Zekena is already in, Exeera was the only new S4 this time.
Hello all. I finally have access to my laptop again and have just pushed a hero update (including your Lotl fix @Magnifique ). Please let me know if I missed anything!
Thank you for this amazing job with heroplan.io! I just wanted to point out that Faline is missing her updated stats (her damage shoud now be 330%).
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you @GDIBass! Much appreciated!
Thank you, @GDIBass ! Appreciate everything you do for all of us.
Hope you are feeling much better.
Take care!
Sorry to hear that Covid got you, was wondering why there hadn’t been updates recently.
One thing I have noticed is that Vanda’s costume icon has only 3 stars instead of 5.
Love the site, makes life way easier!
I hope you get over the Covid and things get back to normal for you soon!
Thank you very much for this resource, it has proven very helpful . I hope that you make a full recovery.
Fyi…here are some things to add/adjust when you are well.
• Some Villain Family heroes recently received another buff
December 2021 Balance Update
• Guardian Lemur is currently listed as Very Slow Speed, while is Average Speed in game
• All Underwild heroes have the same percent chance to spawn Underwild Gems listed, this actually depends on the hero speed (what is listed is for Fast heroes)
• I noticed the stat bonus for a couple Costumes was incorrect (currently listed as the S1 bonus, example Krampus C), so I thought I’d try to check all non S1 5* Costumes as I figured it would be easier to fix any which might be incorrect all in one go. These are the Costume Bonuses which list S1 stat increases instead of the lower number they are in game: Alasie C, Ariel C, Athena C, Drake Fong C, Kageburado C, Krampus C, Poseidon C, and Ursena C.
Again, thank you for your continued time and effort put into keeping this community resource you made up to date
Very Helpful! Found a lot of heroes whose costumes I hadn’t finished out for some reason. Is easy to look at team make ups on the computer, and not with phone in hand. A big deal when your arthritis makes it painful to hold the phone at times. Thanks!
Thank you for your fast, and regular, updates
Noticed one thing: Iris is listed as a Sorcerer, but she’s actually a Wizard
Hi @GDIBass! I hope all is well and you are back on your feet after your bout with COVID! With the Challenge event, costumes were added to several of the existing heros. While you have updated your inventory with most of them, costume White Rabbit and costume Marie-Therese do not have their costumes added to their cards. Here is the info link for each:
- Costumed Marie-Thérèse – 5* Dark/Purple from Pirates of Corellia
- Costumed White Rabbit – 5* Holy/Yellow from Riddles of Wonderland
Would greatly appreciate it if you could update Heroplan with these additions. Thanks in advance!
Another two for your website
(And in two weeks, there should be a whole mess of 5*, 4* and 3* added for W3K - so stay tuned )
There are also new Magic Troops…
Added Kravekrush and Zagrog. The troops are going to take a while longer, since it’s a new mana bonus.
@RandaPanduh what’s W3K?
@GDIBass Thanks for adding White Rabbits costume! Much appreciated!
Thank you for all this info! Updated everything you posted - the family bonuses will be updated when I add the new troops.
Yup! Sorry if I don’t get back to you on here. I uuuusually see them and update them when I get time. My schedule is kind of insane at the moment so it’s taken a while to get to things.
Not an issue at all @GDIBass! We are appreciative that you take the time to do these update when you can! Thanks again!
W3k is the war of 3 kingdoms, a 100v100 global war with random assignments to a warband.
There are several new heros coming for it and S5 is launching in April with another chunk of new heros.
I found a strange bug related to the levelling of costumes and talents:
Given a hero fully levelled with just a single talent node emblemed. I also have the costume of that costume.
If I now level up the costume and tap on „Save“ the talent is lost.
If, however, before tapping on „Save“ I delete the „1“ in the Talent input line and put in that „1“ again, the talent will stay as it was.
Hi! Is there a chance you can add a tool to rename our war attack teams? Let’s say I want to call my team’s like “teams for red tanks”, “teams for Alfrike on VF”, “versus Ferant” “versus XN” etc? Would be amazing!