🧪 Early Information on New Lunar New Year Seasonal Event Gameplay & Rewards [Part of The Beta Beat v54]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the New Lunar New Year Season Event Gameplay & Rewards.

For information and discussion on New Lunar New Year Heroes & Family please see: 🧪 Early Information on New Lunar New Year Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v54]

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Difficulty Modes

Like any other Seasonal events there are three Difficulty Modes: Easy, Normal and Advanced
There is no connection between them. You can play them in any order if you want.
Each stage can be completed sucessfully only once.


Lunar New Year features 10 stages per difficulty.

So that now means there are a total of 30 Stages across the three Difficulty Modes.

Rewards & Flag Requirements

There is a total energy requirement of 38 WE for Easy, 68 WE for Normal & 98 WE for Hard; with a combined total of 204 WE for all 3 difficulties.

Rewards Summary:

Item Quantity
Emblems 10x of each Class
4* Ascension Mats 1x Poison Darts
3* Ascension Mats 2x Orb of Magic
Trainer Heroes 1x Holy Epic Trainer Hero
1x Rare Trainer Hero
1x Holy Common Trainer Hero
2x Holy Uncommon Trainer Hero
Avatars 2 Lunar New Year Hero avatar
(Laohu, Xiaotu)
Summon Tokens 1x EHT
1x ETT

Gameplay Features

The Lunar Year Heroes receive additional perks if you use them in the event.

:superhero: Stage Bosses and Rewards

The highlighted rewards are guaranteed.

WE costs:

  • Easy: 4x 3 WE, 4x 4 WE, 2x 5 WE
  • Normal: 4x 6 WE, 4x 7 WE, 2x 8 WE
  • Advanced: 4x 9 WE, 4* 10 WE, 2* 11 WE

:game_die: Summoning

Seasonal Portal – Lunar New Year

Hero Current Odds
Classic Rare 71%
Classic Epic 26.5%
Classic Legendary 2%
Legendary Seasonal 0.5%
Bonus HotM Draw 1.3%


1 pull: 300 gems / 1 Epic Hero Token
10 pull: 2600 gems

:mantelpiece_clock: Date…

Probably in January.

For a full list of items currently in beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


Again with the same vanilla odds in the portal. You know, with the Lunar New Year, it’s always about putting on your new clothes / outfits when you get together with family and friends. Isn’t it about time to start including the costumes with these S1 pulls if they insist on putting them in the portal?

This portal would be a good time to start, better late than never.


What a great idea!

I second it :trophy:

Thanks for all your hard work @PlayForFun … You’re awesome personified! :1st_place_medal:


Indeed it’s difficult to get excited for new heroes when the odds are abysmally low… but that’s the way the cookie crumbles

Lunar new year is all about luck and fortune, so maybe that’s why the odds are so low???

(edit to add disclaimer, as at least 2 people actually thought I seriously though the odds were low because it’s related to Lunar New Year. I repeat: I am joking!)

But one kudos: thanks for calling it Lunar New Year instead of the other very country specific name :wink: after all its celebrated in more than one country


No rare or epic seasonal heroes? Thanks for the mats, emblems, trainers, and EHT. See you at the Kalevala portal.


On average this means 200 pulls for a seasonal hero.

On average 400 pulls for 2 seasonal heroes, but the second has a 50% chance to be a dupe of the first.

GL making use of the family bonus …


If this event fun?
Are Beta testers tested?
What are their comments?
Would SG listened or never give a damn?


lol how you going to try to spin the fact the odds are even more pathetic than normal, into anything other than SG wanting the whales to spend more? lol My God. The way the cookie is crumbling, is players are leaving the game, and 99% of the players are pi**ed off.


I “third” this idea. Would be great to have S1 costumes in this portal. While Zynga would be averse to including all costumes, they can selectively include costumes for the “animal” type heroes.

Like Azlar, Groot (technically a plant but definitely non humanoid) for 5*.

4* : Wu Kong
3* : Gan Ju, Nashgar,

Or make this LNY portal an “animal” only portal. Drawn from S1 to S3.

0.5% for 2 new 5* is just SAD!


Love how Zynga/SGG throws in any Chinese event heroes to pad out the Bosses. With w3K being the dominant Chinese based event, this event is now like a mish mash of all things Chinese.

And it’s sneaky too to incorporate in W3K heroes to promote dem W3K heroes.

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Lol at the summon odds


It is just the same as any other Seasonal events.


I just…

double checks the current seasonal odds, to make sure my brain hasn’t just fallen out of my head

All I’m seeing here is “no point is saving EHTs for the Lunar event, and any EHTs obtained during the Lunar event might as well be saved for Springvale or Sand Empire or Kalevala or Flag Day or whatever instead.”


No, your brain hasn’t fallen out. It’s working good.

It’s 0.5% for 2 new seasonal heroes, leaving 99.5% for S1.

I would save my eht for Kalevala.


A reasonable point, though it is a while to wait. (Plus Ilmarinen has been a constant disappointment.)

Probably I’ll keep an eye open on any new 4* heroes or costumes announced for each existing seasonal, since I’m overwhelmingly more likely to get one of those than a 5* anyway….

Good things come to those who are patient.

In my experience, Ilmarinen, four Lemminkainens, and about eighteen Zarels come to those who are patient, but :man_shrugging:


You are not alone. Not alone at all. It’s still better than trying for 2 heroes with 0.5% chance in total.


lol I’m not trying to spin anything, that’s SG’s job, so they can be the target of all your hostility

I’m just a disgusted player like the 99% you cite in your post lol, maybe I should have added a ton of emojis and a couple of disclaimers eh?

disclaimer: Sleepyhead hates the abysmally low odds, but likes to make sarcastic jokes to show his annoyance


lol I can dig that. Fair enough my friend

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