[Guide,Casual] #%$&@#% $&@#%$&@#% $&@#%$&@#% $&@#%$&@#% $&@#%$&@#% $&@ you 1* / 2* heroes OR No 1* / 2* Beginners Base Build
Coming soon
Dedicated to @Rigs
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Too rough for polite society ( the forum bent over backwards to try and keep you. But sleep drunk posting never helps )
loved the game, and those that played it
Rigs The Necromancer (May 2020)
Remembered for Flags.
Hopefully devs can put more weight into the voices of their playerbase in the future and improve things for you guys.
I wanted to stick it out for Crew-, but even a daily login feels too forced and the game is just not something i look forward to anymore. Actually dread just opening it.
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([Repost, Training Camps] Recruit training - common training ( RT01 ) to Legendary training ( RT20 ) - Advice, Stats, and Math )
Extra low cost recruit training ( RT11 )
Extra low cost training
Extra low cost training ( RT11 ) is a great place to store recruits for later Legendary training ( RT20 ), and Uncommon ( RT02 ). See hoards below.
Extra low cost training ( RT11 ), is great for generating Hero XP when you are not in a hurry, short on food or short on kits/ backpacks.
It has the best Hero XP per recruit, and Food per Hero XP when training.
Guaranteed Rare recruit training ( RT12 )
RT12 ( see notes )
RT12 for near unlimited food hoarding ( thanks Atlantis Rising, and Advanced House Lv10, for recruits )
consuming 1x 1* ascension item, 22.5 recruits, and 82 k food per day
Elite recruit training ( RT13 )
Epic recruit training ( RT13 )
Given Merciless RNG, and the current SGG business model ( especially Classic 4* heroes being in every micro transaction summons/ in game currency summons ), Epic recruit training ( RT13 ) should not be used / should not be even researched
Relatively quickly, and relatively cheaply, you will unlock Legendary recruit training ( RT20 ) with its better production of 4* heroes ( no costumes for Classic 4* unless you get lucky in Costume chamber )
You will also relatively quickly get in game currency for limited time summons ( Atlantis Rising ( use all the flasks & tickets ), Atlantis / Valhalla stage completion, Challenge events, Costume chamber, etc. ) with a large chance of getting Classic 4* heroes ( Costume chamber might even get you useful 4* costumes )
Food Hoard
([Math] Hoarding resources in Training camps versus Hero Academy )
2* / 3* ascension items
@Gryphonknight write up that addendum to Hoarding foods in Academy / Lab and 2* / 3* ascension item sustainability
Suggestions for 1* / 2* heroes
([Suggestion,QoL] Change 1* 1.1 / 2* 1.1 heroes into 1* 1.1 / 2* 1.1 Trainer heroes, zero roster space for trainer heroes and EHT on level up or update Camps, and Level up, for all/new players [Catch up mechanic] )
([Suggestion] Remove classes from new 1* / 2* heroes )
([Essay] Please remove 1* and 2* Tourneys, I have already said good bye )
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Dedicated to a future use
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December 21, 2021, 1:42pm
Reserved for commenting “first” after releasing
I randomly decided to login to find you are still posting.
I had a quick browse around and looks like not much has changed…
Or have I missed anything?
@FrenziedEye good to see you around!
Not much has changed, in my opinion… summon odds are still low, new powerful heroes still being released, same old same old
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Killing time ( see notes )
find you are still posting.
I had a quick browse around and looks like not much has changed…
Or have I missed anything?
Several exciting things
for Pay 2 Play, and freemium game developers,
but nothing exciting for Free 2 Play, and Cheap 2 Play
Challenge Festival ( edit )
Edit, Challenge Festival summons, and Academy updated levels HA08, and HA05, are interesting for some new F2P/ C2P accounts but a lot of older accounts it is just the same old with a new paint job
Teeny account
One of my teeny accounts was excited to get 4* Boomer from Challenge Festival summons ( see notes )
Click for notes
Doing some research on
Solo play,
Lab v2.0,
VF gnome,
Underwild gems versus Valhalla rocks,
New Challenge events,
Costume chamber,
War chest life hack,
and some Seekrett Projekts ( which may or may pan out )
Killing time
Basically killing time until I can afford a Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X or a new laptop or my chronically ill friends can safely meet in person for table top board games and RPG s
Teeny war roster
Teeny base
Teeniest war roster
Teeniest base
Oh No!
Teeniest base
Just had a thought
If I never use 1* / 2* heroes
I can build a base with Guaranteed rare ( RT12 ) but were do I get the recruits to run the training?
Looks like
Advertisement for gems to do gem summons for 3* heroes
VIP for 30x days for gems to do gem summons for 3* heroes
All of the above
Roster space
On my other test account ( uses 1* / 2* heroes ) I am getting 3* heroes from RT12 but I do not have the roster space to collect them
Very annoying because Merciless RNG gave me a metric crap ton of Green 3*, and almost as much Red 3*, but not enough Blue, Yellow, and Purple 3* heroes
Coming One Day ™
This experiment is taking much longer than I expected
Less Coming Soon ™ more Coming One Day ™
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