No hero is worth summoning, the odds are really really bad.
Instead I try and spread out my summons so I can get lucky.
Micro transactions
For the first 1.5 years I recommend players limit themselves to 50% of a movie theater trip per month.
([Opinion, Discussion] Effective IAP gem deals in Empires or Return On Investment )
Heroes depend on your roster.
None of the Halloween heroes are worth building a team around or the first three choices for a rainbow team.
I got insanely lucky and have Frida, Grimm and Valeria ( last year) which is a really nice blue stack for raiding.
But I still want a second Valeria to go with my first Valeria and second Grimm.
(Is VALERIA worth the mats now? - #20 by Gryphonknight )
(Can we just get rid of Field Aid already? - #103 by Gryphonknight )
Several of my teammates love their blue 5* Victor, but 5* heroes really depend on your roster of 5* heroes and 4* ascension items.
Vlad Boss
Vlad suffers from Hero Boss Syndrome. Vlad makes a good boss, but there are better purple 3* heroes.
Vlad’s big advantages - DOT bypasses defense stat and steal healing - are not helpful for a purple 3* since no yellow 3* healer and 3* heroes so squishy compared to 4* heroes.
Color stacking
Double strong color, no weak color, teams==
Now that you have two rainbow teams ( one 3* 3.50 and one 4* 3.60 ) you can create double strong color, no weak color teams.
If you are attacking a Green Boss, then Red heroes are better because they are strong against green, so Green bosses takes double damage. The opposite is true of Blue heroes. Blue heroes cause half damage to a Green boss. The other colors ( Green, Purple & Yellow ) do neutral damage or no increase or decrease in damage.
When attacking a Green boss, remove your BLUE 4* 3.60 hero ( half damage against Green ) from your rainbow 4* 3.60 team, and replace it with your RED 3* 3.50 hero ( double damage against Green ) for a double red, no blue team.
You will do 1 HP of damage with blue matches/ board damage, since you are missing a Blue hero. But your two Red heroes will do double damage. Even if your Red 3* 3.50 hero dies against a Green boss, twice its attack stat will still be added when doing matching/ board/ physical damage.
==Weird color teams==
Other teams:
triple strong color,
quadruple strong color,
double neutral color,
double neutral three color teams and
single color teams.
Once you have more experience with rainbow teams and double strong color, no weak color teams, you can learn more about these weird alternatives.
==Elemental shields or Reflect color enemies==
When you fight an enemy with an elemental shield, it is weak to a color, strong to a color and REFLECTS a color. Example: A Reflect green boss takes double damage from Red heroes, half damage from Blue heroes, and reflects all damage from Green heroes back to that hero. So a triple red, no blue, no green team OR a double red, double yellow/ double purple, no blue no green team works better than a rainbow team. Example you can remove your Blue 4* 3.60 and Green 4* 3.60 heroes and replace them with one Red 3* 3.50 hero and one Purple/ Yellow 3* 3.50 hero.
So having a rainbow 3* 3.50 and a rainbow 4* 3.60 lets you take on Reflect color enemies until you level up a second rainbow 3* 3.50, second rainbow 4* 3.60, etc.
New player
As a new player, I would concentrate on rainbow 3* 3.50 / 4* 3.60 teams for now (linky, linky)