Where to summon?

Hi everyone!

With the current seasonal event I have some epic tokens burning a hole in my pocket. But I’m wondering if it’s worth it to summon here.

I need a few better options on my defense team. At the moment my defense team is this:

As you can see, I lack a good defensive purple and blue (Richard is fine, but not an optimal flank ).

I’m asking your advice where to summon to fill those weak spots in my defense team. I really don’t know where to throw my gems or tokens.

Thanks in advance!

The current seasonal event has no purple 5*, the next one I guess where you could use your token would be Halloween with Victor…


I also have gems and tokens but I’m not wasting them here. Morlovia will have a new hero from what I understand and if there’s nothing there maybe Christmas? Unless you like Raf, but you already have MN. I personally would wait.

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If you’re in an alliance using green tanks, and you don’t have Telluria or Heimdall already, Yunan is a good one

I’m in the same boat wondering if I want to spend my 17 EHT now or save them…

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Saving my tokens also for Halloween or Christmas…I’m not very pleased with the sand heroes…don’t get me wrong they are quite ok but not astonishing…I like Viktor, Mother Nord or Santa more…


I have 40ish epic hero tokens and I am using them not on this seasonal event (I already have Rana since last year, I don’t fancy Roc, and I don’t need another green tank as Telly is already enough for me) but on Morlovia and Santa’s Challenge in November and December.

For EHTs, the only blue 5 star hero you can get from the seasonal summoning gates is Master Lepus approximately 10-11 months from now. He is more attack-inclined though. For EHTs, the purple legendary heroes are Victor in November and Killhare in April or May. Halloween and Christmas seasonal events MAY introduce us new blue and purple heroes ideal for defense but we will have to see and wait.


Give Atlantis a shot. Obviously you can’t use EHT’s there, but you did mention gems as well. You might pull Kageburado or Ursena. Either one would help your defense and it starts very soon, so no long wait! :grin:

I would hold onto you EHTs for the Halloween or Christmas events. Victor, MN, Claus and Buddy are nice pickups there. Like @BigE1 said, the Atlantis portal is a great place to get 5* heros. The pool is bigger thus increasing your chances. If you follow the recommended summons trick, it tends to work more often than not. I have pulled at least one 5* hero about 80% of the time using the method. It may not be the 5* hero you want, but it’s better than getting a bunch of 3* feeder heros. IMO

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Summon trick?
20 misleading characters.

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Been using 16 tokens for sand empire. Got only hisan and a bunch of s1 3* heroes (dawas, ulmers, and nashgars). Pretty bad pull indeed. Even the 4* is Skittleskull

The summons trick is to start by using free summons tokens before using Atlantis tokens. Each criteria must be met before moving to the next step.

  1. Step 1 - Use a free summons token. If you pull a 1* or 2* troop, go to Step 2. If not, STOP!

  2. Step 2 - Use a free summons token. If you pull a 1* or 2* troop, go to Step 3. If not, STOP!

  3. Use a Atlantis summons token. If you pull an Atlantis hero, go to Step 3. If not, STOP!

  4. Use gems to do an Atlantis 10-pull. Good Luck!

Ow, there are some minor variations that can happen, but, for the most part, this is the process. Everything ”must” fall into place or you stop and try again later!