This is a dynamic overview off the highest stats for 5* and 4* heroes, counting the following
Attack, defense, health, and including:
Robustness: I use the formula “defense + health/2” to determine how much a hero can withstand
Damage output: I use the formula “attack*special %*number of targets
Effect of damage output will vary depending on defense and bonuses for the targets, but damage output is comparable.
I show damage both unconditional: Lowest possible damage from a special, and conditional: highest possible damage from a special
All stats are fully levelled, no emblems, not limit broken. This to give a comparable point of reference. If a costume is available for the hero, the costume bonus is included, even if the non-costumed version is referenced.
Multihit heroes will hit harder if only one target remains or taunt applied (May be conditions for multihit) This includes: Mr. Pengi, Ebba, Kullervo, Jabberwock, Congalach, 9 Headed Beast, Zekena, Tweedles, Jana, Madhammer
I find 4* very interesting because of the massive effect of 2C on S1 heroes. They are dominating the tables, even if they are the oldest heroes in the game. I think SG didn’t quite see how much the costumes would mean for the S1 heroes, and that is why we see differentiated stats for 4* costumes later on, and no secondary costumes for 3* (yet) as they would be even more impactful there
Did you forget Sha Wujing? I am pretty sure he should show up on your sniper Top 10. He has higher att stat and higher damage than Laohu. BTW I guess that list is conditional damage?
How do you handle Costumes and Costume bonus? Do you include all costumes with the C2 (or whatever the highest availlable CB is) bonus or is the original without bonus the C1 with C1 bonus and the C2 with C2bonus? I guess at least in the conditional damage you would have to include all versions of the hero with the highest CB. In unconditional you could include all Costumes with lowest possible CB?
Good catch!
I found that a couple heroes in my overview I had not check of for number of targets. Two heroes then got into the lists, that was Sha Wujing and Hurricane for hit 3’s
On Costumes. Initially I include max available costume bonus on all heroes. However secondary costumes makes this a bit complicated due to the way I input the information (base stats and then costume bonus added through formulas). I have been updating this information regularly but missing a couple of the heroes from costume chamber.
For defense & conditional attack, did you include family bonus ? That would be another boost for S1 4* w. 2/3/4/5 members in a party. Seriously doubt 1%/3%/5%/7% will push any 5* into relevance.
I have not included passives, family bonuses, aether powers or other additional effects.
Some reasons for this. Many are conditional, most are minor, and a lot of them are a secondary hit. This is also why for instance Ogima is taken out.
He does hit very hard if you have lots of minions, but it is not a 725% hit. Its a 275% hit + a secondary hit that has a max of 350%. This makes a difference and is therefore not comparable in damage output.
I have also not added damage core of Brimstone and Ghealach.
Arguably, the dual hits of heroes like Kullervo and Zekena have the same problem. I just ended up drawing the line somewhere to make it possible to handle
Major update today with the costume chamber. Most pure stats have new entries.
5* Atk - C3 Azlar comes in
5* Def - Persa is the new Def champion, which suits her potentially stealing a taunt
5* HP - dominated by the toons and their hefty 55% hp bonus. Costumes ownes this category
5* Robustness - 3 toons in here, while Azlar prioritizes attack
Hardest hitting hit 3 - Even at fast, Frond gets in her, dependent on the opponent having a dash of boosted health
Again, the new costumes means that we see movement in all categories except defense. Boril will be a def monster with his second costume. C2 Scarlett is a glass cannon, while Melendor gets renewed relevance as a good dispeller