đź““ Direct Raw Damage - Hit all Enemies and Hit 3

Last Updated: 2020-04-21T15:10:00Z

  • Added Roostley, Killhare and Chick Jr.

Reference topic with tables of simplified damage dealt by the heroes that hit all enemies.

Simplified damage means that only the attack and percent of damage dealt by the skill is considered. Troops, buffs, ailments (including Damage over Turns), enemy stats or modifiers, etc. are not taken into account for this table.

For Costumed heroes – the costume bonus is taken into account where indicated.

The purpose of this topic is for reference only, not to be used as a guide for which heroes have better skills or which heroes to level up.


Hero Damage before modifiers
Bauchan 441
Oberon 510.62
Carver 580
Melia 606
Ulmer 612.48
Arman 620.1
Jahangir 722.1
Chick Jr. 941.4


Hero Damage before modifiers
Li Xiu (default, no costume) 924
Li Xiu (default, costume maxed) 970.2
Boomer 1103.64
Gobbler 1142.35
Li Xiu (costume equipped) 1188
Tiburtus (costume equipped) 1204
Hu Tao 1206
Agwe 1303.4
Colen 1310.4
Jack O’Hare 1337.4
Skittleskull (default, no costume) 1346.8
Skittleskull (costume equipped) 1361.5
Little John 1370.85
Skittleskull (default, costume maxed) 1414.14
Danzaburo (swords) 1492.8
Sumle (all enemies alive) 1670.85 (increase by 70% per dead enemy)


Hero Damage before modifiers
Telluria 796.9
Saint Nick 927
Ursena (HP<50%, non-yellow) 950.3
Red Hood 954.99
Yunan 994.98
Zeline (non-blue) 1092.52
Atomos (enemy with zero mana) 1099.5
Neith 1102.5
Zimkitha 1106.7
Vela (non-red) 1114.5
Marie-Thérèse 1300.32
Kadilen 1322.4
Ursena (HP<50%, yellow) 1330.42
Snow White (no dispels) 1360.8
G. Owl (all allies alive) 1412.35
Grimble 1445.25
Elena (costume equipped) 1453.4
Justice 1461.6
Anzogh 1500.7
Zeline (blue) 1529.528
Horghall (costume equipped) 1485.65
Horghall (default, no costume) 1543.95
Horghall (default, maxed costume) 1621.15
Azlar 1625.65
Elena (default, no costume) 1634.18
Elena (default, maxed costume) 1715.88
G. Kong 1729.2
Mok-Arr (blue, red, green) 1852.5
Isarnia (default, no costume) 1872.95
Quintus (costume equipped) 1889.4
Vela (red) 1894.65
Isarnia (default, costume maxed) 1966.95
Ursena (HP>50%, non-yellow) 1976
Rumpelstiltskin (skull card) 1979.1
Atomos (enemies with full mana) 1979.1
Quintus (default, no costume) 2016.9
Quintus (default, costume maxed) 2117.75
Sir Roostley (if all enemies adjacent) 2178.4
Isarnia (costume equipped) 2215.95
Killhare 2223
Mok-Arr (yellow) 2593.5
Ursena (HP>50%, yellow) 2766.4
G. Owl (all allies KO’d) 2854.75
Snow White (16 or more dispels) 3175.2

Reserving this post for future use


Also reserving this post for future use

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Correction for new gobbler:

Hero Attack stat Skill percent Damage
Gobbler (new) 641 170% 1089,7
Gobbler (old) 731 155% 1133,05
Little John (costume) 720 185% 1332

EDIT: add Little John costume


Thanks Jinbatsu, this topic is outdated :slight_smile: I’ll look into updating it

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Who is this??? :thinking:
Is that Santa Claus :santa:?

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Thanks but I hope this list be updated

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Ah yes. I need to add this to my list of to-dos. I’m gonna try and do that next week – some other lists I update for Puzzle Combat took over.

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Well this topic is still sorely outdated. I’ll see when I can get around to it … I asked staff if we can make it a wiki topic so that trusted users can help contribute. I got too much going on irl and it makes keeping this list up to date a bit tough

I’ll still try and get around to updating it sometime

No Hero Damage Attack Stat S.Skill Percent More damage
58 Telluria 551.70 613 90
57 Frigg 753.00 753 100
56 Odin 762.00 762 100
55 Santa 927.00 618 150
54 Red Hood 954.99 729 131
53 Vela 965.90 743 130
52 Ursena (HP<50%, non-yellow) 988.00 760 130
51 Yunan 994.98 618 161
50 Zeline (non-blue) 1,092.52 764 143
49 Neith 1,102.50 735 150
48 Zimkitha 1,106.70 714 155
47 Kadilen (costume equipped) 1,186.60 698 170
46 Atomos (enemy with zero mana) 1,246.10 733 170
45 Marie-Thérèse 1,300.32 774 168
44 Kadilen (default, no costume) 1,322.40 696 190
43 Snow White (no dispels) 1,360.80 756 180
42 Ursena (HP<50%, yellow) 1,383.20 760 130 1.4
41 Kadilen (default, maxed costume) 1,387.00 730 190
40 Grimble 1,445.25 615 235
39 Elena (costume equipped) 1,448.24 842 172
38 Justice 1,461.60 609 240
37 Horghall (costume equipped) 1,481.35 689 215
36 Anzogh 1,500.70 698 215
35 Zeline (blue) 1,529.53 764 143 1.4
34 Skadi (no enemies dead) 1,531.20 696 220
33 Horghall (default, no costume) 1,543.95 657 235
32 Horghall (default, maxed costume) 1,623.85 691 235
31 Azlar (default, no costume) 1,625.65 793 205
30 Elena (default, no costume) 1,634.18 809 202
29 G. Owl (all allies alive) 1,682.80 601 280
28 Azlar (default, maxed costume) 1,705.60 832 205
27 Elena (default, maxed costume) 1,714.98 849 202
26 Frigg (max nature shield) 1,837.32 753 244
25 Odin (max holy shield) 1,859.28 762 244
24 Isarnia (default, no costume) 1,872.95 797 235
23 Skadi (1 dead enemy) 1,879.20 696 270
22 Quintus (costume equipped) 1,889.40 804 235
21 Isarnia (default, costume maxed) 1,964.60 836 235
20 G. Kong 1,965.00 786 250
19 Ursena (HP>50%, non-yellow) 1,976.00 760 260
18 Rumpelstiltskin (skull card) 1,979.10 733 270
17 Mok-Arr (blue, red, green) 2,000.70 741 270
16 Quintus (default, no costume) 2,016.90 747 270
15 Bertila 2,082.20 718 290
14 Atomos (enemies with full mana) 2,125.70 733 290
13 Quintus (default, costume maxed) 2,170.80 804 270
12 Sir Roostley (if all enemies adjacent) 2,178.40 778 280
11 Isarnia (costume equipped) 2,215.95 869 255
10 Killhare 2,223.00 741 300
9 Skadi (2 dead enemies) 2,227.20 696 320
8 Skadi (3 dead enemies) 2,575.20 696 370
7 Ursena (HP>50%, yellow) 2,766.40 760 260 1.4
6 Mok-Arr (yellow) 2,800.98 741 270 1.4
5 Onyx - Charge 3 (15 tiles) 2,810.50 803 350
4 Cobalt - Charge 3 (15 tiles) 2,883.60 801 360
3 G. Owl (all allies KO’d) 2,884.80 601 480
2 Skadi (4 dead enemies) 2,923.20 696 420
1 Snow White (16 or more dispels) 3,175.20 756 420

Updated for 5* heroes, added: Frigg and Odin (with max shield), Cobalt and Onyx.


  • Add attack stat and skill percent
  • Kadilen.C and CB added


  • Remove Glenda, was in beta hit-all, thanks @Frans3000
  • Add Bertila

UPDATE4: 2021-01-08T17:00:00Z

  • Add Skadi
  • Correction Ursena and Mok-Arr more damage
  • Add coumn variable more damage
  • Zeline (blue) corrected

Spreadsheet link if anyone interesting and want to copy.


Thanks for the update @jinbatsu :+1:

Edit: kind of glad to see Mok Arr top Ursena for damage since his buff :smile:


Glenda dont hit all enemies, just 3

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@Palms, @Frans3000, thanks… already updated, also add Bertila.

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Speaking of Glenda though, did a search to see if there might be a similar list out there for hit 3 heroes. Do you know if one exists @jinbatsu?

Also, any chance Skadi can get on the aoe list?

Edit: Skadi would be #30 with 1531 damage if no enemies dead.
Variable dead enemies gives the following:
1 dead enemy = 1879 or #20
2 dead enemies = 2227 or #9
3 dead enemies = 2575 or #5
4 dead enemies = 2923 or #2

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Thanks for the update.

fyi- the “extra damage” of Ursena and Mok-Arr do 1.41x damage even post the (1+extraDamage%(SS/100*attack/def)^1.35, or here:
Damage = Attack Stat * SS%/100) * 1.4
So the OP damage calculation for Ursena (HP>50%,yellow) = 2766 is correct instead of 2280.

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@Palms yes Skadi hit-all, I would add in the list, thanks. Yes, I plan also want to add hit-3, hit-3-splash and hit-1 (sniper).

@Dorkus, thank you for the correction.
the more damage percent is based on this thread by @Vikingblood80 :
Guide “Increased damage against elements - how much? by Vikingblood80

A question, how do you we get formula 1.4 from 40%? Is it okay if GM 60%, it means 1.6 ?

I would add in the table list in cell.

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I am already working on a hit 3 spreadsheet Jinbatsu. Same format as your sheet.

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Oh well okay then, that’s great, thank you! :+1:

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If we do the math another way (considering extra damage at +40%) then we get (attck * ss%) + (attck * ss% * .4) = 2766. Now, using the distributive property the equation can be simplified as follows…

attck*ss(1 + .4). And there is where the 1.4 comes from :slight_smile:

So the calculation is correct provided 40% is the correct extra damage %. So in GM case, 1.6 would be appropriate. @Dorkus has provided the simplified version of the damage equation.

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Updated… 20 char of update
@Palms, just a resource for easy convert to forum, here is the tools:

We can use copy the cells from spdreadsheets, File → Paste Table data… → Generate → Copy Clipboard.