Gems . Keep them? Atlantis vs Guardians

I agree.

Boldtusk+ Falcon+ Gormek ( later Wilbur) is a nasty 3x strong / 3x neutral stack.

After 2+ years, most of my accounts STILL do not have falcon, though one account has 4x Wilbur and 4x Proteus ( including 2x leveled Proteus).

1x or 2x Jackal would just be a bonus.

2x Jackal ( or 2x Valeria from Halloween) work very well on the same team.


Click for notes

Basic Color stacking

Color stacking

Color stacking, Empires hidden buff

Neutral color stacking

Red 4* heroes

Jackal and Falcon on defense

4* limited time heroes

(Best event to spend gems on - #11 by Gryphonknight)


Jackal versus Falcon

This is an old post ( before buddy) but still useful.