whale++ numbers

Black Friday Summons

([Math, Transparency] 2021-Nov Black Friday summons spend depth and loot box unit pricing [ Gaillard, Peñolite, Balbar ])

Merciless RNG

([WARNING] A Summons Experience - Chasing Guardian Panther - A Warning for Chasing Heroes)

([WARNING] A Summons Experience Vol 2 -- Chasing NINJAS... Whatever the cost)


([Suggestion] ¿Can freemium games be less predatory? OR Spend Depth versus Loot Boxes OR Stop the Hide)

Roster Management
HA10 5* retraining combined odds

Soul Exchange Total Costs ( USD, Days, Food, Recruits )

Choke points
Freemium and Small teams
Whale, Whale+, Whale++ numbers
Black Friday Summons
Merciless RNG