Can't make decision on which red 4* to asecnd first


Depends on your roster.


With your screenshot, none to 4* 4.1 .

Take 1x Guardian Falcon to 4* 3.60 instead, the only 4* elemental defense debuffer.

Leveling plan

But once you have Falcon at 4* 3.60 ,

If you have purple 4* Tibertus at 4* 4.70 then Falcon to 4* 4.70 . Boldtusk, and Falcon, go well together because of very very high defense stats.

If no purple 4* Tibertus 4* 4.70 - and no red 4* Wilbur - then Gormek to 4* 4.70 but even with red 4* Wilbur, you will probably want to level Gormek eventually. Gormek, or Wilbur, gets you a generic / rainbow defense debuff red hero.

After - Gormek 4* 4.70 or Wilbur 4* 4.70 - and Falcon at 4* 4.70 then depends on rest of your roster - including new heroes you acquire - but likely Scarlett 4* 4.70 . Scarlett is a fast attack debuffer that protects your whole team ( I like team heroes better than solo heroes), and herself. But even dead Scarlett increases you red normal/ matching/ tile damage ( grave damage ). Scarlett, and similar hero yellow 4* Guardian Jackal, has a 5* HotM level of attack stat.

Also if you have yellow 4* Wu Kong, leveling Wu Kong - the only 4* mega attack buffer - should be a priority.


Click for notes

Red 4* heroes

(Scarlett or 2nd Gormek - #4 by Gryphonknight)

Basic color stacking

Click for basic color stacking

Advanced color stacking


Mostly for new players lurking and wonder what the heck is going on since leveling plans get complex quickly.


I would rather over explain than assume the OP understands the context of my reasoning.

See also

(4* vs 5* Heroes - #19 by Gryphonknight)

(Waiting for better heroes? - #8 by Gryphonknight)

(Probably an easy question for most of you – Would you take some time and build thing up to level 20 or should I plug away and get my Stronghold to 24 as quickly as possible - #28 by Gryphonknight)


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