I’m back with some preliminary analysis of PvP (raids). This analysis is a little harder than usual because I fight in upper diamond arena, where most enemies are 4500+ with heavy emblems and troops, so mana bonus needs to be assumed.
Long investigation
Turn 1
On the first turn, three yellow tiles were thrown at Marjana. All other heroes are untouched and receive only EOT mana bonus:
This allows calculating of EOT bonus for all heroes except Marjana:
Dalilah - 9.6 %
Hel - 8.8 %
Richard - 9.6%
Lianna - 10.5%
Turn 2
On the second turn, three purple tiles were thrown at Richard, no other heroes were touched.
This allows calculating EOT bonus for Marjana:
Marjana - 45.6% - 35.1% = 10.5% (equal to Lianna’s bonus)
This also allows calculating mana from 3 hits of combo 1 (3c1 for short) for both Richard and Marjana.
For Marjana - after first round she had 35.1%, EOT bonus is 10.5%, this leaves 3c1 = 35.1 - 10.5 = 24.6%, then 1c1 should hit for 8.2%
For Richard - he had 40.4% of mana after two EOT and 3c1. His EOT is 9.6%, so 3c1 = 40.4 - 2 * 9.6 = 21.2%, then 1c1 should hit for 7.1%
EOT for other heroes can be refined here as well:
Dalilah: 2 EOT = 19.3%, one is 9.6% (same as before)
Hel: 2 EOT = 16.7%, one is 8.4% (was 8.8% on previous screen)
Lianna: 2 EOT = 21.1%, one is 10.55% (almost same as before)
Turn 3
On third turn, three rightmost heroes were hit with 1 tile from Combo 1.
Let’s do some prediction (assuming Lianna has the same mana behavior as Marjana):
Dalilah should have only EOT bonus, so 9.6 * 3 = 28.8%
Hel should also have only EOT bonus, so 8.4 * 3 = 25.2%
Richard should have 40.4% from previous turn + EOT (9.6%) + 1c1 (7.1%) = 57.1%
Marjana should have 45.6% from previous turn + EOT (10.55%) + 1c1 (8.2%) = 64.35%
LIanna should have 21.1% from previous turn + EOT (10.55%) + 1c1 (assumed 8.2%) = 39.85%
As you can see, the prediction works well, but some numbers are off (Lianna, Marjana).
Few refinements are possible here:
Dalilah EOT bonus can be refined to 28.1 / 3 = 9.4%
Hel’s EOT bonus can be refined to 25.4 / 3 = 8.5%
Richard’s EOT bonus should be equal to Dalilah’s bonus, so this gives refined EOT of 9.4% and 1c1 as 7.2%
Lianna’s and Marjana’s assumption of 1c1 are different, varying from 8.1% to 8.8%. Probably measurement error.
Turn 4
On fourth turn, Richard was hit with 3 green tiles and died. Others were not affected.
Dalilah: 28.1 + EOT (9.4%) = 37,5%
Hel: 25.4 + EOT (8.5%) = 33.9%
Marjana: 64 + EOT (10.5%) = 74.5%
Lianna: 40.4 + EOT (10.5%) = 50.9%
And here is the screenshot:
Bingo! All the numbers are very close, few refinements possible:
Dalilah: 37.7% = 4EOT, so EOT is 9.42%
Hel: 34.2% = 4EOT, so EOT = 8.55%
Partial conclusion:
Observed End of Turn bonus and 1 hit from combo 1 (1c1) gains for heroes:
Dalilah: EOT 9.42%, 1c1 assumed 7.2%
Hel: EOT 8.55%, 1c1 unknown
Richard: EOT 9.42%, 1c1 = 7.2%
Marjana: EOT 10.55%, 1c1 = 8.2%
Lianna: EOT 10.55%, 1c1 assumed to be 8.2%
Subtracting mana bonus from troops:
Dalilah: EOT 8.5%, 1c1 = 6.5%, EOT/1c1 = 1.30
Hel: EOT 8.5%, 1c1 assumed 6.5%, EOT / 1c1 = 1.30
Richard: EOT 8.5%, 1c1 = 6.5%, EOT / 1c1 = 1.30
Marjana: EOT 10.33%, 1c1 = 8.04%, EOT / 1c1 = 1.28 (assumed)
Lianna: EOT 10.33%, 1c1 = 8.04%, EOT / 1c1 = 1.28 (assumed)
I have a table (in Russian) with turns to completely charge depending on mana bonus, assuming heroes were not hit:
Let’s cross check it:
Average heroes
So, I measured that Average heroes get 8.5% of mana every turn, and 6.5% of mana for each hit from combo 1.
My prediction for turns to fully charge Average hero without being hit:
No bonus: 12 turns (cross-checks)
7% bonus: 11 turns (cross-checks)
17% bonus: 11 turns (differs)
If EOT for average is refined to 8.6%, this cross-checks with the table completely.
So, current theory is for Average, EOT is 8.6% (0.86 of an offence tile) and 1c1 is 6.6% (0.66 of an offence tile)
Fast heroes
I measured fast heroes EOT to be 10.33%, and 8% of mana for each hit from combo 1.
My prediction for turns to fully charge Fast hero without being hit:
No bonus: 10 turns (cross-checks)
5% bonus: 10 turns (differs)
17% bonus: 9 turns (differs)
If EOT bonus is refined to 10.75%, this cross-checks with the table completely. I think my assumption that both Marjana and Lianna had 2% class mana bonus can be wrong.
Then current theory is for Fast heroes, EOT bonus is 10.75% (0.86 of an offence tile), and 1c1 is 8.27% (0.66 of an offence tile).
Current PvP mana theory
Each tile from combo 1 (1c1) is 2/3 of a tile in offense.
End of turn bonus is 1.30 of a 1c1 tile.
Further speculations
Let’s cross check the theory for Slow heroes.
My prediction for slow heroes is: 1c1 is 0.6666 of an offence tile = 5.56%, and EOT is 7.2215%
To fully charge Slow hero without being hit:
No bonus: 14 turns (table suggests 15 turns)
5% bonus: 14 turns (cross-checks)
9% bonus: 13 turns (cross-checks)
13% bonus: 13 turns (cross-checks)
17% bonus: 12 turns (cross-checks)
I think table is wrong about no-bonus turns (need to check again).
Very Fast
Theory predicts 10.256% for 1c1 and 13.333% for EOT
To fully charge Very Fast hero without being hit:
No bonus: 8 turns (cross-checks)
5% bonus: 8 turns (cross-checks)
7% bonus: 8 turns (cross-checks)
9% bonus: 7 turns (cross-checks)
13% bonus: 7 turns (cross-checks)
17% bonus: 7 turns (cross-checks)
The theory cross-checks fully.
Very Slow
Theory predicts 4.938% for 1c1 and 6.420% for EOT
To fully charge Very Slow hero without being hit:
No bonus: 16 turns (cross-checks)
5% bonus: 15 turns (differs)
7% bonus: 15 turns (cross-checks)
9% bonus: 15 turns (cross-checks)
13% bonus: 14 turns (cross-checks)
17% bonus: 14 turns (cross-checks)
19% bonus: 14 turns (differs)
So this needs to be checked again.
Current theory: in raids, combo 1 tile is 66.66% of a tile in offence, and EOT bonus is 1.30 of a combo 1 tile. This gives (without any mana bonus):