🧪 Early Information on Legends of Kalevala for 2024 [Part of The Beta Beat v68]

If you can throw 40 EHTs at a seasonal portal where there are 5* you actually want, and during a month when there’s a HotM you wouldn’t mind getting, and there’s a Secret Summon, then…

yeah the chance of an Insanity hero is about 4%

but also the chance of a Kalevala 5* is about 48%

and the chance of a HotM is about 41%

Taken together, that’s still about a 30% chance for no 5* at all (boo!) but a 70% chance of at least one 5* — which is about as good a roll of the dice as you can often get as a F2P.

(I suppose there’s the whole Kalevala vs Morlovia vs Santa question, but that’s also another debate, plus what you think of, e.g. December HotMs historically.)


Beta info on Jul 2024 HotM
Beta info on Aug 2024 HotM

Updated, now that Kalevala is announced for Jul 29 - Aug 9

[ September HotM won’t be reachable via EHTs at Kalevala. ]
Beta info on Sep 2024 HotM