

Hi :blush:

I’m RandaPanduh

…of lvl 70 heroes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(The only weirdo you’ll meet who hasn’t used most 4* mats, or any emblems and/or limit breakers in five + years of play)

I’m a fellow E&P addict that loves to play this game and help others play too. I’ve researched [almost] all there is to know about E&P, and I’m happy to pass any of that knowledge around. If ya want some, check out my channel and maybe you’ll find some :slightly_smiling_face:

If you ever wanna chat about game stuff, or find yourself with a question… good luck hitting me up through Line :sweat_smile:; I’ll accept all requests through there, but I hardly ever respond :no_mouth:

*cough cough* antisocial hermit *cough cough*

Line ID: randapanduh

FYI: If you happen to add me on Facebook, message me first to let me know who you are, or else I won’t accept your request.