Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

A little update

:purple_circle: Scorpion Lady at 4/59. Going up to 4/80

:yellow_circle: Leonidas and all of his costumes are done. Horus have begun and heā€™s 2/10 right now. Iā€™m taking him to 3/70

:large_blue_circle: Hippo at 4/80 and Miki at 3-70. I started Snow White and costume

:green_circle: MN at 3/70. I started Ekanite and I have saved my tonics and my only Damascus Blade for her. But itā€™s a long way to the top

:red_circle: Cinderella almost there. Sheā€™s at 4/70. And I have a tone for the last 5 levels

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Here are the heroes Iā€™m working on and currently intend to work on:

I feel Iā€™m behind on my levelling of heroes because, as FtP, Iā€™ve previously focussed on having 4TC20s and HA10 all running while neglecting my generation of feeders.

However, Iā€™ve been lucky (some would say) with costume summons and, having previously pulled toon Vivica, have also pulled toon Domitia. The HA10 has been swapped out and two of the TC 20s have been dumped for TC 1s and 2s for as long as I can sustain them.

In an alliance using purple war defence tanks, Iā€™m contemplating a defence something like this when my first costume for Domitia is leveled.

All of my projects would improve my potential teams and, having stored stocks of various tokens, Iā€™m currently not pulling for heroes. My thinking here is that hero values will increase so I might as well leave pulls until projects are done. But this will mean that Iā€™d Iā€™d miss out on free pulls for watching ads, so Iā€™m not sure if a pull deference is wise. To date, Iā€™d generally stop pulling in a portal if I was lucky enough to get a featured hero of the HotM (unless Iā€™d like a dupe of that hero) but am unsure, given free-bee pulls, if not pulling due to a lack of levelling capacity makes sense.

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Happy April, time for an update:

Purple - Slowly bringing Obakanā€™s 2nd costume to 3-70 - Next up Obakan toon to 3-70
Yellow - Anne at 4-81 going to 4-85 - Next finish Malosi no at 4-55
Blue - Swan Maiden, should be good for rare tournies - Next up Star Walker!
Green - Villiers to 4-75 - Next Daroga!!
Red - Mad Hammer, can wait for a red boost - Next Sparklight

I have some impressing legendary heroes that will up my depth big time. I have all the mats needs so Iā€™m pretty darn excited.


I pulled Luna earlier, so now I have shifted focus from 4* heroes to Luna
I only have 6 Tabards and no Tomes, for now.


A new update :


Only a small red Aether missing for finishing Pepperā€˜s LB2.

In progress:

Francine and her costume jumped ahead of the green queue. Took them from SE, the EDD against blue of the costume was the selling point.

Happy gaming

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Should be a quest for one in a week or two. I am waiting on a tabard for the same reason

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I shifted from Luna for now because of Mirages of Omega, allowed me to Lb1 gestalt, so maxing him, then will go back to Luna (Luna is at 3/1).

Im actually at 7 tabards now too, literally a day after that comment the titan gave me a tabard, I think it knows and plans for me to max Luna

I had Bauchan since he came out and still use him due to his mana control which is still useful, even if his hit is not.

update time - got c-Thoth Amun from ToL, and c2/c3 Li Xiu, c2 Gormek, c2 Prisca, c2 Graymane AND Zarga from Costume Chamber, so time to reassess the queueā€¦

:blue_heart: still Tinsel, no queue changes hereā€¦

Queue: Thorne +c1 and c2 (the most immediately useful of these), Jott, Virgil, Guardian Lemur, toon Graymane, Balur. Balur might go ahead if I have enough Scopes then.

:green_heart: Caedmon c2 and c3 now maxed and lb1ed, toon Brienne also done (I despise her art though, sheā€™s one of the toons that falls on the too-goofy side for me)

now Villiers cause heā€™s interesting; then Featherino; then Leadria. Then 2nd Franz. and eventually, maybe, Horghall.

:yellow_heart: Norns and c2 Hu Tao done!

c2 Li Xiu also almost done, and I will lb1 her. Toon Li Xiu will be next for the stat boost. then Cedar.
I only have 10 Darts now, so if I do not have 12 by then, I will do Justice C1 and C2 first before Zora; and finally Voluptas (who has now been untouched in my roster since Season of Love 2023!!)

:heart: Now Cupido, then c2 Gormek to get reliable Red dispel. then Shale first while waiting for more Ringsā€¦ Cookie is already 3/70 so he will get finished first, then Zarga. finally, Dupe R&N if I decide to keep her.

:purple_heart: now Panther, then will restart Anoushka. still TBD the next bunch: Juliani over Boomer, c-Thoth Amun over Sargasso. but whether I work on the 4s or 5s first depends on my Tabard inventoryā€¦


Okayā€¦thatā€™s actually a good question cause it helps to put a little bit of [quote=ā€œsleepyhead, post:1616, topic:192173, full:trueā€]
update time - got c-Thoth Amun from ToL, and c2/c3 Li Xiu, c2 Gormek, c2 Prisca, c2 Graymane AND Zarga from Costume Chamber, so time to reassess the queueā€¦

:blue_heart: still Tinsel, no queue changes hereā€¦

Queue: Thorne +c1 and c2 (the most immediately useful of these), Jott, Virgil, Guardian Lemur, toon Graymane, Balur. Balur might go ahead if I have enough Scopes then.

:green_heart: Caedmon c2 and c3 now maxed and lb1ed, toon Brienne also done (I despise her art though, sheā€™s one of the toons that falls on the too-goofy side for me)

now Villiers cause heā€™s interesting; then Featherino; then Leadria. Then 2nd Franz. and eventually, maybe, Horghall.

:yellow_heart: Norns and c2 Hu Tao done!

c2 Li Xiu also almost done, and I will lb1 her. Toon Li Xiu will be next for the stat boost. then Cedar.
I only have 10 Darts now, so if I do not have 12 by then, I will do Justice C1 and C2 first before Zora; and finally Voluptas (who has now been untouched in my roster since Season of Love 2023!!)

:heart: Now Cupido, then c2 Gormek to get reliable Red dispel. then Shale first while waiting for more Ringsā€¦ Cookie is already 3/70 so he will get finished first, then Zarga. finally, Dupe R&N if I decide to keep her.

:purple_heart: now Panther, then will restart Anoushka. still TBD the next bunch: Juliani over Boomer, c-Thoth Amun over Sargasso. but whether I work on the 4s or 5s first depends on my Tabard inventoryā€¦

Ā¹Ā¹q2ww44 in my mental chaos. Lol.

5* Just finished Drago, now i am doing Firming Richard. He is at 450, so should be ready quite soon.

I am desperate for purple and just pulled Cecilia, so she is next, followed by Winnie. Spartoi and Ceto are not the newest, but they both hit hard and thatā€™s what i need right now.y

I got Xiaotu from SE and pulled Cupido a few days before SEand Zarga joined my reds too. I still have Hohenwerth and Tethys and hope iā€™ll get them done too, but considering mats etc. I am not so sure.

In 4* i am interested in Mulgog, Sharkie, Anton, Bogart and Aiden and 3* i have Fenton, Ribbit, Paeia, then Yano, Fianna, Roxia, Morganite, and Greel. Reds and blues i have already done cause they can be done in a day each and thatā€™s oddly satisfying after a batch of 5*.


Update after(almost) 2 weeks:
Costumed Queen of Hearts: 4/85+15 ā†’ 4/85+20 :tada:
-Base Queen of Hearts: 4/80+15 ā†’ 4/80+20 :tada:
-Milena: 3/43 ā†’ 3/45 (stopped for now)
-Roxia: 1/1 ā†’ 3/55+20 :tada:
-Boots: 1/1 ā†’ 3/55+20 :tada:
-G. Jackal: 2/45 ā†’ 3/32 (bcz he was dying too fast on titans)
Milena stoped, cuz of new, very important hero.
-Cyprian: 4/25 ā†’ 4/62
-TOON Cyprian: 1/1 ā†’ 3/60
Base got leveled almost 1 year ago, so now as I got Toon Iā€™m finishing him.
Norns with costume - will be leveled together with Milena after all 4 Cyprians if tabards for Sartana wonā€™t appear.
All rest, same as always:

But Margaret will be leveled after cNorns/Milena(depends on who Iā€™ll finish first).
My phone is a bit laggy today, so making this post took me about 40 mins, Iā€™m rly tired

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Thatā€™s also the main reason I do this :slight_smile: haha! Helps to have a ready list to hold me accountable :stuck_out_tongue:


Recently put Luna to 3/70 and just finished Miss Ethel to 3/70, going back to working on Timothy to 3/70 (heā€™s on about 3/40) and if I can finish him before Wednesday I will do some more on grimm + 2 costumes (no toon), and then as soon as I get my tome of tactics, LUNA is being maxed.

But it will be slow because I only have my tc11 so producing 4 every 2 hrs, so painfully slow

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2 weeks update:

:heart: Marjanaā€™s done & started working on c-Gormek and Buster that was ignored for a while.

:yellow_heart: Vivica done, Steropes next in line.

:blue_heart: Valenā€™s toon all pretty. Xiahou Dun in progress

:green_heart: Lionstring in progress

:purple_heart: Farrah LB2 and sheā€™s amazing. Killhare getting closer to 4/80, then her costume is next.

P.S. As I am waiting for some cool hero Iā€™m replenishing my stock of backpacks and strong ropes so leveling is going slower than usual.


More updates

:purple_circle: Scorpion Lady is 4/80. I started Sharkai to improve my team against yellow titans and heā€™s 2/48

:yellow_circle: Leonidas and his costumes are done. I started Horus but considering I pulled Winnie and she became the priority to be fully leveled (until LB2)

:large_blue_circle: Hippo going to 4/85 (almost there). And I finished Aqualith (4/70). Now Iā€™m taking Snow White and costume to 3/70

:green_circle: MN at 3/70. As promised I picked Ekanite and sheā€™s gonna be leveled until 4/80

:red_circle: Cinderella is at 4/80 and I turned to Black Ceaesar and itā€™s at 3/4.

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Another two weeks gone.
This heroes are finished:

Got toon Richard in last costume chamber, had the base hero already maxed and emblemed

Now working on his other two costumes.

:blue_square: : Other costumes of toon Richsrd, because he is deadly
:green_square: : Continuing working on Francine
:red_square: : 2nd costume of 2nd Boldtusk for CoE
:purple_square: : costume of 2nd Killhare. With Odil and the recent buff for Springvale costumes I want to use her in that team:

Two fast healers to keep Pepperflame alive, Odile is preventing the Springvale heroes from maiming theirself or the allies. The three different Springvale heroes are getting the maximal family bonus.
Pepperflame dealing serious damage, defdown and boosting the two Killhares.

Happy gaming


Iā€™ve moved to the following format for looking at my levelling projects.

Among other things, this format really helps in bringing my troops roster into order.

This was inspired by way of helpful discussion with @Gimliv which also acted as a jumping point for further ideas of a purple-yellow-purple-yellow-purple war defence team (with Alfrike employed during Rush Attack).


The central (sorry) idea is to make best use of c2 Domitiaā€™s special of giving her target and neighbours -54% defence against dark for 4 turns, 6 turns to a recipient who is holy.

Anyway, my 4/85 Domitia now has her similarly roguish toon costume to 4/80, her barbaric costume 2 to 2/51 (and heading for 4/85), and her ranging costume 1 to 1/44.

My legendary troop purple options did not produce any clear favourites but, as rouge was not generally among them, I opted for a barbarian/druid take, not least because it enables a character option that isnā€™t a toon.

Iā€™m interested in my best options for the Alfrike war defence spot:


My strongest non-purple/yellow is Blossom but Sartana and Domitia already do dispel.
After leveling Domitia Iā€™ll probably go on to c Obakan but, with his lackluster OG being the barbarian, Iā€™d stick one of his costumes on the wing.

My other developments have been:
:purple_heart: getting Aquela to 3/60, (Iā€™ll now work between Domitia and c Rigard);
:yellow_heart: getting Vivica costumes and just c2 of Wu Kong to max (for the titan relevant costume bonus), getting Kvasir and costume to 3/60, and Sally to 3/55, (Iā€™ll now work between Jana and a second Vivica);
:blue_heart: getting c Gunnar to 3/50 and OG to 3/55, (Iā€™ll keep working on Snow White and Azmia and am tempted to then continue with Suzuna);
:green_heart: getting Faiez to 3/60, c Belithe to 3/55, and Caedmon costumes to max, (Iā€™ll now work between Sha Wujing and on getting c2 Caedmon to 4/75);
:hearts: getting Bazil and Phoenicus to 3/55, (Iā€™ll work between Xiaotu and Buster).

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Finished kiril, Caedmon, Obakan, bane, and vivica (the first version listed for each)

Current projects

Next projects

I took a break from Athena to work on sonya. Not particularly thrilled by ithar. And meant to put toon.boldtusk over Timothy. After guardian panther Iā€™ll have to decide if a third Obakan is valuable. It probably is.


Costumed Alfrike. Because sheā€™s Alfrike but in a costume. Pain in the ā– ā– ā–  when she is on the other side.

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Monthly update time!

Now I hate levelling too many 5 stars at a time yet here I am:

Purple - 2nd costume Obakan to 3-70- Heā€™s only getting one start purple feeders because I have hotter flames in the fire. After him, Toon Obakan!

Yellow - Malosi - Another that is only getting 1 star feeders due to priority. Next up, Lady Woolerton

Blue - Starwalker Believe it or not, this one isnā€™t my top priority because my blue game is SOLID. Feeding one and 2 star blues, trainer heroes to the top priority hero- Next up, start Knuckles again

Green - Daroga aka TOP PRIORITY - My green game has all the great healers. I need a beast like this on to pair with El Naddaha and 2LB Myoin-Ni. Daroga is getting all feeders except for off color 1 stars and Blue 2 stars - Next, Boom & Fang.

Red - Jahangir Toon Costume - Yeah I have Spark light but working on all legendaries makes my eye twitch. Had just finished MadHammer to 4-85 with 20 emblems and love using him with 2LB Gestalt and Cupidoā€¦they fire at the same time and ruin defenses.

Happy ascending forum friends! Cheers!

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