Okay, so RnG God is finally giving me a chance. Spent my last gems on a single summon and pulled Rumpelstiltskin. A moment later, Isarnia and a dupe Kadilen pop up from tc20s.
Now, I am undecided which legendary hero to level up. Perhaps, wait for Magni from tc20 which is probably next century.
I am leaning towards Rumpelstiltskin as he offer more variety but Isarnia’s buff is quite insane. Slow mana was a turn off though.
Current blues includes Richard at +4 and Thorne at 3 45 (for aw).
Feedback is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Sweet score of Rump 
Isarnia was one of the first 5* i ascended many moons ago and I still use her, sure she is squishy but great tile damage and can be annoying on defence when used on the wing.
I do not have Rump, but at least one of his 3 random SS doesn’t harm himself like Danzeburro so that’s always a good thing 
If it were me, I would go Rump, only because I find him more interesting.
Good pulls!
I have a maxed Isarnia +3. She is a good hero, but often dead before she can fire her special. She is on my defense team but needs replaced and will be as soon as I get materials for magni.
I do not have rumplestiltskin but I would be tempted to choose him. On defense he’s hard for attackers to plan a counter against. He also looks to be a lot of fun to use.
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Yeah, I am leaning toward Rump too because his specials are unpredictable + rarity.
But Isarnia’s high attack stat and buff is quite tempting.
I am going to level Rump to 2 60 and gauge his practicality from there.
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Rumple is is fun to use especially on offense.
Wild card on defense.
Isarnia - sure thing but less exciting
So you gotta see what you want as your first blue 5s. Magni will most likely pop out once you have upped either of them. 
Don’t forget titans - Isarnia almost doubles your damage against red titans.
Similar situation here, pulled Isarnia and Rumpel from a 10 pull. It’s a hard decision.
Currently doing Rumpel, mostly because I have a maxed Isarnia on my alt account and like to play as many different heroes as possible.
On my alt I play Isarnia with a high level Mana troop close to a maxed Magni in offense. Also Aegir is in that team. In such a setup Isarnia often decides the battle for me because she stays alive to fire.
With Isarnia you know what you get, Rumpel is more for fun.
Maybe throw a coin, after all this game is based on RNG 
Currently, I am using a +4 Richard as a tank and Thorne sitting at 3 45. I don’t need another pulverizer though.
With 11 scopes available, Magni can wait.
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Another dilemma…I’ve got a max Grimm with +11 emblem and another 2 sitting at 3 60 which I level up for AW during my earlier days of playing. Should I feed one to Rump?
Nope. Never ever do that.
How about the six 4 * holy trainer heroes?
Rumple just asked me if he could cook em.
I don’t even have a worthy holy hero to upgrade.
Again, waiting for Joon to pop up from tc20…lol…
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Please don’t feed a 3-60 grimm to him. Asfor the holy trainers , go for it. If you have no yellow project cook them for rumplestiltskin.
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Just eat them up. Trainers are waste of space if you are just waiting for a worthy hero. Use them to level the hero you want to use. Trainers can be substituted and also it’s only 20% extra. A 3s hero’s extra 20% is only worth around 3x 1s feeder. Easily obtained. Upping skill level is also easy so trainers are not necessarily to be kept for long.
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Just bring up Rumple to Final tier. He is quite fun to use because of the unpredictable specials which are all very useful.
But I see him only in tank position on the team setup. I am currently using Richard +5 emblem as a tank.
Rumple, Lianna, Kunchen, Anzogh and Richard. or Rumple, Kunchen, Richard, Anzogh and Lianna?
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