🧪 Early Information on Alpha Aethers and Second Round of Advanced Hero Levels [Part of The Beta Beat v56]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the new feature Alpaha Aethers, and second round of advanced leveling.

NOTE: This is the second round of Advanced Hero Levelling.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:abacus: Poll

:question: What’s your opinion on this Feature?

  • Very Positive
  • Slightly Positive
  • Neutral
  • Slightly Negative
  • Very Negative

0 voters

:notebook: Authors Note

See Second post for a longer authors note. Please remember that I am just the messenger here so don’t shoot me!!

:arrow_up: Second Round of Advanced hero Leveling.

:fast_forward: Quick Summary

Using the combination of existing Aethers and new Alpha Aethers you can unlock further more 5 levels for Rare, Epic and Legendary heroes.

When “limit broken”, the hero has access to an additional +5 levels which grant large stat boosts per level, but in turn have a high cost of resources, materials & experience.

You can further limit break a hero if it reached level 85 for Legendaries, 75 for Epic heroes, and 55 for Rare heroes.

:arrow_double_up: Limit Breakers

The new Alpha Aether have no elements so they can be used for any heroes.

:money_mouth_face: Limit Breaking Costs

See table below for a summary of the cost to limit break a hero.

Hero/costume Rare L.Bs Epic L.Bs Legendary L.Bs Alpha Aether
Rare hero 1 - - 1
Rare costume 1 - - 1
Epic hero 5 1 - 3
Epic costume 3 - - 1
Legendary hero 10 5 1 10
Legendary costume 5 - - 1

:arrow_up: Additional Levelling Costs

  • Basically, the limit breaker just UNLOCKS the additional +5 levels.
  • You then need to level the hero up like normal by feeding trainers/ feeder heroes to them…
  • Unlike normal levelling, to go from one level to the next, there is a cost in both food and exp (like normal) AND iron, normal Aethers and ascension materials.*

Click for full break-down Food, Iron, Ascension Material & Exp Required for Advanced Levelling!

Ascension Material Costs

Note: These only apply when you go from {x} level to {y} level.
Note 2: These costs are the same for the normal hero as for a costume.

Rarity Element +1 and +2 Level Items +3 and +4 Level Items +5 Level Items
Rare Fire 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Fire Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
Rare Ice 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Ice Aether I
1x Battle Manual
Rare Nature 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Nature Aether I
1x Scabbard
Rare Holy 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Rugged Clothes
1x Tall Boots
1x Rugged Clothes
1x Holy Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
Rare Dark 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Dark Aether I
1x Scabbard
Epic Fire 1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Fire Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Chainmail Shirt
2x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Hidden Blade
Epic Ice 1x Battle Manual
1x Ice Aether I
1x Battle Manual
1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Battle Manual
2x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Wam Cape
Epic Nature 1x Scabbard
1x Nature Aether I
1x Scabbard
1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Scabbard
2x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Sturdy Shield
Epic Holy 1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Holy Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Chainmail Shirt
2x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Orb of Magic
Epic Dark 1x Scabbard
1x Dark Aether I
1x Scabbard
1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Scabbard
2x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Trap Tools
Legendary Fire 1x Fire Aether I 1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Fire Aether III
1x Mystic Rings
Legendary Ice 1x Ice Aether I 1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Ice Aether III
1x Farsight Telescope
Legendary Nature 1x Nature Aether I 1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Nature Aether III
1x Mysterious Tonic
Legendary Holy 1x Holy Aether I 1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Holy Aether III
1x Poison Darts
Legendary Dark 1x Dark Aether I 1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Dark Aether III
1x Royal Tabard

Food & Iron Costs

Note: These apply PER FEEDER.
*Note 2: These are listed as {x} / {y} which correlates to "Food Cost" / "Iron Cost"

Rarity +1 Level +2 Level +3 Level +4 Level +5 Level
Rare (3*) 4578 / 4768 4,620 / 4,810 4,662/ 4,852 4,704/ 4,894 4,746/ 4,936
Epic (4*) 7,740 / 8,040 7,800 / 8,100 7,860 / 8,160 7,920 / 8,220 7,980 / 8,280
Legendary (5*) 13,900 / 14,400 14,000 / 14,500 14,100 / 14,600 14,200 / 14,700 14,300 / 14,800
Rare Costume 3,433 / 3,576 3,465 / 3,607 3,496 / 3,639 3,528/ 3,670 3,559/ 3,702
Epic Costume 5,805 / 6,030 5,850 / 6,075 5,895/ 6,120 5,940 / 6,165 5,985 / 6,210
Legendary Costume 10,425 / 10,800 10,500 / 10,875 10,575 / 10,950 10,650 / 11,025 10,725 / 11,100

Exp per Level

Rarity +1 Level +2 Level +3 Level +4 Level +5 Level
Rare (3*) 2,520 2,600 2,682 2,765 2,849
Epic (4*) 7,757 7,951 8,148 8,347 8,549
Legendary (5*) 15,788 16,140 16,496 16,856 17,220

:mechanical_arm: Example Stat Boosts

You get an initial boost to the heroes base stats when you apply the limit breaker. Then there are additional stat boosts for every “Advanced Level” you progress.

The degree of this stat boost depends on the rarity of the hero. The listed stat boost (below) applies to all three base stats (Attack, Def & HP).

Rarity Limit Break Boost Advanced Levels
(Per level)
Rare (3*) 8.7% 2.8%
Epic (4*) 5.2% 1.9%
Legendary (5*) 5.2% 1.75%

So by the end of it all, you get the following boost to max stats:

  • Rare = 122,55% boosted stats
  • Epic = 114.46%
  • Legendary = 114.05%

(And that’s excluding emblem bonuses and costume bonuses and troop modifers…!!!)

:eyes: Additional notes/ Observations

  • Heroes with costumes must be Limit Broken TWICE. Once for the base hero, once for the costume.
    Note if you just wanna use the base hero, there is no added benefit to limit breaking the costume too.

  • Costume Bonses apply AFTER the limit breaking. So you get the limit broken stats and then the costume bonus on top of that

  • Emblem boosts apply AFTER the limit breaking also.

:timer_clock: Beta Updates

Section will be updated over time.

23 Feb

Initially added to beta in V56.3 for testing.

:calendar: Release Date??

It is NOT known when this feature will be available in the live game.

:link: Related Threads


I wanted to see since a long time :smiley:


Going from level 85 to 86 costs 15788 xp
86 to 87: 16140
87 to 88: 16496
88 to 89: 16856
89 to 90: 17220
So 82,500 xp to unlock aether powers. It also costs aethers along the way
to 86: 1 aether 1
to 87: 1 aether 1
to 88: 1 aether 1 and 1 aether 2
to 89: 1 aether 1 and 1 aether 2
to 90: 1 aether 1, 1 aether 2, 1 aether 3, 1 tonic (for a green hero)

Given aether 1s have been the biggest bottleneck for me, this further stresses the need for aether 1s. I’d be happy to give up more aether 2s.


What is aether 1 and aether 2?

Aethers are the limit break materials. See example pic of my inventory.


Ok so, only one aether 1 and one aether 2 to lvl up from lvl 86 to lvl 87? That’s kinda cheap

@Ruskin505 Whats needed for the second LB itself? 5 Alpha-Aethers?

The need for a 4* mat though. Since they made 4* mats more accessible through purchases, they should increase their in game drop rate


You need Alpha Aethers and regular ones too, but not much from regular ones, and maximum 10 from the new one for Legendaries.

I am still collecting all information, and I will everything into the OP for all 3 Beta beat topics.


I am incredibly meh about this. I knew it was coming as soon as they introduced the first level of LB. More grindy-grind to stay still.


from Imgflip Meme Generator


Uhm …wait…do I understand that correctly?
You need 10 AlphaAether for a 5* Hero?
And you have a 1% Chance in that AetherSummon to get 5? :scream:



leveling 5 levels stats will go high too? or just when get to 90level will be activated this extra ability?

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At 90 for the 5* , 80 for the 4* and 60 for the 3* it unlocks the aether “power”
Each level improves the stats of the hero


starting to sound like diablo immortal in here with this beta news, goddamn, SG :joy: won’t bode well… i feel like im struggling in wars as is


thanks for info, i was afraid of that, was hoping it will give just this ability as with improved stats will be even more some heroes imposible to beat

Thank you

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Nobody wants this feature. Stop being lazy and recycling ideas SG. You are just discouraging people to summon because getting a hero to their full potential is now further behind a paywall.


This eternal cycle of further upgrading your heroes is frustrating. It takes a ton of time and resources in the first place, just let us have a f*** final point where a hero is done, finished, perfected and someone can move onto new projects. Why the hell should i want to go back working on every single 3/4/5s to not let them become unplayable and neglect every new eventual hero i could pull?
Seems like they put every effort humanly possible into making every aspect of this game as much annoying as they can.


Please dont do this. Worst addition to date. Can we get some proper titans in place of this?


It’s already causing people to leave and it’s only in beta. 2 friends just quit and another is trying but we are begging her to stay.

Please rethink this :pray: