🏯 [April 2021] Ninja Tower Event - FAQ, Discussion & Summons!

Now Live: The Ninja Tower Event

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration Frequency
2021-03-31T07:00:00Z 2021-04-04T07:00:00Z 5 Days Every 8 Weeks

Click to enlarge

Click for Additional Dialogue/ Cut Scenes

Post Level 10

Post Level 20

Post Level 30

Post Level 40

Post Level 50 (Completion)

:japanese_castle: Ninja Tower Overview!!

Click for overview of the event & summary of the aspects to the Eventp; note this section should answer most questions asked.


  • The Ninja Tower Event a brand new event which is accessed via the “Quests” page with 50 unique stages.
  • Each stage features 1,2 or 3 monster waves followed by a boss stage.
  • You CANNOT repeat or replay or rerun a completed stage.
  • Gameplay features a new tile called an “Oni Curse” (more on that below).
  • Completing 3 stages gives you a choice of one of three “Oni Blessings” which apply to all heroes in your roster for that specific event.
  • Heroes can be used on as many stages as you like, as long as they don’t get “cursed out”. Read on that in the “oni curses” section below.
  • The higher you go up the tower, the more difficult it becomes.
    • Gameplay becomes harder
    • Oni-Curses appear more frequently
    • Different Mob & Boss configurations
    • Appearance of “Deadly Chamber” effects (more below)

:zap: Flags/ Energy!!

  • Ninja Tower uses its own Flag Energy Currency. Separate from World Energy etc…
  • You have a limit of 10 flags
  • Flags are regenerated once per day & completely refills your flags
  • There is also a new “flask” which has been added called the “Tower Energy Flask”.

:japanese_goblin: Oni Curses

  • Oni Curses are a new tile that randomly appears on the Board.
  • On appearance, the Oni Curse is allocated to one of your 5 heroes
  • You then have 3 turns to remove the curse. If you fail, that hero recieves 1x curse.
  • Heroes who are cursed 2 times throughout the event are no longer usable in the event (still able to be used elsewhere).
  • If you FLEE with an Oni Curse (either with the countdown still on it or timed out) on a hero, it sticks (i.e. that hero is cursed).

:angel: Oni Blessings

  • Rewarded on completing every third stage
  • Blessings are fixed & are the same for everyone (i.e. player A gets x,y&z blessing at stage 3. So does player B, Player C etc…)
  • Blessings apply to ALL heroes in your roster for that specific event.
    • They do NOT apply outside the Ninja Event

:skull_and_crossbones: Deadly Chamber Effects.

  • There are three Deadly Chamber Effects in the Ninja Tower:
    • Toxic Vapour - All heroes take ‘x’ damage every ‘y’ turns
    • Fragile Floor - The number of battle items you take are reduced by ‘x’. Cannot be less than 1
    • Erratic Time - All Status Effect Durations are reduced by ‘x’ turns.
  • Table below has more details of the deadly chamber effects & how they increase in severity though the Tower Event.

Stage Range Toxic Vapor Fragile Floor Erratic Time
1 - 5 - - -
6 - 10 50 damage per 3 turns - -
11 - 15 " 1x less of each item -
16 - 20 " " Effects 1 turn shorter
21 - 25 75 damage per 3 turns " "
26 - 30 " 2x less of each item "
31 - 35 " " Effects 2 turns shorter
35 - 40 100 damage per 3 turns " "
41 - 50 " " Effects 3 turns shorter
Note: " means as above

:world_map: Infographics & Guides

NOTE!!! All infographics are based on previous NT Events & may change. They will be updated as time permits.
Credit: @cap
Source: 🏯 Cap's Ninja Tower Infographics & Guides

Click for Boss Special Skill Info

Click for graphic on Deadly Chambers & Oni Blessings

Oni Blessings

Deadly Chamber Effects

@Zartanis Infographic:
Source: {Master - Zartanis' Guides} Building, Crafting, Event, Talent Grid Guides, etc

Click for Zartanis' Infographics (Part 1 & Part 2)

@Brenna85’s Infographics (Polish):

Click for Brenna85's Polish guides/ infographics

:moneybag: Loot & Rewards

Individual Stage Loot

On completing each stage, you are awarded with a Emblem & Ninja Coin reward in addition to the usual stuff. See above graphics for a breakdown of this loot.

Event Placement Loot

Click for Event End Rewards Summary

:rotating_light: Progression Reward – Tower Chest

A “Tower Chest” is awarded every 10 levels completed. It also creates a “Completion” reward of sorts where the 5th and Final Tower Chest will only be available on completing all 50 levels.

Click for Summary of Coin. Emblems & an Example Set of "Tower Chest" Loot

Loot Summary

Each Tower Chest features a mixture of Fixed Loot (Emblems & Coins) and Random Loot (Crafting/ Ascension Materials & Battle Items).

Tower Chest Stage Unlocked Tower Coins Emblems
1 10 10x 10x
2 20 10x 10x
3 30 10x 10x
4 40 10x 20x
5 50 25x 30x
Total - 65x 80x

Guvs Example Loot from December 2020

Tower Chest 1

Tower Chest 2

Tower Chest 3

Tower Chest 4

Tower Chest 5

:spiral_notepad: Guide to Excelling in the Ninja Tower Event

Credit to @madmarv for this writeup; Source

Click for guide by @madmarv

:money_with_wings: Tower Coin

A new coin currancy added to the game. Used exclusively to summon in the Ninja Portal.

Thus far the Ninja Coins can only be gained from the Ninja Event as either progress rewards, stage rewards or final placement rewards. Oh and offers too…

Click for Image & Tool Tip

In Game Tool-Tip:

Used for a free summon at the Ninja Summon. You need 100 coins for one summon.
This Item can be received as a reward from the Ninja Tower

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results for Ninja Tower Level!

Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!

  • Which team did use for each Stage?
  • What Battle Items did you use, if any?
  • Which Stages did you defeat?
  • Would you do anything different next time?
  • Anything else interesting to share?

Ninja Heroes

To Discuss the Power or Effectivness of the Ninja Tower Heroes please use this thread:
🏯 Ninja Hero Thoughts & Discussion Thread

Beta Information on the Ninja Heroes: 🧪 Early Information on Ninja Tower Heroes (Epic & Legendary) [Part of The Beta Beat V32]

:woman_superhero: Ninja Tower Summons & Offers :money_mouth_face:

The below section summarises the Odds & Offers for the two portals associated with the Ninja Tower Event.

Click for Portal Odds & Summon Costs

:game_die: Ninja HERO Portal

Classic Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 71%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 1.5%

Ninja Heroes

  • Epic Ninja Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Ninja Hero: 1.0%

Bonus Draw

  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

:money_mouth_face: Summoning Costs

The costs of summoning are listed below
Single Summon:

  • 100x "Tower Coins
  • 300x Gems

10x Summon:

  • 2600 Gems

There is currently no “30x” summon option

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:
Or: How many summons are needed to get a Ninja Hero?
Below Maths is current as of October 2020 portal.
Any Ninja Hero (4 or 5*) 6.70% 50.02% 87.51% 99.90% 100.00% 100.00%
Any 5* Ninja 1.00% 9.56% 26.03% 63.40% 99.34% 100.00%
A Specific 5* Ninja 0.20% 1.98% 5.83% 18.14% 63.25% 95.04%
Any 4* Ninja 5.70% 44.39% 82.81% 99.72% 100.00% 100.00%
Any Specific 4* Ninja 1.90% 17.46% 43.76% 85.31% 99.99% 100.00%
Any Ninja Troop 5.00% 40.13% 78.54% 99.41% 100.00% 100.00%
A Specific Ninja Troop 1.00% 9.56% 26.03% 63.40% 99.34% 100.00%
Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x, 2500x, 5000x & 10000x). Based on 10,000 gems costing 99.99 USD, I have also added an approximate $ cost too. (Each 30x Summons costs 8,000 gems or ~$79.99 USD).

Ninja Troop Portal

Click for Odds & Summon Costs


  • Rare Classic Troop = 85%
  • Epic Classic Troop = 10%
  • Epic Ninja Troop = 5%

:money_with_wings: Summon Costs

You CAN use your Epic Troop Tokens (ETT’s) in the Ninja Portal. Gem Summon Costs remain the same:

  • 1x = 200 Gems
  • 10x = 1600 gems

:moneybag: Offers

Click for Offers Screenshots

prices in AUD & include tax

:question: Questions?

If you have question that have not been answered above about the Ninja Tower Event Quest, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

Historical Ninja Tower Threads:

Beta & Announcements


16 ETT Used

2 x Red Ninja
1 x Blue Ninja
1 x Red 4* Crit

I am pleased as I had 0 Ninja troops before this event. 25% ?? I will take it any day lol


44 hero summons and only Marjana. Goddamn devastating.

30 summons on troop, one purple Ninja, 2 regular epics. Missing only blue Ninja so whatever, they are all food anyway.


22 ETTs,

2 Green Ninjas
1 Green Crit

Up to 4 Green Ninjas now… I’m naming them Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.
Maybe they can make a new TMNT movie?


28 ETT’s got me:

3x Ninjas (Red, Blue & Green)
4x Mana (2 Red, Purple & Yellow)|
1x Crit (Yellow)

Pretty sure this is broken… Waiting for SGG to fix lol



Yep… those are pretty decent results there :partying_face:

1 Like

22 ETT here:

2x ninja- purple & red
2x mana - green & blue
1x crit yellow.

The purple ninja troop is new for me and the blue mana troop was the one I needed to complete my set. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


13 ETT

And 13 3*. Had better luck last couple of times


30 ETT spent:

2x Mana (2 red)
2x Crit (1 purple, 1 green)

No ninjas for me… :frowning:


19 ETT:

1x Green ninja troop
1x Yellow mana troop
1 x Yellow crit troop

I’d say quite all right this time around.


19 ETT, 2 ninja troops

After 70 previous summons, these are my first ones. 2 from 89 pulls


24 ETT :

  • 1x Purple Ninja (dupe)
  • 2x Purple Mana
  • 1x Purple Crit
  • 1x Holy Mana

24 ETT

2 Ninja’s, both dupes. Only lacking green ninja, so it was to be expected. With 5% of getting ninja troop I’ve beaten the odds so I’m not complaining.


31 ETT

3x Ninjas (2 Yellow, Blue)
3x Mana (2 Blue, Yellow)
3x Crit (Yellow, Purple, & Red)


40 ETT
2 red ninja troops, 2 yellow ninja troops, 1 purple ninja troops… I think 3 other four star troops it was. pretty much above average, but still missing the blue ninja troop though…


In level 32 I have blue and red monsters, so that’s a wrong sheet.

Also the wise goat gives that sheet. Can I have a right sheet?

1 Like

18 ETT saved up, not a single 4* troop. :confounded:


24 Troop Tokens used
Not too concerned I did not get any ninja troops, but I did beat the odds with five 4* troops.

Unfortunately I’m still very low on 4* Holy troops.
Lifetime troops collected:

Type Red Blue Green Dark Holy
Crit 5 8 6 5 1
Mana 8 8 6 3 1
Ninja 2 2 0 1 1
Total 15 18 12 9 3

I’m not summoning for ninjas on this occasion but this is where I blow two months’ collection of ETTs. Had 16, and made two 10-pulls with gems as well, because I have been sadly neglecting my troops. Results:

1 x purple ninja (first)
1 x yellow mana (not pleased, got enough already)
1 x blue mana (got even more of those!)
1 x blue crit (ditto)
1 x red mana (good, I’m short on reds)

and food. Already had 1 x blue and 1 x yellow ninja, so the collection is growing slowly. I have just enough greens (2 x crit, 3 x mana) to get by.

Now I need to get on with levelling the things. Earlier today I finally levelled the first 17 troop, yes really. No wonder my defence is a bit lacklustre. Working on it.