March 2, 2020, 2:27am
Ok so some generic advice:
The first piece of advice - Focus on the 4*s
The best advice I can & will give is to focus on 4* heroes & pause the 5* ones (once you finish their current ascension tier). Reasons being:
5* heroes are very expensive & time consuming to level-up. They need a lot of unfarmable materials
4* heroes who are maxed are more useful than a 5* stuck at 3-70. 4* heroes can be used in more places (more tournaments & more challenge events) than the 5* who’s stuck. Additionally, the 4* hero can be emblemed up while the 5* hero just sits & looks dopy…
4* heroes form the base of the game. In wars & raids, most players (except the very very advanced ones) supplement their line-up with 4* heroes.
My advice is to work on 4* heroes until you get 4x maxed rainbow 4* teams. This will allow you to get:
a) a good base roster to work from. Useful in wars, raids, tournaments, events etc…
b) a good understanding of your play style. What skills & hero types are best suited to you.
c) able to stockpile those extremely rare unfarmable 4* ascension materials (Darts, Tomes etc…)
Only once you got 4x rainbow 4* teams (15-20 maxed 4-stars) would I focus again on 5* heroes.
Second General Advice:
Your Defence Is Good Enough
Also going to link this thread as it has a lot of merit… Defence teams are pretty meaningless in the end… All they need to do is keep you at a point where you can raid to Diamond or Platinum to open your Raid Chest…
The only defence team that matters is your War Defence Team…
There’s a lot of focus in these forums on making raid defense the best it can be.
I’d like to take a moment to point out another perspective. Please note this perspective comes from a player who can compete in Diamond league without much issue. This advice is NOT for those struggling to stay in Diamond.
There are benefits to having a ‘good enough’ raid defense team. ‘Good enough’ for me means waking up to 2350-2450 cups.
Hero Wanted Mission chest will fill more efficiently, because the fi…
In terms of Raid Team Advice:
Raid Team
Can’t really offer advice on this as I believe that raid teams should be tailored to the defence team youre facing… the “I use the same raid team always” is one of the WORST tactics ever… and inevitably leads to frustration & complaints about “Raids are Unfair”…
I believe the best way of raiding is a 3-2 stack where the 3 used is STRONG against the tank. The 2 should be picked for good synergy with the “3”.
You should also aim to have it set up so that your entire raid team is Strong or Neutral against a side of the defence team (Tank, Flank & Wing on one side)… This will lead to you having the best chance of killing heroes with tiles & allowing you to ghost tiles for quicker mana generation.
Map Pushing
Similar to the Raid team; I would 100% advise colour stacking…
Pick your teams so that you have a 3-strong team against the Boss in the round & the 2 so they are neutral to the boss & strong against some of the mobs…
Damage boosters like Miki, Tarlak, Wu, Ranvir & even Gazelle are great for this as the Bosses act as mini-titans, needing more tile damage to kill them rather than straight-up special skills… Have a read of this thread regarding the merits of each:
Titan Damage Boosters. Who’s best?
Who is the best and most worthwhile to level and use? Wu Kong, Tarlak, Miki, Ranvir or Guardian Gazelle? Or some other attack buffer?
Update - 23 Jan, 2020. Analysis now includes Guardian Gazelle
Too long, didn’t read? My opinion is that the best is Miki followed by G. Gazelle follwed by Tarlak. Reason being is primarily because there isn’t the miss factor… I hate misses
Between Ranvir and Wu Kong, it becomes more personal …
Best S3 Options IMO
So far you have gotten:
Fenrir, Mireweave (x2) & Brynhild from S3
Brynhild is 100% worth doing!
Fenrir is probably a better option to persue over Isarnia… Costume Richard offers a tank & pretty strong support hero with his debuff… not easy to discount… I’d take both to 3-70 & play around with them to figure out which works better for you.
Mireweave is really a supporting attack hero… best used in a blue stack team… so doubling her with say Grimm will be a strong 4* blue team.
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