🦅 Legends of Kalevala (2024) - Portal Stats & Summon Results


This thread is for information and discussion on the Legends of Kalevala 2023 Summon Portal, and sharing Summon Results.

:game_die: Legends of Kalevala Appearance Rates


Appearance Rates

Classic Season 1 Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 56.8%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%

Seasonal Heroes

  • Rare Seasonal Hero: 14.2%
  • Epic Seasonal Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Seasonal Hero: 0.3%
  • Legendary Featured Hero: 1.3%

* Costume Included if available


Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%


Perfect 10 Bonus can only be gained from a Summon x 10.

Legendary Hero & Special items: 2.0%.

Featured heroes:

  • Ukkonen costume
  • Väinämöinen costume
  • Otso

:dizzy: Epic Hero Tokens Can Be Used for Seasonal Summoning

The Seasonal Summons replaces the regular Epic Hero Summons.

Because of that, unlike Challenge Event Summons, the Summoning Portal for Seasonal Events allows using saved up Epic Hero Tokens that can otherwise normally only be used for Epic Hero Summons.

That makes Seasonal Events the only place you can currently use Epic Hero Tokens for a chance at non-Season 1 heroes.

You’ll also have the same chance at the HOTM as usual when using Epic Hero Tokens.

:gem: Summon Costs

  • Single: 1 Epic Hero Token or 300 Gems
  • 10x: 2600 Gems

:money_with_wings: Analysis of Summon Appearance Rates

This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x)

Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

Occurence 1x 10x 30x 100x 500x 1500x
Cost (USD) $3.00 $26.00 $77.99 $259.97 $1,299.87 $3,899.61
Get at least 1x Vanilla Hero 78.5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Get at least 1x Kalevala Hero 21.5% 91.1% 99.9% 100% 100% 100%
Get at least 1x 5* Kalevala Hero 1.5% 14.9% 38.4% 80.1% 100% 100%
Get at least 1x Kalevala 4* Hero 5.7% 44.4% 82.8% 99.7% 100% 100%
Get a Specific Kalevala 4* Hero 2.9% 25.1% 58.0% 94.5% 100% 100%
Get at least 1x Kalevala 3* Hero 14.2% 78.4% 99.0% 100% 100% 100%
Get a Specific Kalevala 3* Hero 7.1% 52.1% 89.0% 99.9% 100% 100%

Putting That in Perspective

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each spent US$26.00 to do :one::zero: Summons, 776,300 of those players would NOT get a Kalevala or Season 1 5* Hero

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each spent US$77.99 to do :three::zero: Summons, 420,000 of those players would NOT get Gafar

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each each spent US$259.97 to do :one::zero::zero: Summons, 199,300 of those players would NOT get a Kalevala 5* Hero

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each spent US$1,299.87 to do :five::zero::zero: Summons, 222,600 of those players would NOT get Roc

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each spent US$1,299.87 to do :five::zero::zero: Summons, 38,360 of those players would NOT get Rana & Costume

:link: Related Links

:link: Other 2024 Legends of Kalevala Threads


:warning: Important Notice :warning:: Wait with your pulls until Secret Summon appears!*

*- not planned so far but it is bound to. And in the off chance any won’t be planned during whole Kalevela you can still pull last day.


The exact dates of Kalevala seem to keep shifting, but insofar as the event will span at least parts of three months

it means that EHTs can be also used in Kalevala to chase up to three different HotM, if they are desirable

which may matter to folks who don’t always summon enough to feel like “oh I will always get one/three/twentysomething of the HotM.”


First two pulls :smiley:


out of 29 pulls :


Otso and Väinämöinen both seem really weak. I think I’ll keep saving my tokens instead of chasing Ukkonen


yep, the all THREE NEW heroes accessible with EHTs don’t seem particularly strong stats wise.

I think that this is a good thing in regard to the general flow of power rush, I just wish it didn’t happen with seasonal summons.

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Looking at the premium portals power creep isn’t slowing down though. They’re just making it harder to access any top level heroes. So weaker heroes in seasonal and season specific (like dunes) summons since they don’t necessarily require you to pay real money


:+1: though I’d call it a rush or sprint.


It’s not accidental. Someone stated that last seasonal summons that they were happy the power creep seemed to have slowed down but Astral elves, monster island, covenant or any other paid portal didn’t follow suit. If you want powerful they want to make for damn sure your gonna be paying for it. I turned off purchase options myself because of the lies and deception regarding path of valor. I know a game must be profitable so i get the constant money grab mentality but lately i feel like we’ve reached a new level of just how low they will go to make a dollar. To call Gartens nerf a buff and call what they did to path of Valor an improvement were two outright lies. To think trainer heroes ( who i can build myself for free) equals pulls , golden emblems and a ton of gems is simply ludicrous that’s not even getting into the items like tornadoes or scrolls of alteration which require hard to acquire materials. Give me Something i can get myself for free instead. Who wouldn’t want stuff you get for free on your own instead of things that dont come for free or so easily? I was ethically forced into free to play. My pride alone wouldn’t let me continue to support a corporation who would blatantly lie to my face,insult my intelligence and has shown repeated contempt for its customers. Nah i saved my tokens last seasonal portal as well and nothing to write home about here either. Guess I’ll wait til Christmas( if im still playing by them) At least pengi, tinsel and krampus are still pretty good. These heroes here are mediocre at best . Kullervo is the only person I’d be happy to pull myself maybe one other but they are not featured so why waste tokens when the odds are I’d just pull one of these three featured who are not really all that great ( my opinion)


Small correction.

On topic: saving my few EHT for next month as I already have the HotM.
Good luck to everybody!

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I a Gwi!
correction made :+1:

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Yeah the issue I’m having as well is that this doesn’t slow down the overall power rush at all: it just widens the gap between smaller spenders and bigger spenders.

It wasn’t that long ago that at least some seasonal heroes were arguably pretty desirable for their time, even amongst bigger spenders – and so your F2P/C2P types could at least get a few of the New Big Things.

Now, it’s increasingly Elves, Goblins, Insanity heroes, plushy Gargoyles, etc. etc. pulling further and further away from proles like Seasonal heroes, much less HotM.

Also the trend of “older heroes get costumes that too often don’t do much other than increase their stats” is dispiriting.

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