Question: What is the Number of Tiles (Regular vs Ghost Tiles) Required to Activate a Heroes Mana (based on the Heroes Mana Speed)
Players! Much has changed since this thread was originally assembled and I would ask those who want to know the current details regarding mana refer to the following thread by @ThePirateKing:
Consider the following very elementary and outdated in terms of scope and detail. 4/28/2020 - RaZoR
Definition of “Ghost Tiles”: Any number of tiles that do not hit an opponent (These fill mana in 1/2 of the regular time)
Mana Speed
Tiles (Reg, Ghost)
Very Slow
14, 7
12, 6
10, 5
8, 4
Very Fast
7, 4
Level at which there is a decrease in tiles using Mana Troops:
lvl 11 - very fast moves from 7 to 6
lvl 17 - slow moves from 12 to 11
lvl 23 - average moves from 10 to 9
lvl 29 - fast moves from 8 to 7
*Very Fast Ghost Tiles provided by @SWEG
*Mana Troop Levels provided by @Dante2377
The list above was assembled using several different sources. I did not find two sources that had identical values or some didn’t include all the Mana Speeds. I feel this list has the most common values for each Mana Speed. It has since been updated to reflect other players knowledge of which are cited herein.
2019-06-14: Edited. Even if 0.5 or 0.25 are/were used the fact is this: a tile is a tile. Therefor rounding up to the whole number. Within the thread, you will also see the request to make th adjustment.
Thanks for bringing this up. I just put together the mana page of the Fandom wiki and wasn’t sure how to discuss ghosting in technical terms - you gave me the info right here, though: ghosted tiles are worth precisely 2x mana. Ty for that.
The source I used initially to create the page was the 3rd 7DD chart on this thread. It shows Very Slow as requiring 13.5 tiles (effectively, 14 as you have stated here, then).
Interestingly, none of my primary sources of information have anything on this… neither the FAQ/Wiki, the Compendium, nor the data bible. I’m glad ya brought this up.
you should edit your original post so people aren’t confused about very fast (it is indeed 6.5 rounded up to 7 and 4 ghosted, barring any mana troops.
Also, the levels of mana troops at which shave off a tile are as follows:
mana troop lvl 11 - very fast moves from 6.5 to 6
mana troop lvl 17 - slow moves from 12 to 11
mana troop lvl 23 - average moves from 10 to 9
mana troop lvl 29 - fast moves from 8 to 7
It is open to correction as stated up front @Dante2377. Can I use your source for a citation of certainty? If so would appreciate the link or what you may have. Thanks!
You can’t with just mana troops and class levels.
To reach an average speed from slow, you need a total 20% mana gain increase.
Mana troops level 29 will give +15%, cleric class level 19 will give you +2%.
hello first of all thanks for the info.
I’m still looking for the mana value given by the chips on the board when making a combo. I understand that this decreases considerably. since in many publications they are not taken into account or mentioned. by chance you could place it from now thank you very much
I know your post is nearly 6 mos. old so if you don’t reply, hopefully someone else will. My understanding is that if I level up my V.Fast hero to lv 11, the mana generation speed will increase.
If I ascend that hero and he goes back to level 1 in the next ascention tier, does his mana generation go back to 6.5 until I get him to lv 11 again? Or does it stay at the faster speed until a certain point that it gets a little faster still? Thank you
@Rob_DI nice step up on this!!! You may have just saved a player!!!
@JohnDoe! I know you! Yeah saw this and was OH NOOO JohnDoe! Godzilla!!!
Your gonna be really disappointed and really messed up if you continue to believe that!
So hope you come back to read this, if your observant you will figure it out! Some of us take things for granted and early on I wouldn’t have noticed. Bringing the upper post back down to you for an EYE level so you don’t scroll read scroll…
The wee bump has nothing to do with your heroes base ascension or leveling within that, so always look below your hero to the troop. Yes that we bump for V.F. level 11 MANA troop
Mana Troop (Spot check tip NO MONSTERS! No Ice Ladyw/shield)
Defiantly the preferred troop selection as well. So early on if you rolling for 4* and get several of an ele, i would encourage you always go Mana just more useful overall I believe.
Mana Speed
Tiles (Reg, Ghost)
Very Slow
14, 7
12, 6
10, 5
8, 4
Very Fast
6.5, 3.25
Level at which there is a decrease in tiles using Mana Troops:
I’ve seen this offensive data several times. What I’d really like to know is mana generation on the defensive side. How many turns to charge per speed without getting hit by tiles? How many tiles to get hit by to charge? etc.
So, question. If you have a slow mana hero and want to get them to average, is this possible? Are we talking level 17 or level 23 mana troops to do this.