Advice?! Restarted playing and can't level up fast enough

I have played this game before but I had to completely restart. I would love to get any and all advice from my fellow players. I will definitely appreciate any sort of guidance. I have almost two teams three stars or higher. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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if you post your roster, we can recommend which heroes to prioritize


Welcome back! For starters you can never level up “fast enough”, if this game is anything it is a grind.

Do what you are doing, build up those 3* and then soon 4* teams. You need those to compete in wars, events, etc. Mats will be a bottleneck, so competing in the above and hitting titans is a must.

Iron and food are part of everything, get those farms, mines, storages built up!

If you are looking for an alliance let me know, we are about to have a spot open up and have a great mix of helpful veterans and up and comers, just be active and have fun, we are a laid back crew.

But through all of this, just remember, have fun!


I would greatly appreciate that.
4*- Hu Tao
3*- Namahage, Hawkmoon, Tyrum, Oberon, Ulmer, Friar Tuck, Belith, Brienne
2*- Shaarkot Level 40 Special 5/8

You should stop working on 2*, as eventually they will be too weak for anything. Start working on your 3* first. Leave your 4* for a bit later (build up farms and training camps to have enough resources for levelling).

Level up one hero per color at a time, and feed same color (to maximize the experience gain).

Red - Namahage, then Hawkmoon (Hawkmoon later as you also have Belith to heal, and she also comes with a useful dispel!)

Purple - Tyrum, then Oberon

Blue - Ulmer by default

Green - Belith, then Brienne, then Tuck

this thread is also a very helpful resource, for more than just levelling up heroes :slight_smile:


Do you intend to spend a little money or are you going entirely F2P?
If you spend a few buck on pulls you will soon get much better 4* heroes than Hu Tao and you shouldn´t waste your resources on that one, if you play F2P he´s most likely to stay useful for a while and you may as well start throwing your yellow feeders in there, since you currently have no yellow 3 stars.
Otherwise I fully agree with the above assessment.

Belith (heal), Brienne (AttackUp), Ulmer (Defdown), Tyrum and Namahage (hitters), makes a rather good team!

First sub would be Hawkmoon if you feel you need a second healer.
Anyway if you don´t want to level Hu Tao use the yellow feeders on Belith, because you have a second green to do after her.

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Oh I am definitely having fun. I appreciate the tips. Is there a secret to getting a 5*? I’ve been trying and trying. I appreciate the offer as for the alliance but I have been in one from day one. I would like to stick with my teammate. He’s been the main reason I got this far so I wouldn’t feel right bailing. If anything changes please keep me in mind.

You don’t need them. Believe me. The best way to start is with a couple rainbow teams of 3* for starting boost, then immediately focus on 4*. Ascend as many decent S1 4* as you can. 5* should be the little cherry on top of your teams, not the main goal! In short, the 4* win you the resources to get to 5* faster. Without the solid base of the 4* heroes you will have a very rough midgame.

But if you want 5* so badly, I suggest you get several Training Camps lvl 20 up and running as fast as you can. Other than that you can spend a lot for gems to summon with, which I don’t personally recommend.

Edit: Hu Tao is not a decent 4* .


How decent Hu Tao is depends on your spending and/or luck.

If you are going to magically pull Wu Kong, Anastasia, Guardian Jackal, and Gullinbursti, without having to wait, sure, fine, let Hu Tao wait.

But Slow (12 tiles) is not that much slower than Average (10 tiles), especially on offense (four complete tile matches) and in a low level environment with few or no chances for mana boosting. Also hit-all blinding is kind of useful, and at the very least Hu Tao can help bootstrap up to more and bigger heroes.

Even if you’re planning against what you “might get someday,” that has to be coupled with expectations of what that could realistically entail — with enough spending, you can always eventually do better for choices, but especially with little or no spending, your best chance to get more heroes is to work with the heroes you’ve been dealt.

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Nope no trick for 5s, have to be lucky or spend a lot. TC 20s give you the best odds, but they are S1 heroes. But with Emblems, Costumes, and limit breaking, 4s can become quite powerful now and can carry you a long way until you get a deep 5 roster. I still use 4*s in almost every raid.

IMO the 2 best places to do pulls early are the Costume chamber (costumes with every pull) and Challenge Festival (no S1 heroes in that portal), those will give you a nice initial boost until you get a deeper roster.

Of course if he is the only 4* you have, he looks very decent. But IMO he is the worst S1 yellow 4*, Chao and Li Xiu are more useful, not mentioning Wu Kong.
But if you don’t have enough 3* ascension mats, it’s no point in training a 4* hero. Fully ascended 3* will be better than 3.60 4* and it costs much less.
And before you collect enough ascension mats you will probably have better choice of 4* heroes.
And 3* will allow you to fight on rare level of events with chance of good score, but with just one 4* you will not be able to compete on epic level.
And 3* are not so weak as it may look on the first sight. Much weaker than 5* for sure, but they are strong enough to finish rare quests (ones that give asc. mats) and get you through first levels of season 2 and 3 - and this all gives you more occasions to pull something better.

I’d like to add the S3 valhalla portal to that list. 3* and 4* wise, Valhalla gives MUCH better heroes at decent ratios than any other portal in my opinion: Bjorn, Kvasir, Mist, Gullinbursti, Nordri, Jott, Grevle, Almur, Brynhild and Sumle are the heroes of S3 you should absolutely aim for!


Welcome back to the game :slight_smile: :partying_face: I hope you´ll continue to enjoy yourself! There are already so many great advices in this thread - I am not sure I can actually contribute with more. Learning by doing, and in time, one gets the ‘feel’ for each hero they own, and what they are good and less good at.

Similar, in raids, it is the defeats that results in the biggest lessons and experiences we can march forward with, I have found. :slightly_smiling_face:

It took me some time to get the three stars needed, so I actually did work on my 2 star heroes for a while!

Depending on how much money you are throwing into the bottomless pit that is this game - I would advice not to aim to get five star heroes at this point. It takes so much longer to get them to a state where they can be of use. And five stars are so rare.

Do not let the summons shared on this forum trick you into thinking they are easy to get. It requires money, or a very long time and patience and luck, to get them. People on this board sadly tend to mostly share when they get something good. It´s rare that people share when it´s not all rainbows and unicorns.

What I did was build six teams of three stars that worked well. Later mono teams of each colour, three stars. If I got a four star I liked, I would bring them to 3/60 and let them stay there, and play around with them there. Then slowly move them upwards, when I started gathering the materials for it.

My best summons early on came from S3. I saved up a lot of gems for such a long time to do a 30-summon in that portal - there were so many great ones I got from it, that helped me overcome challenges, like Kvasir and Grevle - they were both essential for me to be able to complete some quests.

I prioritized, and still prioritize, fast heroes above all else.

You´re off to a great start - I remember how excited I was when I got Belith! :heart_eyes: Hu Tao is such a pain to face too, but he is indeed slow, so I wouldn´t take him all the way just yet. Save your materials for a faster hero, is what I would do, at least.

Best of luck, and enjoy :four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends what you’re using them for; it’s easy sometimes to focus on raids/war and hard boss fights (and even titans), but when you’re starting out there is a loooooot of PvE grinding in particular….

and cutting mana doesn’t help against foes without mana to cut, and Wu Kong, while useful, is random — which is fine for titans or even for “Hail Mary” war hits, but he can also be “flurry of miss” which is really frustrating when trying to make steady consistent progress on PvE map stages and regular quest stages,

I’m not trying to say Hu Tao is actually crouching tiger, hidden panda, but that—especially with experience helping a newer player here at home—he’s actually quite useful in the early game, which is one reason he may be looked down on by players who find generic PvE relegated to the “run auto” sort of experience (or have long since given up using any 4* in regular map stages beyond possibly the most desirable special abilities).