[Master Discussion] - Second Limit Breaking with Alpha Aethers and Aether Gifts, Aether Reset Token - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

Second Limit Breaking Second Limit Breaking with Alpha Aethers and Aether Gifts

This purpose of this topic is to provide information about the second limit breaking, alpha aethers and aether gifts.

If you looking for information about the first limit breaking, and the Mirages of Omega Quest, then please visit the following topic:

:arrow_up: Second Round of Advanced hero Leveling.

:fast_forward: Quick Summary

Using the combination of existing Aethers and new Alpha Aethers you can unlock further more 5 levels for Rare, Epic and Legendary heroes.

When “limit broken”, the hero has access to an additional +5 levels which grant large stat boosts per level, but in turn have a high cost of resources, materials & experience.

You can further limit break a hero if it reached level 85 for Legendaries, 75 for Epic heroes, and 55 for Rare heroes.

:arrow_double_up: Limit Breakers

The new Alpha Aether have no elements so they can be used for any heroes.

They can be received from these sources:

  • Players will receive a gift of 10 Alpha Aethers when this feature goes live.
  • Mirages of Omega quests (1 guaranteed at last stage)
  • Rare Wanted Missions (20% chance)
  • Rare Titans (0.1% at loot tier 5 → 10% chance at loot tier 14)
  • Alliance War Chests (10% chance over 80% participation)
  • Mystic Vision (0.1% chance)
  • Aether Summon (starting on April 3rd):
  • Upcoming “Alpha Treasury Quest”
    • This Quest has not arrived to Beta yet.

:money_mouth_face: Limit Breaking Costs

See table below for a summary of the cost to limit break a hero.

Hero/costume Rare L.Bs Epic L.Bs Legendary L.Bs Alpha Aether
Rare hero 1 - - 1
Rare costume 1 - - 1
Epic hero 5 1 - 3
Epic costume 3 - - 1
Legendary hero 10 5 1 10
Legendary costume 5 - - 1

:arrow_up: Additional Levelling Costs

  • Basically, the limit breaker just UNLOCKS the additional +5 levels.
  • You then need to level the hero up like normal by feeding trainers/ feeder heroes to them…
  • Unlike normal levelling, to go from one level to the next, there is a cost in both food and exp (like normal) AND iron, normal Aethers and ascension materials.*

Click for full break-down Food, Iron, Ascension Material & Exp Required for Advanced Levelling!

Ascension Material Costs

Note: These only apply when you go from {x} level to {y} level.
Note 2: These costs are the same for the normal hero as for a costume.

Rarity Element +1 and +2 Level Items +3 and +4 Level Items +5 Level Items
Rare Fire 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Fire Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
Rare Ice 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Tall Boots
1x Leather Armor
1x Ice Aether I
1x Battle Manual
Rare Nature 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Nature Aether I
1x Scabbard
Rare Holy 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Rugged Clothes
1x Tall Boots
1x Rugged Clothes
1x Holy Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
Rare Dark 1x Tall Boots 1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Tall Boots
1x Wooden Shield
1x Dark Aether I
1x Scabbard
Epic Fire 1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Fire Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Chainmail Shirt
2x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Hidden Blade
Epic Ice 1x Battle Manual
1x Ice Aether I
1x Battle Manual
1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Battle Manual
2x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Wam Cape
Epic Nature 1x Scabbard
1x Nature Aether I
1x Scabbard
1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Scabbard
2x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Sturdy Shield
Epic Holy 1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Holy Aether I
1x Chainmail Shirt
1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Chainmail Shirt
2x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Orb of Magic
Epic Dark 1x Scabbard
1x Dark Aether I
1x Scabbard
1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Scabbard
2x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Trap Tools
Legendary Fire 1x Fire Aether I 1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Fire Aether I
1x Fire Aether II
1x Fire Aether III
1x Mystic Rings
Legendary Ice 1x Ice Aether I 1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Ice Aether I
1x Ice Aether II
1x Ice Aether III
1x Farsight Telescope
Legendary Nature 1x Nature Aether I 1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Nature Aether I
1x Nature Aether II
1x Nature Aether III
1x Mysterious Tonic
Legendary Holy 1x Holy Aether I 1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Holy Aether I
1x Holy Aether II
1x Holy Aether III
1x Poison Darts
Legendary Dark 1x Dark Aether I 1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Dark Aether I
1x Dark Aether II
1x Dark Aether III
1x Royal Tabard

Food & Iron Costs

Note: These apply PER FEEDER.
*Note 2: These are listed as {x} / {y} which correlates to "Food Cost" / "Iron Cost"

Rarity +1 Level +2 Level +3 Level +4 Level +5 Level
Rare (3*) 4578 / 4768 4,620 / 4,810 4,662/ 4,852 4,704/ 4,894 4,746/ 4,936
Epic (4*) 7,740 / 8,040 7,800 / 8,100 7,860 / 8,160 7,920 / 8,220 7,980 / 8,280
Legendary (5*) 13,900 / 14,400 14,000 / 14,500 14,100 / 14,600 14,200 / 14,700 14,300 / 14,800
Rare Costume 3,433 / 3,576 3,465 / 3,607 3,496 / 3,639 3,528/ 3,670 3,559/ 3,702
Epic Costume 5,805 / 6,030 5,850 / 6,075 5,895/ 6,120 5,940 / 6,165 5,985 / 6,210
Legendary Costume 10,425 / 10,800 10,500 / 10,875 10,575 / 10,950 10,650 / 11,025 10,725 / 11,100

Exp per Level

Rarity +1 Level +2 Level +3 Level +4 Level +5 Level
Rare (3*) 2,520 2,600 2,682 2,765 2,849
Epic (4*) 7,757 7,951 8,148 8,347 8,549
Legendary (5*) 15,788 16,140 16,496 16,856 17,220

@Zartanis’s guide about second limit breaking costs:

:mechanical_arm: Example Stat Boosts

You get an initial boost to the heroes base stats when you apply the limit breaker. Then there are additional stat boosts for every “Advanced Level” you progress.

The degree of this stat boost depends on the rarity of the hero. The listed stat boost (below) applies to all three base stats (Attack, Def & HP).

Rarity Limit Break Boost Advanced Levels
(Per level)
Rare (3*) 8.7% 2.8%
Epic (4*) 5.2% 1.9%
Legendary (5*) 5.2% 1.75%

So by the end of it all, you get the following boost to max stats:

  • Rare = 122,55% boosted stats
  • Epic = 114.46%
  • Legendary = 114.05%

(And that’s excluding emblem bonuses and costume bonuses and troop modifers…!!!)

Aether Powers

One of these the following Aether Powers will be assigned to specific heroes, which will affect hundreds of heroes.
At the start of each battle, this Hero gains a dispellable buff for specific turns, but the opposite direction ailments are not overwriting them.
Heroes gain access to a new Aether Power upon reaching the second maximum level.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.

(The hero cards now tagged with the proper aether power name. If you click on the proper tag, then you can see the list of the hero card topics for that specific Aether Power)

List of Aether Powers:

Icon Aether Power Description
ailment-defense Ailment Defense At the start of each battle , this hero gets -75% reduction to damage received from status ailments for 6 turns.
ailment-immunity Ailment Immunity
At the start of each battle, this Hero is immune to new status ailments for 6 turns.
ailment-reflect Ailment Reflect
At the start of each battle, this Hero reflects cleansable status ailments they would receive to a random character on the opposing team for 6 turns.
attack-up Attack Up
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% attack for 6 turns.
boosted-regen Boosted Regen
At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 300 boosted health over 6 turns. Boosted health can exceed max HP.
bulwark Bulwark
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +15% defense, and a further 1% increase every time they are hit during 6 turns.
counterattack Counterattack
At the start of each battle, this Hero counterattacks with 60% of the damage received for 6 turns.
dmg-reduction Damage Reduction
At the start of each battle, all damage received by this hero is reduced by 10% for 6 turns.
defense-up Defense up
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% defense for 6 turns.
dodge Dodge
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% chance to dodge Special Skills that deal damage for 6 turns.
fiend-resist Fiend Resist
At the start of each battle, this Hero is immune to new Fiends for 6 turns.
gamble Gamble
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +60% attack with -20% accuracy for 6 turns.
heal-increase Heal Increase
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +50% increase for any healing received for 6 turns.
knights-endurance Knight’s Endurance
At the start of each battle, this Hero has a 15% chance to drop any received damage to 1 for 6 turns.
mana-boost Mana Boost
At the start of each battle, this Hero receives a small amount of mana over 6 turns.
rage Rage
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +15% attack, and a further 1% increase every time they are hit during 6 turns.
regen Regen
At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 420 health over 6 turns.
revive Revive
If this Hero is defeated during the first 4 turns of a battle, they are resurrected in the beginning of their next turn with 1% health. All status effects and stacks are removed when the Hero dies.
special-armor Special Armor
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +40% defense against Special Skills for 6 turns.
special-boost Special Boost
At the start of each turn, this Hero’s Special Skill deals an additional +30% damage for 6 turns.
taunt Taunt
At the start of each battle, this Hero gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the Hero’s allies for 3 turns.
vampire Vampire
At the start of each battle, this Hero heals 100% of dealt normal damage for 6 turns.

@Zartanis’s Guide about Aether Powers:



@Cap’s Guide about Aether Powers:

Click for guides

@Liam_K 's spreadsheet about the Aether Powers:

Aether Reset Token


Steps of usage

The Aether Reset Token can be accessed with the “Available Tomes” button and “Hero Reset Available” text will be visible under that text if you have this token, and you opened a Legendary hero:

Once you click on the button you will see this screen with an “Reset” button on the bottom of the screen:


This screen lists the items which will be returned if you proceed.

If you click on Reset, then you will get an extra confirmation message which tells you that all Costumes of the Hero will be also reset:

The operation is performed if you click on Yes.

Returned items for a maxed double limit broken and max emblemed Legendary heroes without costume:

Click for list of returned items


  • 26x 4* Fire Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Fire Trainer Hero
  • 6x Giant Good Bundle (500K), 2x Giant Iron Bundle (500K), 1x Medium Food Bundle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Bundle (100K), 1x Small Iron Bundle (50K), 3x Tiny Food Bundle (10K)
  • 10x Alpha Aether
  • 7x Fire Aether III, 28x Fire Aether II, 50x Fire Aether I
  • 1500 emblems
  • 1x Mystic Rings
  • 1x Hidden Blade, 5x Chanmail Shirt, 5x Scabbard
  • 4240 Food, 1790 Iron


  • 26x 4* Nature Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Nature Trainer Hero
  • 6x Giant Good Bundle (500K), 2x Giant Iron Bundle (500K), 1x Medium Food Bundle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Bundle (100K), 1x Small Iron Bundle (50K), 3x Tiny Food Bundle (10K)
  • 10x Alpha Aether
  • 7x Nature Aether III, 28x Nature Aether II, 50x Nature Aether I
  • 1500 emblems
  • 1x Mysterious Tonic
  • 1x Sturdy Shield , 5x Chanmail Shirt, 5x Tall Boots
  • 4240 Food, 1790 Iron


  • 26x 4* Holy Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Holy Trainer Hero
  • 6x Giant Good Bundle (500K), 2x Giant Iron Bundle (500K), 1x Medium Food Bundle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Bundle (100K), 1x Small Iron Bundle (50K), 3x Tiny Food Bundle (10K)
  • 10x Alpha Aether
  • 7x Holy Aether III, 28x Holy Aether II, 50x Holy Aether I
  • 1500 emblems
  • 1x Poison Darts
  • 1x Orb of Magic , 5x Battle Manual, 5x Tall Boots
  • 4240 Food, 1790 Iron


  • 26x 4* Dark Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Dark Trainer Hero
  • 6x Giant Good Bundle (500K), 2x Giant Iron Bundle (500K), 1x Medium Food Bundle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Bundle (100K), 1x Small Iron Bundle (50K), 3x Tiny Food Bundle (10K)
  • 10x Alpha Aether
  • 7x Dark Aether III, 28x Dark Aether II, 50x Dark Aether I
  • 1500 emblems
  • 1x Royal Tabard
  • 1x Trap Tools , 5x Battle Manual, 5x Tall Boots
  • 4240 Food, 1790 Iron


  • 26x 4* Ice Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Ice Trainer Hero
  • 6x Giant Good Bundle (500K), 2x Giant Iron Bundle (500K), 1x Medium Food Bundle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Bundle (100K), 1x Small Iron Bundle (50K), 3x Tiny Food Bundle (10K)
  • 10x Alpha Aether
  • 7x Ice Aether III, 28x Ice Aether II, 50x Ice Aether I
  • 1500 emblems
  • 1x Farsight Telescope
  • 1x Warm Cape , 5x Battle Manual, 5x Scabbard
  • 4240 Food, 1790 Iron

1x Costumed heroes gives back extra:

  • 15x 4* Trainer Hero, 1x 3* Trainer Hero, 1x 2* Trainer hero
  • 1x Medium Food Budnle (100K), 1x Medium Iron Budnle (100K), 1x Tiny Iron Bundle
  • 1x Alpha Aether
  • 1x Aether III, 3x Aether II, 15x Aether I
  • Another set of ascension materials
  • 500 Food, 1060 Iron

If you have used Golden emblems on a hero what you reset, then the Golden emblems are given back too.

:link: Related topics:

Beta information:


Text version of Aether Power Distribution

Ailment Immunity

At the start of each battle, this Hero is immune to new status ailments for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Ailment Immunity Black Friday Summon
- Enigmo

Brave Musketeers
- D´Artagnan

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Gazelle

Challenge Festival II
- Isrod

- Joon C2
- Leonidas C2
- Quintus C2

Legends 2018
- Aegir C

Legends 2020
- Zulag

Season II
- Tarlak C

Season III
- Sif

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Falcon
- Merlin

- Boril C
- Chao
- Grimm C
- Kiril
- Melendor

Season III
- Brynhild
- Sumle C

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Soroca

Season III
- Ei-Dunn
Ailment Reflect

At the start of each battle, this Hero reflects cleansable status ailments they would receive to a random character on the opposing team for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Ailment Reflect
Challenge Festival I
- The Hatter
Attack Up

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% attack for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Attack Up
Brave Musketeers
- Porthos

Challenge Festival I
- Alice
- Finley C
- Guardian Panther
- Jabberwock
- King Arthur
- White Rabbit

Challenge Festival II
- Caitlín
- Cathal
- Dark Lord
- Eiora & Fluffy
- Faline
- Rhys
- Saoirse

Clash of Knights
- Quenell
- Wolfgang

- Domitia
- Elkanen C
- Lianna
- Magni
- Marjana
- Richard
- Thorne C

- Iku-Turso
- Ilmarinen
- Kullervo
- Louhi
- Väinämöinen

Legends 2017
- Athena
- Hel
- Musashi
- Perseus

Legends 2018
- Alasie
- Drake Fong
- Evelyn
- Gregorion
- Zeline
- Zimkitha

Legends 2019
- Frida
- Kingston
- Margaret
- Miki
- Neith
- Seshat

Legends 2020
- Glenda
- Vela
- Zocc

Legends 2021
- Balbar
- Elradir

Legends 2022
- Arfanias
- Balur
- Grace

Lunar New Year
- Xiaotu

Mighty Pets
- Bubbles
- Furdinand

Monster Island
- Goretooth
- Hammertusk
- Hawthorn
- Waterpipe

Ninja Tower
- Ekanite
- Garnet
- Onyx
- Peridot

Return to Morlovia
- Francine
- Victor C

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Kemény
- Peñolite

Santa’s Challenge
- Tinsel

Season II
- Ariel C
- Inari
- Misandra
- Mitsuko C
- Oceanus
- Poseidon
- Tethys

Season III
- Frigg
- Gefjon
- Odin
- Skadi
- Thor
- Tyr

Season IV
- Akkorog
- Aouda
- Captain Nemo
- Congalach
- Dr. Moreau
- Phileas Fogg
- Russula
- Xenda
- Zenobia

Season V
- Cleopatra
- Eset
- Hathor

Season of Love
- Cupido
- Himeros

Springvale Festival
- Killhare
- Master Lepus

Tower of Styx
- Charon
- Thanatos

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Diaochan
- Erlang Shen
- Zhang Fei

Challenge Festival I
- Captain of Diamonds
- Gretel
- Guardian Jackal
- Hansel

Challenge Festival II
- Cillian
- Garyas
- Orla
- Zhabog

Clash of Knights
- Wren

- Colen
- Kelile
- Scarlett
- Tiburtus
- Wu Kong C

Mighty Pets
- Waddles

Monster Island
- Meadow

Ninja Tower
- Ametrine

Santa’s Challenge
- Buddy

Season II
- Sumitomo

Season III
- Fura
- Mist

Season IV
- Zila Lei

Springvale Festival
- Jack O’Hare

The Sand Empire
- Gafar

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Heifeng Guai
- Sun Shangxiang
- Xiahou Dun
- Zhou Yu

Brave Musketeers
- Felton

Challenge Festival I
- Gnomer

Challenge Festival II
- Edd
- Maeve

- Balthazar C
- Bane
- Berden
- Carver
- Gan Ju
- Nashgar
- Prisca C
- Renfeld C
- Tyrum C
- Valen

Mighty Pets
- Ribbit

Ninja Tower
- Kinsaishi

Return to Morlovia
- Goopy

Santa’s Challenge
- Rudolph

Season II
- Gato
- Melia
- Mnesseus
- Muggy

Season III
- Agnes
- Bjorn

Season IV
- Poppy

Season V
- Aqeela
- Jarif

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Jing
- Yao
Boosted Regen

At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 300 boosted health over 6 turns. Boosted health can exceed max HP.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Boosted Regen
- Azlar C2

Season III
- Baldur C

Season IV
- Exeera

The Sand Empire
- Yunan C

- Skittleskull C

Season II
- Agwe

- Oberon C

Season IV
- Morris

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +15% defense, and a further 1% increase every time they are hit during 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Guinevere
- Morgan Le Fay

Challenge Festival II
- Asterius

- Azlar C

Legends 2020
- Telluria

Legends Quest
- Myztero

Season II
- Ursena

Season III
- Heimdall C
- Salmon Loki

Season of Love
- Voluptas

- Karil C

Season IV
- Gramps

At the start of each battle, this Hero counterattacks with 60% of the damage received for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Rumpelstiltskin C

Challenge Festival II
- Karnov

- Elkanen C2
- Khagan C2
- Leonidas
- Obakan

Contest of Elements
- Jequn

Legends 2018
- Gravemaker C

Legends 2020
- Jean-François

Monster Island
- Malin

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- El Duque

Season II
- Kageburado C
- Mok-Arr C
- Tarlak

Season IV
- Octros

Season V
- Sekhmet

The Sand Empire
- Rana

Challenge Festival II
- Eichbelborg

- Boldtusk C
- Cyprian
- Li Xiu

Season III
- Sumle

The Sand Empire
- Jabbar

Challenge Festival I
- Bauchan

Clash of Knights
- Bertulf

- Isshtak C

- Joukahainen

Season II
- Gill-Ra

Season III
- An-Windr
Damage Reduction

At the start of each battle, all damage received by this hero is reduced by 10% for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Damage Reduction
Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Chameleon

Challenge Festival II
- Crystalis

- Elena C
- Horghall C2
- Joon C
- Leonidas C
- Obakan C

Contest of Elements
- Anzia

Legends 2019
- Onatel

Legends 2021
- Hanitra

Legends 2022
- Iris

Return to Morlovia
- Vanda C

Season III
- Alfrike
- Sif C

Season V
- El Naddaha

The Sand Empire
- Roc C

Tower of Magic
- Milena

Tower of Styx
- Nyx

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Liu Bei

- Cyprian C
- Li Xiu C2

Ninja Tower
- Shale

Season II
- Agwe C
- Proteus

Season V
- Azmia

Tower of Styx
- Arges

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Bat
- Treevil

Monster Island
- Basil

Return to Morlovia
- Jack

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Budatín
Defense Up

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% defense for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Defense Up
Brave Musketeers
- Athos
- Milady de Winter

Challenge Festival I
- Anne
-Guardian Lemur
- Puss in Boots
- Red Hood
- Snow White
- Snow White C

Challenge Festival II
- Emilio
- Ogima
- Phenexa
- Rian
- Toxicandra

- Horghall
- Justice
- Kadilen
- Vivica

Contest of Elements
- Roz
- Xandrella

- Aino

Legends 2017
- Alberich
- Ares
- Perseus C

Legends 2018
- Aeron
- Delilah

Legends 2019
- Grazul
- Kunchen

Legends 2020
- Raffaele

Legends 2021
- Alexandrine
- Devana
- Frosth

Mighty Pets
- Cinnamon
- Max

Monster Island
- Mistweaver
- Staintongue

Ninja Tower
- Quartz
- Ruby
- Serandite

Return to Morlovia
- Matilda
- Miriam & Midnight

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Arco

Santa’s Challenge
- Mother North
- Mr. Pengi

Season II
- Ariel

Season III
- Bera
- Lady Loki
- Ratatoskr

Season IV
- Morel

Season V
- Hetepheres
- Ma’at
- Sobek

Springvale Festival
- Killhare C

The Sand Empire
- Rana C

Tower of Magic
- Agrafena
- Nadezhda

Tower of Styx
- Nemesis

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Sun Quan

Brave Musketeers
- Kitty

- Boldtusk
- Hu Tao
- Kashhrek
- Kiril C
- Little John
- Rigard
- Sabina C

- Mielikki

Return to Morlovia
- Ana-Belle

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Kalø

Santa’s Challenge
- Holly

Season II
- Ameonna C
- Wilbur C

Season III
- Gullinbursti C
- Jott

Season V
- Ptolemy

Springvale Festival
- Lady Woolerton

Tower of Magic
- Anton

Tower of Styx
- Brontes

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Lemur
- Phoenicus
- Pixie

Challenge Festival II
- Candy

Clash of Knights
- Aderyn

- Belith
- Brienne
- Friar Tuck
- Gunnar C
- Hawkmoon
- Jahangir
- Kailani C
- Ulmer

- Para

Monster Island
- Dawn
- Edelaide

Santa’s Challenge
- Frosty

Season II
- Mnesseus C

Season III
- Kvasir
- Sudri

Season IV
- Helo

Season V
- Rekhetre

Tower of Magic
- Kornel

Tower of Styx
- Virgil

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% chance to dodge Special Skills that deal damage for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
- Domitia C2
- Joon
- Sartana

Legends 2018
- Gravemaker
- Natalya

Legends 2019
- Seshat C

Legends 2020
- Clarissa

Santa’s Challenge
- Krampus C

Season II
- Kageburado

Season III
- Tyr C

Season IV
- Zekena

Season V
- Horus

The Sand Empire
- Roc

- Caedmon C2
- Chao C
- Scarlett C

- Lemminkäinen

Season III
- Almur C

Challenge Festival I
- Sally

Challenge Festival II
- Whacker

- Azar C
- Dawa
- Graymane C

Santa’s Challenge
- Buster

Season II
- Namahage
Fiend Resist

At the start of each battle, this Hero is immune to new Fiends for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Fiend Resist
Black Friday Summon
- Fortuna

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Hippo

Challenge Festival II
- Senan

Legends 2022
- Viscaro

Monster Island
- Adalinda
- Kai

Ninja Tower
- Amethyst

Season IV
- Elizabeth
- Hannah

Season V
- Bastet
- Khepri

Tower of Magic
- Motega

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Lu Bu
- Queen Guowang
- Zhuge Liang

Brave Musketeers
- Villiers

Challenge Festival II
- Aodhan

Monster Island
- Maheegan

Season II
- Gadeirus
- Gobbler

Season V
- Scoratek

Tower of Magic
- Anastasia

Monster Island
- Fianna

Season IV
- Vollermork

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +60% attack with -20% accuracy for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Rumpelstiltskin

Legends 2019
- Ranvir

- Wu Kong

Season II
- Danzaburo
Heal Increase

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +50% increase for any healing received for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Heal Increase
Brave Musketeers
- Aramis

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Gazelle C
- Lady of the Lake C
- Marie-Thérèse C

Clash of Knights
- Esme

- Vivica C2

Legends 2017
- Ares C

Lunar New Year
- Laohu

Ninja Tower
- Oniwakamaru
- Zircon

Santa’s Challenge
- Augustus

Season III
- Baldur
- Heimdall

Season IV
- Prof. Lidenbrock

Challenge Festival II
- Sanngrior

- Kiril C2

Season II
- Gadeirus C

Season III
- Gullinbursti

Tower of Styx
- Steropes

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Wang Yuanji

Season III
- Grevle

Season V
- Faiez
Knight's Endurance

At the start of each battle, this Hero has a 15% chance to drop any received damage to 1 for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Knight’s Endurance
Challenge Festival I
- Black Knight
Mana Boost

!!! Mana Boost

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Mana Boost
Challenge Festival I
- Boss Wolf
- Guardian Owl
- Marie-Thérèse

- Khagan C
- Quintus

Legends 2020
- Noor

Legends 2021
- Chakkoszrot

Legends 2022
- Klaern

Santa’s Challenge
- Santa Claus

Season V
- Set

Season of Love
- Phthonus

The Sand Empire
- Yunan

- Skittleskull

Season III
- Shadereave

- Oberon

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +15% attack, and a further 1% increase every time they are hit during 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Kong

Challenge Festival II
- Bobo

- Azlar
- Magni C2
- Sartana C

Contest of Elements
- Zengar

Legends 2020
- Bai Yeong
- Malosi
- Reuben

Monster Island
- Cleaver
- Otis

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Hohenwerf

Season II
- Atomos
- Mok-Arr
- Ursena C

Season III
- Fenrir

Season IV
- Garjammal
- Kravekrush

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Jackal C

- Gormek
- Grimm
- Kelile C
- Tiburtus C

Monster Island
- Bogart

Season III
- Stonecleave

Season IV
- Rokkamush

Challenge Festival I
- Vodnik

Challenge Festival II
- Noril

- Azar
- Dawa C
- Karil

Monster Island
- Greel

Season III
- Ei-Dunn C
- Nordri

Springvale Festival
- Squire Wabbit

The Sand Empire
- Arman
- Hisan

At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 420 health over 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Kong C

Challenge Festival II
- Theobald
- Winifred

- Elena
- Isarnia
- Isarnia C2

Contest of Elements
- Zandria

Legends 2021
- Bertila

Legends 2022
- Zagrog

Legends 2023
- Gilligan

Mighty Pets
- Hachiko

Monster Island
- Ebba

Ninja Tower
- Jade

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Goseck

Santa’s Challenge
- Santa Claus C

Season III
- Freya

Season V
- Bennu
- Khufu

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Cao Cao

Challenge Festival II
- Ingolf

Clash of Knights
- Ferant

- Boril

Return to Morlovia
- Frank

Season II
- Triton
- Wilbur

Season IV
- Mack
- Tettukh

Challenge Festival II
- Zarel

- Jahangir C

Mighty Pets
- Rufus

Season V
- Waqas

War of the Three Kingdoms
- General Yin
- Li

If this Hero is defeated during the first 4 turns of a battle, they are resurrected in the beginning of their next turn with 1% health. All status effects and stacks are removed when the Hero dies.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Challenge Festival I
- Captain Kestrel
- Finley
- Lady Locke
- Sargasso

Legends 2017
- Thoth-Amun

Season V
- Ahmose
- Tetisheri

Challenge Festival I
- Boomer
- Peters

Season V
- Ahhotep
Special Armor

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +40% defense against Special Skills for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Special Armor
Black Friday Summon
- Jove

Challenge Festival I
- Guardian Panther C
- Lady of the Lake

Challenge Festival II
- Director Zuri
- Narcisa

- Horghall C
- Justice C
- Kadilen C
- Khagan
- Vivica C

Legends 2017
- Alberich C

Legends 2018
- Aegir
- Aeron C

Legends 2022
- Celidana

Monster Island
- Dabria

Ninja Tower
- Mica

Santa’s Challenge
- Mother North C

Season III
- Freya C
- Gefjon C
- Lord Loki

Season IV
- Hulda
- Lepiota
- Lughaidh
- Passepartout
- Xnolphod

Season V
- Anubis
- Papyros

Challenge Festival I
- Cheshire Cat

Challenge Festival II
- D’Andre

- Caedmon C
- Hu Tao C
- Kashhrek C
- Li Xiu C
- Little John C
- Melendor C
- Rigard C
- Sabina
- Sonya C

Santa’s Challenge
- Carol

Season II
- Ameonna
- Danzaburo C

Tower of Magic
- Sergei

- Belith C
- Brienne C
- Friar Tuck C
- Gunnar
- Hawkmoon C
- Kailani
- Ulmer C

Season III
- By-Ulf
- Kvasir C

Tower of Magic
- Dölgöön
Special Boost

At the start of each turn, this Hero’s Special Skill deals an additional +30% damage for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Special Boost
Challenge Festival I
- Jabberwock C
- White Rabbit C

- Domitia C
- Elkanen
- Isarnia C
- Justice C2
- Lianna C
- Magni C
- Marjana C
- Quintus C
- Richard C
- Thorne

Legends 2017
- Athena C
- Hel C

Legends 2018
- Alasie C
- Drake Fong C
- Khiona
- Zimkitha C

Legends 2019
- Anzogh
- Grimble

Legends 2021
- Malicna
- Russell
- Uraeus
- Yang Mai

Legends 2022
- Morax
- Silvaria
- Tahir

Legends 2023
- Roughian & Nurgib
- Viselus

Mighty Pets
- Chomper

Monster Island
- Bonecrusher

Ninja Tower
- Cobalt
- Topaz

Return to Morlovia
- Francine C

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Gaillard
- Matrera

Santa’s Challenge
- Peppermint

Season II
- Inari C
- Misandra C
- Mitsuko
- Poseidon C

Season III
- Frigg C
- Norns
- Odin C
- Skadi C
- Thor C

Season V
- Khonshu

Springvale Festival
- Master Lepus C
- Sir Roostley

Tower of Magic
- Cristóbal

Tower of Styx
- Erebus
- Hypnos

War of the Three Kingdoms
- Guan Yu

Challenge Festival I
- Sir Lancelot

Challenge Festival II
- Marcel

- Caedmon
- Colen C
- Gormek C
- Kelile C2
- Sonya

Mighty Pets
- Cupcake

Ninja Tower
- Sapphire

Return to Morlovia
- Frank C

Sanctuary of Gargoyles
- Bellerive

Season III
- Almur
- Fura C
- Mireweave

Season IV
- Griffin

Season V
- Junaid

Springvale Festival
- Jack O’Hare C

Brave Musketeers
- Planchet

Challenge Festival II
- Skrekok

- Balthazar
- Bane C
- Berden C
- Carver C
- Gan Ju C
- Graymane
- Isshtak
- Nashgar C
- Prisca
- Renfeld
- Tyrum
- Valen C

Season II
- Chochin
- Melia C

Season III
- Bjorn C
- Jarvur

Season of Love
- Zarola

Springvale Festival
- Chick Jr.

Tower of Styx
- Dante

At the start of each battle, this Hero gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the Hero’s allies for 4 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Brave Musketeers
- Queen Anne

Challenge Festival I
- Black Knight C
- Queen of Hearts

Clash of Knights
- Ludwig

Legends 2022
- Kara

Santa’s Challenge
- Krampus

Challenge Festival I
- Shrubbear

At the start of each battle, this Hero heals 100% of dealt normal damage for 6 turns.

Aether Power Legendary heroes Epic heroes Rare heroes
Clash of Knights
- Eloise
- Lewena
- Quintin
- Rayne

- Obakan C2

Return to Morlovia
- Alucard
- Vanda
- Victor

Clash of Knights
- Franz

Return to Morlovia
- Valeria

Return to Morlovia
- Vlad

Aether Powers of future unreleased heroes and costumes:

Click for list
Hero Rarity Event Aether Power
Amphitrite Legendary Tower of Styx Fiend Resist
Archie Legendary Springvale Festival Attack Up
Atomos C Legendary Season II Bulwark
Barkley Legendary Mighty Pets Ailment Immunity
Belladonna Legendary Challenge Festival II Defense Up
Boldtusk C2 Epic Classic Special Armor
Cardinal Richelieu Legendary Brave Musketeers Fiend Resist
Cedar Rare Monster Island Attack Up
Celimene Legendary Challenge Festival II Attack Up
Colen C2 Epic Classic Counterattack
Constance Legendary Brave Musketeers Attack Up
Cyprian C2 Epic Classic Regen
Doxan Legendary Contest of Elements Attack Up
Fenrir C Legendary Season III Special Boost
Gill-Ra C Rare Season II Special Armor
Gobbler C Epic Season II Ailment Immunity
Gormek C2 Epic Classic Counterattack
Green Knight Legendary Challenge Festival I Attack Up
Grimm C2 Epic Classic Counterattack
Guinevere C Legendary Challenge Festival I Special Armor
Hurricane Legendary Monster Island Attack Up
Ignazio Legendary Contest of Elements Defense Up
Jasper Legendary Springvale Festival Defense Up
Kadilen C2 Legendary Classic Attack Up
Knuckles Epic Monster Island Special Armor
Lianna C2 Legendary Classic Dodge
Lord Loki C Legendary Season III Special Boost
Luna Legendary Mighty Pets Ailment Immunity
Marjana C2 Legendary Classic Dodge
Meresankh Legendary Season V Attack Up
Merlin C Epic Challenge Festival I Damage Reduction
Myoin-ni Legendary Ninja Tower Heal Increase
Nordri C Rare Season III Counterattack
Numbskull Epic Monster Island Regen
Proteus C Epic Season II Ailment Immunity
Rigard C2 Epic Classic Damage Reduction
Rochefort Legendary Brave Musketeers Attack Up
Skittleskull C2 Epic Classic Ailment Immunity
Snowball Legendary Mighty Pets Ailment Immunity
Sorrow Legendary Monster Island Defense Up
Sumitomo C Epic Season II Special Boost
Suzuna Legendary Legends 2023 Defense Up
Thunderclap Legendary Monster Island Taunt
Tremor Legendary Monster Island Defense Up
Triton C Epic Season II Counterattack
Turgruk Legendary Legends 2023 Attack Up

As these are unreleased heroes we could see change in their powers when they are released.


Reserved for possilble future use.


:warning: Please keep this topic for questions / answers and general discussion about the Aether Powers and second limit breaking, and if you want to complain about the arrival of feature, then please use one of these topics:

Or similar topics.


once again, a big thank you for all your hard work @PlayForFun !


Thank you @PlayForFun @cap @Zartanis :blush:

  • All players will receive a gift of 10 Alpha Aethers when this feature goes live

I still have not received anything .
And you ?

1 Like

Still anything 20chars

I have not received any either.

nothing here either.

Can’t find Hachiko in any of the powers? Can someone look again, I’m sure I’m missing him. He’s probably gonna be my first LB2 target…

tnx so much! its a great help for the community

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He have normal health regen.


Thanks for that…boring :frowning:

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Also, i noticed that heroes have different abilities in the live version compared to beta.

Yes, there are some changes.
Hopefully the OP has these changes, but if anyone is seeing anything wrong, then let me know, and I will fix it.


Why is Hathor getting attack up she don’t even attack she should have heal increase

1 Like

Why is attack up even a thing when rage is more superior?