Looking for defense advice please

Hiya @xxRagnar

Congrats on your progression so far!

The first piece of advice - Focus on the 4*s

The best advice I can & will give is to focus on 4* heroes & pause the 5* ones (once you finish their current ascension tier). Reasons being:

  1. 5* heroes are very expensive & time consuming to level-up. They need a lot of unfarmable materials
  2. 4* heroes who are maxed are more useful than a 5* stuck at 3-70. 4* heroes can be used in more places (more tournaments & more challenge events) than the 5* who’s stuck. Additionally, the 4* hero can be emblemed up while the 5* hero just sits & looks dopy…
  3. 4* heroes form the base of the game. In wars & raids, most players (except the very very advanced ones) supplement their line-up with 4* heroes.

My advice is to work on 4* heroes until you get 4x maxed rainbow 4* teams. This will allow you to get:
a) a good base roster to work from. Useful in wars, raids, tournaments, events etc…
b) a good understanding of your play style. What skills & hero types are best suited to you.
c) able to stockpile those extremely rare unfarmable 4* ascension materials (Darts, Tomes etc…)

Only once you got 4x rainbow 4* teams (15-20 maxed 4-stars) would I focus again on 5* heroes.

NOW! back to the OP questions:

Not having any maxed heroes etc… it makes it hard to get a GOOD & SOLID lineup. With what you have available right now levelled, you’re probably running about the best combination available.
Only small change to remove Grimm from the lineup… Yes he’s more levelled but he’s fragile…
Hansel → Queen of Hearts-> Boril → Joon-> Sartana

Suggested Heroes to Level
Following the “Focus on the 4*” advice:
Blue - Finish Grimm to 4-70. Then Boril next. Then Kiril & Grimm #2

Red - Finish QoH to 3-70. Then Scarlett next. if you get BT, focus on him before Scarlett.

Green - Finish Hansel #1, then Caedmon, then Hansel #2 then skittles last (if you get another green, bump them ahead of skittles).

Yellow - Finish Joon to 3-70. Then work on Chao #1 & #2. If you get some other variety, do them in front of Chao #2. Someone like Li Xiu or Wu Kong. Note on Wu Kong, if you get him MAX HIM OUT!! (Link below)

Purple - Finish Sartana to 3-70. Then work on Rigard next then Sabina then Tiburtus (+costume).

Link to why Wu Kong is Boss!