Isarnia or Anzogh - who deserves my precious wizard emblems?

Isarnia or Anzogh

Isarnia ?

Click for Isarnia

Usually a 4* 4.70 > 5* 3.70. But if you only care about DEF, Isarnia 5* 3.55 has the same defense as Gunnar 3* 3.50 ( yes Gunnar’s DEF is that high )…
…and Grimm 4* 4.70 ( yes Grimm’s DEF is that low ).

Many people use Isarnia as a sturdier Grimm. Isarnia would go with Arthur, or Frida.

Anzogh ?

Click for Anzogh

Zimkitha is fast mana speed attack all, Wilbur is like Wu Kong ( worth building a team around ), Boldtusk is a 5* Hero nerfed to 4* level ( see discussion of Falcon below ). Anzogh is bringing a lot of redundancy to this team, and nothing really unique. Unlike Isarnia, Anzogh is not going to do well with any of the current war rules. I would really have liked red Anzogh at fast mana speed as an anti green Gregorian ( similar to red Zimkitha being an anti- green Zeline ) but that is not the direction the Devs chose to pursue ( from the rumors out of Beta ). Or as a compliment to Aegir ( all allies heal X% from damage done by their special skills ).

Like Ameonna, Anzogh is very niche. And suffers from so much competition from very very good red 4* / 5* Heroes and very very good 4* / 5* Wizards. If Anzogh were a Classic hero like Isarnia, at least Anzogh would be available in Legendary training.

Decisions, decisions

Personally I would wait to see what “skins” brings to Isarnia ( Classic heroes get them first, just like Class quest bosses got animated portriats first ). It does not sound like adding either to you line up right now will make a huge difference.

Isarnia Emblems

Isarnia is often run on a rainbow team, especially during war. As a general rule, you want your roster’s rainbow heroes to get HP & DEF.

Glass Jackal

Click for Jackal and Falcon rehash

People get confused by Jackal because he is very fast mana but forget his special skill has very low damage. But Jackal is insanely glassy for a glass cannon. Only two yellow HotM 5* 4.80 have a higher attack stat than Jackal 4* 4.70, but his DEF & HP are very low. So Jackals biggest advantage is his grave damage ( matching/ tile/ board damage from dead heroes ) and color stacking. I would give Jackal’s emblems to ATT, ATT and ATT.

I would level a second, and a third, Jackal to 4* 3.60 just for the ATT stat. I used my second Wu Kong at 4* 3.60 for Wu Kong’s high ATT stat and Jackal’s is higher. An Wu Kong being yellow and high ATT stat boosts yellow tile damage a lot on the same team with Jackal, even if Jackal’s special skill is never used. Joon is the rare sniper Classic 5* Hero that is a glass cannon instead of High DEF & HP sniper. So Joon used with Jackal further ramps up the matching/ tile/ board damage.

As a bonus, Jackal is a Rogue, so at 4*+15 his talent effectively increases his HP against direct damage. If a shot would have killed Jackal, one way to think of Evade is an instant revive and heal.

Falcon is the diamond in the rough. Only one red HotM 5* 4.80 has a higher DEF stat than Falcon 4* 4.70. Falcon is the only three target elemental defense debuff that is not a 5* hero AND Falcon has a matching color Ramming Pulverizer ( Evelyn and Jackal do not have a matching Ramming Pulverizer or Athena’s Bow or Wonderful Feast ). Even better, Gormek can be switched out for Wilbur. Because Falcon has low HP, you can color stack him with Boldtusk ( Devs had to nerf Boldtusk multiple times before he stopped being a hidden 5* Hero ). And if Boldtusk dies, he has a chance to Revive, then use a Revive scroll/ Miracle scroll / mana item to heal Falcon. So Falcon, Boldtusk, and Wilbur are the rare heroes that take color stacking to insane levels and are game changers ( HP & DEF for all three ).
