Newer player looking for help with teams

Looking for help with best possible war defense comp, attacking comp and titan teams. Wanting to know which heroes I should focus on so i will actually focus on them and not get off track. Here are my heroes.

It would be helpful to know a few more things:

  • Your inventory of Ascension Materials

  • What star level Titans your alliance is fighting

  • Whether your alliance coordinates tank color for War

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7 star titans at the moment. Havent coordinated tank color for war yet.

Helpful, thanks!

First off, I’d leave your 5* heroes alone for now. They’ll be expensive in food and feeder heroes to level, and with your current ascension mats they’ll be weaker than your 4* options on top of that.

I’d prioritize core utility and Titan heroes first, who will help you get more guaranteedAscension Materials from Rare Quests, Challenge Events, and Seasonal Events; as well as better shots at mats from Titans over time.

I’d recommend leveling a rainbow of heroes at the same time, using same-color feeders for the 20% bonus, prioritizing these first:


  1. Finish Gormek to 3-60 since he’s close and defense debuffing is hugely helpful for Titans, War, and Quests
  2. Boldtusk to 3-60, and max him when you get 2 more Hidden Blades
  3. Finish Hawkmoon, she’ll be useful for picking up some Emblems from Rare Challenge Events for later use


  1. Use your Orbs and max Wu Kong, he should be used on every Titan, but even at 7* his survival becomes challenging, and he’ll really benefit from the stat boosts
  2. Take Li Xiu to 3-60, she’ll be reasonably usable there, and you’re not far off
  3. Take Hu Tao to 3-60, he’s also reasonably usable there; he won’t do much damage, but Blind is incredibly powerful
  4. If you’re still lacking Orbs, I’d take Chao to 3-60 too, I made use of him there for several months


  1. Max Melendor with your Shields, he’s very useful, but fairly unbearably squishy at 3-60
  2. Finish Caedmon to 3-60, he’ll be decently usable there, and his dispelling is highly useful for War
  3. I like Little John a lot, and still use him every day Raiding in Diamond; he’s very squishy even at max, but I’d take him to 3-60 as a start at least, where he’ll be useful with careful management on Quests


  1. Max Kiril with your Warm Capes, he’s also very useful for Titans, War, and Quests
  2. Take Sonya to 3-60; like Caedmon, the dispel is highly useful, and she’ll be decently usable at that level


  1. Finish Rigard to max
  2. Merlin is hugely useful, but very squishy at 3-60; like Little John, I’d bring him up with the intention of using him for mana control on Quests/Events, particularly Epic Challenge Events where Hel can’t go
  3. Take Cyprian to 3-60; Perfect Riposte is decent on lower-level Defenses, but more importantly it’s hugely effective on Offense for Raiding, War, and Quests/Events; having him in addition to Boril will give you good flexibility for Class Trials and Quests, and be useful for War

I’ve intentionally recommended maxing all of Kiril, Boldtusk, Melendor, and Rigard, because having all of those healers will get you through a ton of Quests, serve your Titan teams well, and be highly useful for War.

Taking 3-4 healers into a Quest can make it possible to beat a LOT — which will unlock a lot of sources of additional Ascension Materials for you.

A reasonable strategy for hard Quests/Events can even be the four of those healers together with Wu Kong. It’s slow going, but works quite well.

For Titan teams, you want to mix an attack buffer, a defense debuffer, strong attack, and Wu Kong.

That’ll look like:

Red: Kiril, Gormek, 2 highest attack blue (will be Boril and Sonya shortly), Wu Kong

Yellow: Boldtusk, Gormek, Rigard, highest attack purple (will be Hel for now, Merlin later), Wu Kong

Green: Boldtusk, Gormek, Scarlett, second highest attack red (Kelile), Wu Kong

Blue: Kiril, Gormek, Melendor, second highest attack green (will be Caedmon soon), Wu Kong

Purple: Boldtusk, Gormek, two highest attack yellow (will be Li Xiu and Hu Tao for now), Wu Kong

For War Defense, for now I’d just use your strongest heroes, because you don’t have a ton of options to work with until you make more leveling progress. Rigard is probably your best tank option for the moment.