Ranvir – New June 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

Congrats! :slight_smile:

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I wonder if it’s a good idea to use him with Aegir. You have a good chance to heal yourself, but then you have more Hp and the buff is inactive.
Though this is propably the case even without the heal. hmm…

I have Aegir and later I’m going to check this out how work together and I’m curious how work with Onatel as well

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Got an epic token from chest - got a 4* dup then the bonus draw popped. First HOTM pull for me.

Likely not use him until leveled a bit due to the chance to miss. Happy to have him but not sure he will crack my first team lineup.

Got it.
Enemy HP > Attacker HP = Both +195% and -35%
Enemy HP < Attacker HP = +195% only


Both apply, or neither applies.

Enemy HP > Attacker HP = Both +195% and -35%

Enemy HP < Attacker HP = Ranvir takes a nap, no attack buff or accuracy debuff


Aegir would lower my all-round health, I would blast with my special the ones with higher health and than healing myself with tiles :slight_smile:

Just got him from the elemental summon (my only 5* yellow before was Guin) so I felt like he would be worth trying to add. I like that he’s fast, does damage, and has the Wu buff. Not talked about much but I like the undispellable elemental defense bonus. He will be great in some situations but has limitations.

He’s going to be way down on my priorities for right now and until his skill gets to 8/8 I don’t think he will be used as 1/8 is 56% miss.

Defense team, Sniper

Depends on the defense team.

According to my very good friend, most yellow heroes are very good at attack ( Wu Kong, Guardian Jackal, Joon, etc. ) or very good on defense ( Guinevere, Delilah, Justice, etc. ) but seldom both.

When Ranvir’s HP is lower than the attacker, he is a high attack stat, high defense stat, immune to poison, fast mana speed sniper.

Defense team attack buffer

Pair Ranvir with Zimkitha and Kadilen ( fast mana speed, attack all enemies ) and Mystic’s Virtue can boost their average damage by x1.91 and maximum damage by x2.95. Mytic’s Virtue also stacks with Zimkitha’s attack buff. Because they attack all heroes, you only have a 1 in 23 chance of missing all enemies when attacking 3+ enemies.

Enemies Chance to miss all enemies
1 1 in 2.85
2 1 in 8.16
3 1 in 23
4 1 in 66
5 1 in 190


Mystic’s Virtue goes well with minions ( Druids, Delilah, Mother North, Santa, Thoth-Amun, etc. ) since minions do not count as the hero’s HP.

When does accuracy debuff apply?

Click for details

His attack buff and accuracy debuff are both “on” or both “off”:



It definitely read as + attack AND - accuracy but only if the enemy has more health than the allies.

So you get the attack no matter what, the accuracy debuff is dependent on enemy health.

I would say you want to hit this before your specials if lower health.

Way better than Wu I think. This is just how I read it that’s all.

This is incorrect.

You get both the attack buff and the accuracy debuff together, or you get neither of them.


How do people feels using him as defence team?

Like this one??? Not the best specimen but I’m still working on him

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OP = “Original Post”

He’s a centaur (half man, half horse)

A Minotaur is a half man, half bull and usually is depicted standing upright on two legs and has horns.


Your right, my red crit troop is a minotaur, certainly Ranvir is a centaur.

Melia is a mermaid, but what is Ursena? A merpus, a menpus or a pusmaid?


I think you misunderstand his special.

Titans have health in the 5-6 digit range. Heroes have 4 digits of health. Titans will always have more health than Ranvir.

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According to google, she’s a cecaelia. :octopus:


I think that would be great for farming and events… His power could be BLAST!!!

He looks racist…