🌑 Lunar New Year 2025 - Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links – Starts January 27

Lunar New Year Event is (almost) Here!

Start End Duration
2025-01-27T07:00:00Z 2025-02-13T07:00:00Z 18 days


Opening dialogs:

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Ending dialog

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:world_map: Guides

Credit to @birksg

Guides in Beta by BirkSG

Credit to @BirkSG

Lunar New Year Booster

This will be an offer, which is available through the Lunar New Year event and it contains of two components:

  • Battle Bonus
  • Stage Gift

The offer also contains 300 gems and 1 Epic Hero tokens, and Xiaoqing Avatar.
The price is 11.99 USD. (Will be updated if changed.

:crossed_swords: Battle bonus

All of your heroes receive stat boost based on their rarity:

:gift: Stage Gift

Image will be added.

If you buy the Love Booster, then a :gift: icon will be shown after each stage, which you can open after you finished that level.
If you buy the offer after you have completed some stages, then you are still able to open the gifts for the already completed stages.

Each stage gives either Food or Iron Bundles (50k / 100k / 250k), and some additional items.

List of Stage Gifts

All of these are above the regular loot what you can get from the Lunar New Year challenge.

@birksg has created a guide for these:

  • Check above in the Beta guide.

Total amount of summons you get from the Booster alone:

  • 300 Gems
  • 100 Legendary Troop Coins
  • 100 Goblin Coins
  • 100 Wilderness Coins
  • 3 Epic Hero Tokens
  • 25 Loot Tickets
  • 3200K Food
  • 2250k Iron
  • 1x Fine Gloves
  • 1x Alpha Aether
  • Bunch of (Master) Trainer Heroes
  • Bunch of basic battle items

:sparkler: Special Game-Play - Firework Rockets!

The Lunar Year Heroes receive additional perks if you use them in the event.

:sweat_smile: Easy, Normal and Advanced Modes

There are now three Modes for the Seasonal Event — Easy, Normal, and Advanced. You can play any or all three, and must complete each Stage sequentially in that mode to advance, but you can start with any tier what you want.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Stages

Unlike other Seasonal events the Lunar New Year has got only 10 Stages per Difficulty Mode.

There is a total energy requirement of 38 WE for Easy, 68 WE for Normal & 98 WE for Hard; with a combined total of 204 WE for all 3 difficulties.

:no_entry_sign: No Hero Restrictions

Unlike Challenge Events, there are no restrictions on Hero or Troop rarity in the Easy, Normal, and Advanced Modes. There are also no restrictions on Hero Classes, unlike Class Trials.

You’re free to use any heroes you’d like!

:repeat: No Replaying Completed Stages

Unlike Challenge Events, Seasonal Events don’t allow replaying a completed Stage — much like how Quests & the Ninja Tower work.

Once you beat each Stage, it’s locked, and once you beat the entirety of the Seasonal Event, you can’t play any more.

If you fail at a Stage, you can retry as many times as you’d like, up until the Event ends.

:spiral_calendar: Offers Calendar & Log

:arrow_right: Details & Discussion Thread: I have discontinued it due to low interest.

:star2: Epic Hero Tokens Can Be Used for Seasonal Summoning

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The Seasonal Summons replaces the regular Epic Hero Summons.

Because of that, unlike Challenge Event Summons, the Summoning Portal for Seasonal Events allows using saved up Epic Hero Tokens that can otherwise normally only be used for Epic Hero Summons.

That makes Seasonal Events the only place you can currently use Epic Hero Tokens for a chance at non-Season 1 heroes.

You’ll also have the same chance at the HOTM as usual when using Epic Hero Tokens. As the event active in January and February too so you will have the chance for the January and February HoTMs: Zed and Mystia.

:partying_face: Festive Stronghold

The Stronghold and the several areas of the base is decorated with lampions and various items.

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results, and Ask Questions!

  • Many players will switch up their heroes used for each Stage, based on the monster/boss colors — are there heroes you’re using consistently for Lunar New Year ?
  • Are there any Stages you’re having a hard time with, and would like advice on beating?
  • Are you using particular items to beat Lunar New Year stages?
  • How do you find playing with the Fireworks Rockets ?
  • Do you have insights on strategy to share, or questions?
  • Is there anything about Lunar New Year that you’re wondering about?

:link: Related Links

Beta information:


The picture has master emblems but I don’t see them in the list

(Not a rant post)

This event will always have a place OUTSIDE my heart. I don’t understand it’s existence but I can feel the immense laziness in it’s development.

Even I absotely love seasonal events and their extra loot, this event portal and it’s loot is a big incognito.

• l may be wrong but it’s loot looks worse than others? Maybe it wasn’t updated? - not a real complaint because I am not even sure.

• Lack of heroes - I know Zynga crazy greedy ■■■ want to squish money from every portal by releasing 1 or 2 new heroes in them everytime they open - which is awesomely ridiculous - but in this case… the portal opens ONCE PER YEAR. The result is an extremely poor pool, 2 new so so heroes (because Seasonal and HOTM gotta be crap, right) and the rest? Outdated stats heroes from 1,2,3 years ago + s1 gang. I know you can pull for free with Tokens but it sounds like the biggest waste of effort/resources ever. The family bonus is alright but minions aren’t even the thing anymore. The odds. The worst possible - sounds like they aren’t updated as well.

That being said I love seasonal events and will complete it happily but will forever ignore this portal :rofl:

There are in the stage gifts, to get them you need to buy the booster

According to the booster list they aren’t there, are you sure?

I actually paid for the seasonal booster this time (first time ive ever bought one). Only done it because i was short on Mysterious Tonics and have a green hero to ascend

It seems a decent deal though, 2xtonics, 2xalpha aethers, a couple of 5* aethers, 3-4 summons in good portals, about 800 gems, and some other junk (EHTs, trainers, etc) all for $10 (its cheaper in the webstore than in agme)

edit: @PlayForFun the extra loot from the booster in the OP is wrong, there’s 2 alphas (not 1) and youve left out the tonics, master emblems, and 5* aetheres. Its a lot better than the info in the OP says Its also $10 in the webstore vs $13 in the game (at least in my country)


At the last stage, there are 2 Cleric ME for rare, 4 Cleric ME for epic and 6 Monk for Legendary

Perhaps the gifts has been increased but the list is left without update

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Thanks a lot :+1:t2:

I didn’t even realise we can preview it like that :grinning:


yes booster rewards is finally updated more than it was in beta
i was screaming is bd value

niw is way better than before

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