🦸‍♂️ Gaillard - 5* Ice/Blue from Sanctuary of Gargoyles

New Sanctuary of Gargoyles Hero is released: Gaillard

This thread is for discussing strategy related to Gaillard , as well as your thoughts on him.


Rarity Element Class Mana Speed
Level Attack Defense Health

4/85 923 796 1618
4/90 1056 911 1851
Origin Family
Sanctuary of Gargolyes Gargolye
Image Aether Power Description
special-boost Special Boost At the start of each turn, this Hero’s Special Skill deals an additional +30% damage for 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:hourglass: Ability: Every time this Gargoyle casts a Special Skill, their Stoneskin hardens. The next 3 times they receive damage, it is dropped to 1. This effect can’t be dispelled.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Educated Excorcism
  • Deals 540% damage to the target.
  • All allies are immunte to incoming negative effects and damage from Fiends for 4 tuns.
  • All allies are immune to new Fiends for 4 turns.

All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family.

Gargoyle family
Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes:

Immune to Poison damage / Immune to Poison and Burn damage / Immune to Poison and Burn and Water damage

:balance_scale: Balance Changes

May 2022

June 2022

Jun 2023 (Big Balance Update)

:test_tube: Changes from Beta

There appear to be no changes to Gaillard from last-seen Beta stats, skill, and design.

Beta Information: 🧪 Early Information on New Legendary (Unknown Later Event) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v43]

:thought_balloon: What do you think of Gaillard ?

This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Gaillard .

Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Gaillard and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.

Some Popular Questions for Discussion

  • Is Gaillard worth summoning for?

  • Would you use Gaillard on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?

  • Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Gaillard ?

  • What heroes would you take when facing Gaillard as an opponent?

  • Would you give Gaillard Sorcerer Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?

  • What do you think of special?

  • What do you think of Gaillard 's character design?

  • If you Summoned Gaillard and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Gaillard , and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*

*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Gaillard when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Gaillard , you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Gaillard (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Gaillard ), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of %%HERO_KIND%%.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:thinking: Wondering About Your Personal Situation?

Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.

If you’d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.

:link: Related Threads You May Be Interested In


Feedback Poll - Gaillard (post release)

:question: Is Gaillard worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if you’re P2P
  • Yes, but only when featured.
  • Not really
  • Not at all

0 voters

:question: How many copies of Gaillard would be useful to keep & Level?
Note - this is roster space dependent & isn’t the same for everyone!

  • Zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them

0 voters

:question: What do you think Gaillard ’s Primary Purpose is?

  • Damage Dealer
  • Immuniser against Fiend effects
  • Immuniser against new Fiends

0 voters

:question: What do you think of Gaillard compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)

0 voters

:question: How does Gaillard ’s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match Gaillard 's Base Stats?

Note this means her Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly

0 voters

:question: Is Gaillard worth giving Sorcerer Emblems to?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Depends on who else you got
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No I don’t think so
  • No… Not at all.

0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Gaillard is best used?

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.

0 voters

:question: How do you think Gaillard is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams

0 voters

Choose up to 3 options

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Guess I’ll be the one to ask; Is Gaillard worth the materials? :thinking: being only a anti-fiend hero, but could have potential as a sniper i’d say? :thinking:

Only 4% think he’s average or worse. Always depends on what your got, but I don’t get the hesitation.

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He’s a monster!

20 characters


I would love to have him more than Penny. She may be too slow for Elizabeth; this guy will be right on time.

And while Peny is situational somewhat, he’s great sniper even if fiends are not in the game. He’s pretty much Gefjon but for fiends.

If he was more common, Elizabeth’s owners would be on suicide watch.


He is still a sniper first before anything else. Even without fiends, he can still fill out the sniper role quite effectively


He is the most hard hitting fast sniper in the game. If I hadn’t forgotten about someone, only Eiora & Flyffy hits harder and Fenrir if the enemy has less than 50% HP.


What about gefjon , would she hit harder ?

and Liana with costume bonus should still be top tier

Sure but as you caltulate is a little difference, people often forgot her but she is a queen of snipers and every new one want to be as strong as her :slightly_smiling_face:

No, he is superior. Lianna CB 512% x 793 = 4060, Gaillard 490% x 836 = 4096


Depends. In a vacuum he beats her (500%*772 = 3860).

But Gefjon wins when minions are in play - she can disregard minions no matter how many and how beefy they are; For Gaillard, they will soak his dmg. Also with her class she can bypass defensive buffs which also gives her some rng-based advantage.

At first was bummed to get this guy (got 2 Esme instead of the other ones, but finally got Wolfgang as well in the end). In retrospect, he’s gonna be a nice add to a titan team and I’m happy I got him. Have Cathal LB and these two together will hit like trucks. Only problem is he is a wizard and I’m just stacked in wizards. Still need to fully emblem Cristobal who is at 9 now, so this guy won’t be getting wizard emblems any time soon…

I like Gaillard; a sniper with these buffs will probably be easier to fit into any squad. Here’s my full review. Thanks!


You know, Lianna have for example 512%, Gefjon 500%.
But he’s still good :slight_smile:

And so? His base attack stats are much higher than theirs, as a result he hits harder even the percentage is lower. Do the math.


So what does everyone think of him now, after his slight buff and now that their are other gargoyles?

I think he’s the worst of the bunch of I’m being honest.

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I would bet that is the case as he is the only one of them I have! :money_mouth_face: I actually got him last December when he and Penolite were featured and I still haven’t taken him past 3/70. Too many better blues and just not enough fiend hero’s that can’t be handled with healers to justify using those precious mats on him.

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My opinion of him did not change - I still think he is great and use him a lot on wars, tournaments and basically everywhere I run a blue mono. He’s obvious choice for antifiend, but universal enough to face teams even when fiends are not in the game, which put my Alice on the bench. His snipe is fast and deadly. I’ll be limit breaking him for sure once I am done with other projects; especially that he didn’t need a buff but still got one.

Other gargoyles are strong, but I wouldn’t say he’s worst of them all. Tough to compare as they all serve different purposes and it all comes down to what you need the most and in what color, but in my personal situation I still prefer him over getting Penolite or Arco; if I wasn’t short on reds I’d also prefer him over El Duque. Only Goseck is unique and fun to play monster whom I wouldn’t trade for Gaillard :slight_smile: