Newbie looking for tips

Hey all! Ive been getting into this game and looking for some suggestions how to improve my strategy. Posting my roster… specifically im wondering if i should invest more in hu tao? Or focus on my 5 * ???

I think at this moment most valuable heroes for you will be Belith, Dolrak and Waqas. With 4*/5* you will probaby get stuck on shortage of ascension materials, and fully ascended and emblemed 3* gives you the same capabilities as 4* on 3/60 or 5* on 2/60 for much lower cost. With limit break they are even comparable to unemblemed 4* or 5* on 3/70.
So hunt for good 3* in remaining colors.
Even more, with ascended 3* you will be able to participate in first level of challenge events, with chance of a decent score and good loot.


Thanks for the tips! I was so focused on leveling my higher heroes but thats exactly where im finding myself is stuck without ascension materials. Ill focus on some of those 3* you mentioned - i do have kiril, hu tao and sabina fully ascended. Should i keep them in the running? Thank you!

If you already ascended someone, it is no point in not using them. But for now, you need a base, say three 3* heroes in each color, they will allow you to earn more ascensiom mats to build stronger teams later.


Awesome sounds like a good plan - thanks again

In hindsight I would prioritize my leveling with this:

  1. Healer
  2. Cleanser
  3. Damage

You need a good healer to finish season 1, and once you start to find that you need to use consumables to finish a level, it’s better to farm lower levels. The best farming ratio (time vs effort vs recruits) in the game is in province 8 level 7, also known as 8-7. This is where even very experienced players regularly go and spend all their remaining world energy when there is nothing else to do.

You already have an amazing healer+cleanser in Rigard’s hp buff costume which is one of the best in the game, but I would focus on Belith until I can churn out mass loads of feeders from my training camps. For this purpose you should prioritize building training camps and later getting them to lvl 11 as soon as possible, because that gives the best food vs recruit ratio.

You’ll need damage dealers to kill, and for this purpose the type of hero everyone wants for PvE is someone who attacks multiple enemies, the faster the better. You don’t have many of those, but Waqas in the very bottom works very well even though he is slow, and also Boril is invaluable in the early game because of his counterattack. Use your Hu Tao too. I wouldn’t level up snipers (single damage dealers) before I start PvP.

I hope this helps!


Meresankh is a very good hero and you will have a lot of fun with her, BUT not any time soon! You cannot max her anyway, so just leave her as is. and get back to her in half a year or so :slight_smile:

Max Bane when you next time get him or other 3 stars (don´t remember what the sunscreen guy does, so I can´t recommend him)

For now I guess keep working on Li Xiu, she´s a very good 4 star and switch wen you get a decent yellow 3 star.


One thing i would recommend is utilizing your training camps. Have them constantly pumping out feeders to level those heroes. For a new player, i would stockpile feeders into TC11. This way, you can build on your 3* heroes while stocking up on mats for your 4* and 5* heroes.

Also, building up your base is important. I would get the VIP pass to speed up buildings

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Another consideration for working on 3* is that will get you to six teams faster for using in alliance wars. After that you can work on 4*, then 5* to strengthen the teams.

I presume you are in a friendly alliance with good advice available. That helps a lot too.

Addendum …

Here are some links to helpful threads.


Thank you! I like Meresankh, but yes ive come to that point where shes gone as far as she can go right now lol - thanks for the help!!

Thank you i will do that! Appreciate the help!

Thank you and those are some great resources i will check out and definitely reach out to my alliance more! Appreciate it!


Quite recent and more focused on an ftp or c2p journey


Fast heroes its a good choice at this stage of the game.

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That one should be added to the list :+1:

Delete the game and save your money. Best suggestion anyone can give you :sweat_smile:

Or play without spending. That is also an option that people seem to ignore.

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I see your doing 2x regird that a good investment, been playing many years and he has alway been on of my most useful heroes and his costumes are good and give a variety of options for different purposes, so he’s an excellent choice to be working on even if you can’t fully Ascend because you will eventually. I really only use him in events and tournaments these days but that’s how you score loot like more mats and coins/tokens for pulls.

that 2x boldtusk is also good but not a great deal different for options than regird but worth doing when you have resources, that colen won’t be much good till you get his 2x costume because it has EDD, so he’s not worth doing till you don’t have somthing better to work on.

cupcake will be very handy for dealing with minions, but do as much as you can with your regird first before starting on him.

def good to level some 3’s you’ll use them in events and tournaments as well and right now you can at least fully send them and make them as strong as possible.

Junaid is very useful pretty much everywhere, I would absolutely prioritize him (in addition to Richard, which everyone mentioned)

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Troops! I’m sure it’s mentioned in the guides shared above (and my apologies if it is) but that’s the biggest thing I missed when I first started. They take a long time but are essential. Heroes come and go, but they all need a solid troop to support them.